• Volume 53,Issue 2,2023 Table of Contents
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    • >综述
    • Application Verification Characteristics of Spacecraft Materials and Its Index System Design and Optimization

      2023, 53(2):1-6. DOI: 10.12044/j.issn.1007-2330.2023.02.001

      Abstract (1153) HTML (597) PDF 1.18 M (2115) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Material application verification is a comprehensive evaluation method, which is established to evaluate the application suitability of material multi-parameter indexes under the specific service requirements, for adapting to the complex engineering tasks. Various performance data, curves and maps of materials are obtained by a series of tests and characterization methods, and through comprehensive analysis, the feasibility of material application process are determined. Based on the requirements of high-performance materials, diversified materials and rapid application of materials for spacecraft development, this paper explains that the verification task of materials application is characterized by comprehensiveness, generality, short period, low cost and closed-loop verification of the index system. According to these characteristics, the index system design principles of coverage, criticality, accuracy, independence and economy are proposed, as well as the design and optimization methos of the three-level and five-factor index system of material application verification, including batch stability, process applicability, environmental adaptability, service safety and component robustness, are proposed.

    • Extraction and Research-judgment Methods of Spacecraft Material Application Verification Information

      2023, 53(2):7-13. DOI: 10.12044/j.issn.1007-2330.2023.02.002

      Abstract (579) HTML (575) PDF 1.84 M (2039) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:At present, the problems encounter in the spacecraft material application verification work are mainly reflected in the rationality ,the actuation,the information accuracy, functional coverage of the verification object, as well as the decisiveness and reusability of the interpretation of the verification results. In order to solve these problems, the verification object research-judgment, demand & technology research-judgment, difficulties & risks research-judgment, verification route research-judgment, datum & results research-judgment and other models are designed via scientific research methods such as the Delphi method, brain storming method, text mining method, environment scanning method, scenario planning method, backcasting method, trend extrapolation method and multiple criteria decision making method.The systematic and principled requirements and workflow of information-extraction and research-judgment are established in this paper. Throughout the formulation of the information-extraction and research-judgment methods for material application verification, the accuracy of the implement of application verification is ensured, and the quality of verification work is improved.

    • Application and Development of Stiff Matrix High Strain Composites in Deployable Space Structures

      2023, 53(2):14-21. DOI: 10.12044/j.issn.1007-2330.2023.02.003

      Abstract (1556) HTML (510) PDF 1.52 M (2112) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In this paper,the classification and development trend of deployable space structures are summarized. The application status of stiff matrix high strain composites in deployable space structures is summarized from four aspects: hinged deployable structures-spring hinges,rod like deployable structures,plane like deployable structures and volume deployable structures.The application advantages and problems to be considered in deployable structures are proposed from the mechanical and viscoelastic properties.The stiff matrix high strain composite with high modulus,low density and low expansion coefficient is the application direction of space deployable structures.However,the design method of rigid matrix high strain composite deployable structures, as well as the low-cost and high-precision manufacturing process for large size deployable structures,still have a lot of space to explore.

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    • >计算材料学
    • Research on Comprehensive Evaluation of Spacecraft Materials Application Validation Based on Analytic Hierarchy Process-Entropy Weight Combined Method

      2023, 53(2):22-29. DOI: 10.12044/j.issn.1007-2330.2023.02.004

      Abstract (834) HTML (615) PDF 2.12 M (1924) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In order to solve the problem of selecting spacecraft materials, according to the working environment characteristics and properties of spacecraft materials, an index system for the applicability evaluation of spacecraft materials is established from the four aspects:functional stability, process applicability, environmental adaptability and service safety. The comprehensive evaluation model of spacecraft materials application validation is established through analytic hierarchy process (AHP) and entropy weight method. Two batches of coating materials for spacecraft are taken as examples, the comprehensive weight is determined by combining the subjective and objective methods through AHP-entropy weight combined method. Finally, the properties of two batches of spacecraft coating materials is scored and compared by using the fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method.

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    • Study on Temperature Characteristics of Resistivity and Thermal Conductivity of Gold Tin Solder Strip Used in MCM

      2023, 53(2):30-36. DOI: 10.12044/j.issn.1007-2330.2023.02.005

      Abstract (282) HTML (475) PDF 675.54 K (2253) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The functional relationship between resistivity and thermal conductivity and temperature of gold tin solder strip material with the brand of Au80Sn20 were studied in the temperature range of 208-423 K, and its heat transfer effect in MCM module was evaluated. The resistivity at five temperature points and thermal conductivity at four temperature points of the material in 208 K to 423 K were tested,respectively. Based on the theoretical model, the functional relationship between the resistivity and thermal conductivity with temperature was established. Finally, the heat transfer ability of the material at high temperature was evaluated by using the numerical method of simulated thermal diffusion. The results show that the relationship between the thermal conductivity and the resistivity of the solder strip material at 208 K to 423 K is consistent with the test results after using the modified function model. As the boundary condition of the chip surface temperature increases from 208 ~ 423 K, the difference between the simulation results of the heat flux density obtained by using the variable temperature thermal conductivity model and the idealized constant thermal conductivity model gradually increases to 5.5%, To sum up, the relationship between thermal conductivity and resistivity of gold solder strip material conforms to the Smith-Palmer equation modified by Wiedemann-Franz law, and the temperature effect of thermal conductivity should be considered in the heat transfer design of the material.

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    • Application of Domestic Ultra-thin Aluminum Honeycomb Material on Solar Array Substrate

      2023, 53(2):37-41. DOI: 10.12044/j.issn.1007-2330.2023.02.006

      Abstract (657) HTML (583) PDF 749.46 K (2149) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Aiming at the requirements controllable of domestic high-performance and low-density ultra-thin aluminum honeycomb on solar array substrate, analysis and tests were conducted to verify the technical feasibility of the application of domestic ultra-thin aluminum honeycomb for the solar array substrate. First, quasi-static analysis was conducted with a finite element model. As a result, the maximum shear stress of honeycomb was 0.345 MPa, which was less than the shear strength 0.36 MPa and satisfied the strength margin requirements.Secondly, aiming at the problems of fluctuation of shear modulus in the development of ultra-thin honeycomb, the influence of honeycomb shear modulus fluctuation on the mechanical properties of the substrate was analyzed. The results show that the stress and strain distribution of the substrate is not sensitive to the change of shear modulus. After the honeycomb shear modulus is reduced by 50%, the maximum strain of carbon fiber decreases by 3%, the maximum shear stress of the honeycomb decreases by 9%, and the maximum displacement of the substrate increases by 7%, which can provide data support for cellular assessment. Finally, through the force and thermal tests of the base plate scaling piece and full size base plate, the solar array substrate is not damaged after the tests. The analysis and test results show that the performance of the domestic ultra-thin aluminum honeycomb meets the requirements and can be used for solar array substrate requirements.

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    • >新材料新工艺
    • Study on Space Irradiation Adaptability of Parylene-C Coating Material for Spacecraft

      2023, 53(2):42-48. DOI: 10.12044/j.issn.1007-2330.2023.02.007

      Abstract (95) HTML (572) PDF 1.42 M (1961) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Parylene-C film was mainly used for three-proofings of power brushes to ensure the stable transmission of electric power. The thickness, thermal ability, insulation performance,adhesive force on beryllium bronze and space irradiation resistance of Parylene-C film (specifications:17 and 27 μm) were studied.The results show that the thickness error of Parylene-C film made by vaccum gas phase deposition can be controlled within 2 μm;the adhesion of Parylene-C on beryllium-bronze is 1 grade; thermal decomposition temperature is 453 ℃;the breakdown voltage of 17 and 27 μm Parylene-C film are 3.65 and 5.27 kV, respectively; the appearance is intact and adhesive force, thermal ability,insulation performance of Parylene-C film can meet the requirements of engineering application after 2.5×1015 p/cm2 proton irradiation. However,serious cracks and peelings occurr on Parylene-C film after 2.5×10 16 e/cm2 electron irradiation.At last, the thermal properties and FT-IR of Parylene-C film are further studied before and after electron irradiation,by which, the failure mechanism is analyzed and the electron irradiation upper limit 1×1014 e/cm2 is obtained.

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    • Study on the Process Suitability of Thin-film Circuit Substrate Based on JC-Z05 Quartz

      2023, 53(2):49-54. DOI: 10.12044/j.issn.1007-2330.2023.02.008

      Abstract (934) HTML (585) PDF 1.51 M (2048) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In order to meet the design requirements of low loss,fused quartz substrate was commonly used in terahertz microwave modules.Different from the requirements of optical system for fused quartz materials, the fused quartz substrate materials used in terahertz high frequency microwave modules not only need to have stable dielectric properties, but also need better surface coating characteristics and processing accuracy such as circuit graphics and shape. Based on the thin film circuit manufacturing process requirements, the key technologies of the coating adhesion,surface etching precision, cutting quality, bonding strength characteristics of the JC-Z05 quartz substrate were researched.By improving the process parameters, the technology applicability of the JC-Z05 quartz substrate was further improved.At the same time, the thin film circuit reliability of the domestic quartz substrate materials was improved in the terahertz frequencies fields. The results show that the circuit made by fused quartz substrate, combined with the optimized manufacturing process of thin film circuit, has the characteristics of strong adhesion of film layer, small shape cutting tolerance and high bonding reliability,which can meet the high reliability application in complex aerospace environment. The good suggestions for the subsequent application of fused quartz substrate in the field of terahertz are provided in this word.

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    • Preparation and Performance Evaluation of Domestic 5056 Aluminum Honeycomb Core

      2023, 53(2):55-60. DOI: 10.12044/j.issn.1007-2330.2023.02.009

      Abstract (1067) HTML (573) PDF 1.39 M (2053) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Aiming at the requirements of the high-performance low-density 5056 aluminum honeycomb core for solar wing substrate, the preparation of domestic 5056 ultra-thin aluminum foil and corresponding anodized surface treatment was carried out,the preparation and performance evalution of domestic 5056 aluminum honeycomb was carried out. The nominal density of domestic 5056 aluminum honeycomb core is 17.28 kg/m3, and the joint strength is 1.87 kN/m. The bare compression, plane compression, L-direction and W-direction shear strength of honeycomb core reach 0.29, 0.31, 0.38 and 0.27 MPa, respectively. The mechanical properties are equivalent to the test values of imported honeycomb core. The hot-breaking process performance of honeycomb core rubber film is good, the nodes of grid sandwich structure are not disconnected, and the bending stiffness and strength are equivalent to the test values of imported honeycomb, which can meet the use requirements. The test results can provide data and technical basis for the subsequent spacecraft application of high-performance low-density aluminum honeycomb core and the domestic independent guarantee of raw materials.

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    • Bonding Assembly Technology of Space Optical Camera Truss

      2023, 53(2):61-66. DOI: 10.12044/j.issn.1007-2330.2023.02.010

      Abstract (824) HTML (246) PDF 1.55 M (1916) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The adhesive assembly method of a new type of optical camera carbon fiber composite truss structure was studied. The tooling design, adhesive selection, surface treatment, adhesive layer control and assembly principle of bonding assembly were analyzed in detail. By formulating scientific assembly methods and processes, the assembly stress of truss structure was reduced and its assembly accuracy and stability were improved. Finally, the sinusoidal and random vibration tests of the assembled truss structure were carried out. The results show that the truss assembled by this bonding assembly method has high assembly accuracy and stability. It provides a new idea and method for the assembly of composite truss structure in space optical camera.

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    • Research on the Evolution of Gold Wire Bonding Interface Used for Microwave Circuit Interconnection in High and Low Space Temperature

      2023, 53(2):67-73. DOI: 10.12044/j.issn.1007-2330.2023.02.011

      Abstract (596) HTML (643) PDF 932.43 K (1926) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The gold wire was used in the circuit packaging interconnection of spacecraft miniaturized microwave module and other products. The performance of gold wire bonding interface was easy to change because of the influence of space high and low temperature environment, thus affecting the service reliability. In this paper, the evolution of high and low temperature characteristics of the gold wire interface was studied, including the composition and interfacial migration, interfacial layer thickness change, tensile shear force and failure mode evolution of gold wire bonding after space environmental simulation tests, and the change rule of microstructure of Au-Al bonding interface under different temperature environment was obtained. The results show that the gold interface still maintain high bonding strength after the high and low temperature cycle test. A certain degree of intermetallic compound growth can improve the strength of bonding interface. But in the high temperature storage test, as time increases, the gold IMC (Intermetallic Compound) interface layer and the intermetallic compound increase rapidly, and failure damage positions increasingly appear in the bonding interface. The gold content near the aluminum metallized layer increases as a result of diffusion, the interface bonding strength reduces with the increase of the thickness of IMC interface layer at the Au/Al bonding interface.

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    • Study on the Welding Process and Application Reliability of Power Chips Based on Domestic Gold-tin Solder

      2023, 53(2):74-78. DOI: 10.12044/j.issn.1007-2330.2023.02.012

      Abstract (892) HTML (594) PDF 848.91 K (4220) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Gold-tin solder had the advantages of high strength, good oxidation resistance, fatigue resistance, excellent screw performance and so on. It was more and more used in hybrid integrated circuits, especially in high power and high reliability integrated circuits to reduce package thermal resistance and improve the reliability of chip welding through eutectic welding. The foundational characteristics of the domestic gold-tin solder was analyzed,the key parameters of friction eutectic welding for power chip were studied by manual method based on domestic gold-tin solder.The reliability of gold-tin solder of power chip in space application was verified. The results show the shear strength meets the requirements of administrator and remains stable after a series of rigorous thermodynamics tests in aerospace environment, which shows the high reliability of welding.

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    • >测试分析
    • Characteristics Evaluation of Low-temperature Co-fired Ceramic Substrate in Simulated Space Service Environment

      2023, 53(2):79-84. DOI: 10.12044/j.issn.1007-2330.2023.02.013

      Abstract (998) HTML (443) PDF 2.13 M (1888) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:From the perspective of space reliability requirements of spacecraft,a method for evaluating the material properties of low-temperature co-fired ceramic (LTCC) materials in a simulated space service environment was proposed in this paper, mainly including the conditions of large-temperature domain, temperature cycling,irradiation and the methods for evaluating the force/thermal and electrical properties after the tests.This method was carried out on a domestic LTCC material. The results show that the thermal conductivity decreases from 4.77 W/(m·K) at -65℃ to 2.89 W/(m·K) at 175 ℃,while the flexural strength decreases from 445 MPa at -65 ℃ to 310 MPa at 0℃ and stabilizes at about 310 MPa under the large-temperature test conditions.Although the coefficient of thermal expansion increases with the increase of temperature, the trend of change in temperature is basically consistent with similar imported materials.All the assessment items do not change significantly under the temperature cycling and simulated space environment irradiation test conditions,which indicates that the performance of the material can meet the reliability requirements of aerospace applications. According to the reserach results, technical guidance is provided for the aerospace application of LTCC substrate.

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    • Study on High Temperature Tensile Properties of C/SiC Composites Under Typical Simulated Environments

      2023, 53(2):85-90. DOI: 10.12044/j.issn.1007-2330.2023.02.014

      Abstract (986) HTML (992) PDF 1.18 M (1860) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The high temperature tensile properties under the typical simulated environment of C/SiC composites prepared via polymer infiltration and pyrolysis (PIP) method were investigated.The high temperature tensile property data of the C/SiC composites under different variable conditions (about 3 000 s) were obtained.The high temperature bearing behavior and its variation law of the C/SiC composites under different variable conditions were discussed. The results show that the tensile strength of C/SiC composite material can still maintain about 60% after about 3 000 s complex step heating. The high temperature tensile property retention of C/SiC composite material increases after thermal shocks with large temperature difference. The highest temperature tensile property retention exceeds 80%. The larger thermal shock temperature variation and longer holding time after thermal shock, which is more beneficial to maintian and improve the high temperature tensile properties of C/SiC composites.

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    • Study on the Compression and Cushioning Properties of Melamine Foam

      2023, 53(2):91-97. DOI: 10.12044/j.issn.1007-2330.2023.02.015

      Abstract (1042) HTML (391) PDF 2.18 M (1880) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In order to meet the design requirements of spacecraft for high-performance cushioning materials, the compression and cushioning properties of melamine foam under different conditions were characterized by repeated compression cyclic loading, long-term constant pressure loading, long-term constant displacement loading and other loading methods. The effects of various pretreatment methods, such as crushing pretreatment, multiple vacuumizing pretreatment and long-term compression treatment, on the compression and cushioning properties of melamine foam were analyzed. The results show that the pressure displacement curve of foam gradually lags behind with the increase of 60% repeated positive compression times. After repeated positive pressure for 50 times, 9.8% permanent plastic deformation occurres in foam. The mechanical properties of foam are greatly affected by negative pressure crushing pretreatment. The maximum pressure of 6 mm and 8 mm foam attenuated to 64% and 66%, respectively. After long-term constant displacement compression for two months, the percentage of pressure decay of foam is 14.88%. The compression test results of melamine foam can provide reference for the selection and design of cushioning materials and structures for subsequent spacecraft.

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    • Properties of Domestic Moderate Temperature Curing Hot-break Adhesive Film

      2023, 53(2):98-101. DOI: 10.12044/j.issn.1007-2330.2023.02.016

      Abstract (801) HTML (282) PDF 1.06 M (2012) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The bonding and hot-break properties of a domestic adhesive film for satellite solar wing substrate were investigated, and the carbon fiber grid panel/aluminum honeycomb sandwich structures were prepared by hot-break gluing using domestic and imported adhesive films, and the bending properties were evaluated. The results show that the tensile shear strengths of the domestic adhesive film at room temperature is 34.9 MPa,it reduce to 10.2 MPa at 150 ℃ and 30.4 MPa at -150 ℃. The tensile shear strength of CFRP substrate is 17.5 MPa at room temperature, and the mixed failure mode is the CFRP substrate delamiation failure and adhesive cohesion failure. The adhesive film has excellent hot-break process characteristics, the blow hole rate is better than 99.9%, the 90° peel strength of aluminum honeycomb-sandwich structure is 15.4 N/cm.Bending properties of the domestic and imported Redux312UL honeycomb sandwich structure is equivalent. Bending stiffness of honeycomb sandwich structure is 1.94×108 N·mm², and bending strength is 35.7 MPa.

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    • Effect of Vacuum 100 keV Proton Irradiation on Thermal Property of Graphite Films

      2023, 53(2):102-106. DOI: 10.12044/j.issn.1007-2330.2023.02.017

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      Abstract:The microstructure and thermal property of 25 μm graphite film under the condition of vacuum proton irradiation with an energy of 100 keV and a maximum fluence of 2.5×1015 p/cm2 were studied. The microstructure was analyzed by Raman, XRD and XPS methods, thermal performance was analyzed by using laser flash analysis (LFA). The interplanar spacing of the graphite film is 0.335 83 nm, and the degree of graphitization is 95.0%. The results show that proton irradiation can lead to defects in the surface layer of the graphite film, the interlayer spacing increases, the degree of graphitization decreases, and the oxygen content increases; the integral area ratio of the D and G peaks in the Raman spectrum indicates an increasing defect density as the proton irradiation dose increases. The thermal diffusivity of 25 μm graphite film has no obvious change after proton irradiation with energy of 100 keV and injection fluence of 2.5×1015 p/cm2.

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    • Relationship Between Thermal Conductivities and Its Microstructural Parameters of Carbon Fibers

      2023, 53(2):107-112. DOI: 10.12044/j.issn.1007-2330.2023.02.018

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      Abstract:Carbon fibers were multiphase polycrystalline materials. To study the influence of microcrystalline structure characteristics on thermal conductivity, the characteristics of the microstructure of carbon fiber, the relationship between thermal conductivity and microstructure was studied by XDR. The results highlight that the thermal conductivities increases with the increase of lateral size (La), stacking thickness (Lc), average stacking layers (N) of graphitic microcrystals and decreases with the increase of porosity (Vp). Based on the peak fitting information of Raman spectra, the graphitization degree of carbon fibers was analyzed. The results reveal that the higher the graphitization degree of carbon fiber, the higher the thermal conductivity.

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    • Strain Testing of Composite Pressure Vessels Based on Fiber Bragg Grating Sensors

      2023, 53(2):113-118. DOI: 10.12044/j.issn.1007-2330.2023.02.019

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      Abstract:A method of implanting fiber Bragg grating (FBG) sensors into composite pressure vessels with carbon fiber reinforced aluminum alloy inner liners was proposed to accomplish strain measurement of the vessels. FBG sensors were firstly bonded on sandblasted liner outer surface at room temperature. The liner was then aged at high temperature. The carbon fiber was wound and cured at last. Experiments were conducted by implanting 8 FBG strain sensors into a composite pressure vessel. 6 out of the 8 sensors survived after the vessel cured at 150 ℃/1.5 h. Strain measurement of the vessel during winding, curing, hydraulic fatigue and high temperature experiment were recorded. The results show that the proposed method can reduce the FBG sensors'' intensity attenuation due to liner surface roughness, and the feasibility of implanteing FBG sensors into composite pressure vessels for strain testing is verified.

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    • Research on Application of Domestic High-modulus Carbon Fiber/Epoxy Composites on Substrates for Spacial Solar Array

      2023, 53(2):119-124. DOI: 10.12044/j.issn.1007-2330.2023.02.020

      Abstract (332) HTML (388) PDF 1.84 M (1950) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The substrate was the installation basis of solar cell for spacial solar array. "Upper and lower grid panel of carbon fiber composite + aluminum honeycomb core + polyimide film" was a typical structure of the substrate. As the key raw material of the solar array, high-modulus carbon fiber must be autonomous and controllable. To this end, the research of domestic high-modulus carbon fiber CCM40J-6K/epoxy composite applied to solar array''s substrate had been carried out. And three key links, including macro mechanics, pull-off resistance of micro mesh, and adhesion performance of polyimide film of CCM40J-6K/epoxy composites in substrate applications, had been proposed. Five aspects of testing and verification items, including mechanical properties, bonding force of mesh panel node, bondingperformance of polyimide film, and thermal-cycle performance of substrate structures, had been carried out. The verification results show that the mechanical properties of solar array''s substrate using the domestic carbon fiber-CCM40J-6K are equivalent to those of the imported M40JB-6K, and the original related molding process of substrate by M40JB-6K can be followed. Test pieces of single-layer and multi-layer laminate substrate can withstand thermal shock and thermal cycling tests, whose mechanical properties have no obvious change before and after the test, and the polyimide film has no debonding phenomenon. The tensile strength of the grid node of the domestic carbon fiber is 18.9% higher than that of the imported carbon fiber. It shows that the domestic carbon fiber CCM40J-6K can be applied to the development of the substrate structure for solar array.

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    • Research on Thermal Cycling Adaptability of Solar Cell Panels Based on Domestic High-modulus Carbon Fiber/Epoxy Composites

      2023, 53(2):125-130. DOI: 10.12044/j.issn.1007-2330.2023.02.021

      Abstract (742) HTML (301) PDF 2.53 M (1816) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The spacial thermal-cycle tolerance of the substrate based on domestic high-modulus carbon fiber (CCM40J-6K) was a key factor that determine whether it can be applied to solar cell panels on a large scale, and the matching between the panel and the solar cell and the on-orbit service life for solar cell panel in the alternating thermal environment must be solved. The solar cell panel based on domestic high-modulus carbon fiber/epoxy composite of CCM40J-6K was taken as the research object, and the test research of thermal-cycle environmental adaptability was carried out. In this paper, tests had been carried out from three aspects: the comparison of domestic and imported carbon fiber substrates for adapting to the capacity of high and low temperature alternating, the ability of domestic carbon fiber substrates to adapt to thermal environment after laying solar circuits, and the on-orbit service life of solar cell panels. The test results show that the comprehensive performance of the solar cell panel based on domestic carbon fiber CCM40J-6K is comparable to that of the imported M40JB-6K. The CCM40J-6K substrate has a good matching with the triple-junction GaAs solar cell. The change rates of open-circuit voltage and short-circuit current of solar cell panels based on domestic carbon fiber after fatigue thermal cycling are 0.55% and 0.24%, respectively. The appearance of the solar cell and cover glass is intact, the solar cell circuit is insulated from the polyimide surface of the substrate, and the surface of carbon fiber has no debonding phenomenon. It shows that the domestic carbon fiber CCM40J-6K can be used in the development of solar cell panels for solar array.

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    • Research on Space Irradiation Environment Adaptability of J312L Structural Adhesive

      2023, 53(2):131-137. DOI: 10.12044/j.issn.1007-2330.2023.02.022

      Abstract (540) HTML (167) PDF 1.43 M (1780) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:To investigate the influence of space irradiation on the properties of J312L structural adhesive, micromorphology, molecular structure, heat resistance, vacuum pollution and mechanical properties of J312L were analyzed by SEM, FT-IR, XPS, TGA, DSC, vacuum outgassing and mechanical test. The irradiation aging mechanism of material was investigated. The results show that the total dose irradiation has a significant effect on the thermal stability, vacuum outgassing and mechanical properties of J312L adhesive. After 1.5×109 rad(Si) γ-ray irradiation from 60Co, the tensile shear strength is 4.8 MPa, and the total vacuum mass loss (TML) is 2.36%. Compared to that of the initial, the glass transition temperature and the thermal decomposition temperature (Td 5%) are reduced by 31 ℃ and 84 ℃, respectively, indicating that the J312L adhesive is dominated by the degradation reactions within high-dose radiation.

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    • Study on Evaluation System and Its Application of Bonding Gold Wire for Aerospace

      2023, 53(2):138-143. DOI: 10.12044/j.issn.1007-2330.2023.02.023

      Abstract (641) HTML (625) PDF 1.77 M (2102) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Bonding gold wires were widely used in miniaturized multichip modules of aerospace equipment. The complicate space environment required that the bonding gold wires had good bonding property and application reliability. Based on the in-depth analysis of the application requirements and typical failure modes of aerospace multichip modules, the application evaluation system of bonding alloy wires were constructed, and the usability of bonding gold wires from three aspects was comprehensively evaluated: basic material properties, process applicability and application reliability. Using the evaluation system proposed in this paper, a domestic bonding alloy wire was systematically evaluated. The data show that the basic performance indexes, bonding ability and bonding reliability of the domestic bonding gold wire are equivalent to those of the replacement imported gold wire to be replaced. In addition, the bonding strength of domestic gold wire degrades slower than that of imported gold wire at high temperature, presenting better application reliability.

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    • >工程实践
    • Process Suitability Verification Technology of High-purity Alumina Substrates for Spaceborne Microwave Circuits

      2023, 53(2):144-149. DOI: 10.12044/j.issn.1007-2330.2023.02.024

      Abstract (251) HTML (214) PDF 1.22 M (1705) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In order to ensure the domestic reliable replacement of high-purity alumina substrates for satellite microwave circuits, the requirements for process suitability verification of high-purity alumina substrates for spaceborne products are analyzed comprehensively, research has established a process suitability verification index system for high-purity alumina substrates used in spaceborne microwave circuits, verification test project is comfirmed, experimetal verification methods such as microwave circuit process component test and component product environmental adaptability assessment are utilized, the process suitability verification method of ceramic substrate materials is demonstrated. The study shows the verification project is identified based on verification requirement analysis, all kinds of verification data are obtained through experiment and process practice for multidimensional comprehensive evaluation, the objective, complete, scientific and effective process suitability verification conclusion is given.

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    • Tolerance Verification of Satellite Wave-absorbing Materials With Vacuum Power Handling

      2023, 53(2):150-154. DOI: 10.12044/j.issn.1007-2330.2023.02.025

      Abstract (159) HTML (613) PDF 1.28 M (1751) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Satellite wave-absorbing material was the core component that met the isolation requirement in the high-power use of antennas and microwave components under complex space environmental conditions. In this paper, the relationship between the vacuum power tolerance of satellite wave-absorbing materials and the key elements of the raw material preparation process was studied.Firstly,the electromagnetic wave absorption mechanism of satellite wave-absorbing materials was introduced.The electromagnetic parameters of satellite wave-absorbing materials were directly related to the excellent electromagnetic wave absorption performance.Secondly,the key factors of raw material preparation which affect the stability of electromagnetic parameters and the machining characteristics of molding materials were given. Then, a set of verification platform for the power tolerance of satellite wave-absorbing materials was constructed to carry out power tests. Waveguide absorption load test pieces were made respectively for the raw materials prepared by two curing methods. The results show that:(1)The uncured small molecules remaining in the wave-absorbing material without high temperature pretreatment lead to the precipitation increase of coagulable volatiles under the condition of high temperature and vacuum, and the oxidation reaction occur with the silver plating layer of the outer conductor, so that the VSWR change rate of the load component is larger.(2)After high temperature pretreatment, the vacuum mass loss and coagulable volatiles of the wave-absorbing materials at high temperature are effectively controlled, and their electromagnetic parameters tend to be stable. There is little difference in the VSWR change rate of the load components before and after the test. Therefore, high temperature pretreatment is the key factor in the process of raw material preparation. The effective implementation of this curing method is helpful to the application of satellite wave-absorbing materials and improve the reliability and safety of spacecraft in orbit service.

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