• Volume 51,Issue 5,2021 Table of Contents
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    • >综述
    • Demand for Aerospace Materials and Technology for China''s Deep Space Exploration

      2021, 51(5):1-14. DOI: 10.12044/j.issn.1007-2330.2021.05.001

      Abstract (578) HTML (864) PDF 8.27 M (2441) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:With China''s first lunar sample return and the successful completion of the Mars rover "Tianwen" mission, China''s deep space exploration has entered a new era. The current situation and development trend of deep space exploration in China is first analyzed, and then the deep space environments such as extreme temperature, strong solar electromagnetic radiation, strong particle radiation, dust and dust storms, acidic atmosphere and other environments were teased out, and the impact of deep space environments on deep space exploration tasks were summarized. The demand of aerospace materials and technologies for deep space exploration was reviewed such as the lightweight of materials and structures, efficient thermal management, reliable radiation protection and radiation resistance, sustainable energy supply, strong corrosion resistance, and good resistance to dust and dust storm damage, on-orbit assembly and manufacturing. Finally, the development directions of deep space exploration materials and processes which includ lightweight structural materials, high-efficiency thermal management materials, combined radiation protection and radiation-resistant materials, corrosion-resistant materials, dust-resistant materials, high-reliability energy materials, 3D printing/4D printing technology and etc. were suggested.

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    • Prospect of Material Demand for Future Lunar Exploration Project in China

      2021, 51(5):15-25. DOI: 10.12044/j.issn.1007-2330.2021.05.002

      Abstract (1273) HTML (695) PDF 8.20 M (2030) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The moon is not only a hot spot in deep space exploration, but also an arena for aerospace technology in the United States, Europe and other countries.With the successful implementation of China''s "orbit, fall and return" lunar exploration project, the construction of lunar base and lunar space station has become the focus of demonstration of new tasks, which will put forward new requirements and development direction for materials. Based on an overview of the impact of the lunar environment on aerospace materials, the tasks and difficulties of China''s future lunar exploration projects are analyzed, and the new requirements of lunar exploration projects for aerospace materials such as lightweight structure,efficient thermal management, advanced thermal protection, low-temperature lubrication, dust prevention, cushioning and energy absorption are put forward.Finally, some suggestions on how to develop new materials and technologies for the lunar exploration project are proposed.

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    • Progress and Requirements of Thermal Protection Materials for Deep Space Exploration in China

      2021, 51(5):26-33. DOI: 10.12044/j.issn.1007-2330.2021.05.003

      Abstract (359) HTML (449) PDF 1.15 M (2061) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The continuous development of deep space exploration puts forward higher requirements for spacecraft thermal protection technology, and advanced thermal protection materials are important support for the development of thermal protection technology.For the lunar exploration mission and the Mars exploration mission, this paper introduces the research progress in the field of thermal protection materials in China, and prospects the demand of thermal insulation materials in the future deep space exploration missions such as Mars and small celestial bodies exploration and return mission, Mars atmospheric braking mission, and recently detection mission.

    • Application and Trend of Ablation Thermal Protection Materials for Space Exploration

      2021, 51(5):34-40. DOI: 10.12044/j.issn.1007-2330.2021.05.004

      Abstract (744) HTML (106) PDF 7.30 M (2216) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The categories and applications of ablation thermal protection materials for space exploration have been reviewed, including high density glass fiber reinforced phenolic plastics, honeycomb reinforced ablation thermal protection materials, PICA and PICA-X, high density carbon phenolic of US, and nylon phenolic, honeycomb reinforced ablation thermal protection materials and NF material of China. The applied space exploration probe, aerodynamic heating environment, the properties and manufacture technology of the thermal protection structure are introduced. The anomaly ablation cases of the materials and the selected materials change of US space exploration are summarized. It can be seen that the coupling relationship between thermal protection material and heat environment is complex. The research of thermal protection material on resisting anomaly damage in our country is presented. The application and development of the thermal protection materials for space exploration are prospected in the end.

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    • Research Progress on Application of Functional Composite Materials in Deep Space Exploration Mission

      2021, 51(5):41-50. DOI: 10.12044/j.issn.1007-2330.2021.05.005

      Abstract (700) HTML (674) PDF 4.90 M (2093) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The complex space environment faced by deep space spacecraft and the demand for functional composites for aerospace are analyzed. The research progress of new functional composites for deep space exploration environment such as high and low temperature resistance, cosmic ray resistance and electromagnetic shielding is systematically summarized. Finally, the potential application of functional composites in the field of deep space exploration is prospected.

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    • Research Progress on Low-cost Rapid Evaluation Method of Mechanical and Physical Properties of Materials at Extremely Low Temperature in Deep Space

      2021, 51(5):51-62. DOI: 10.12044/j.issn.1007-2330.2021.05.006

      Abstract (931) HTML (566) PDF 3.07 M (2192) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:With the rapid development of China’s space exploration satellites, deep space exploration vehicles and other national strategic equipment, the service environment of aerospace materials become increasingly strict. The aerospace materials often subjected to extreme low temperature. However, the mechanical and physical properties of materials at low temperature are very different from those at normal temperature. The evaluation of mechanical and physical properties of materials at extremely low temperature have become the focus of people’s attention.Recent development in low-cost rapid evaluation method for the mechanical properties of materials at the extremely low temperature in deep space are summarized and reviewed in this paper. A novel modeling idea named Force-Heat Energy Density Equivalence Principle has been applied to characterize the mechanical properties of materials at extremely low temperature, such as yield strength, elastic modulus, ideal tensile strength and hardness. In addition, the extended application of Force-Heat Energy Density Equivalence Principle in the low-cost rapid evaluation of the physical properties, such as the band gap energy, refractive index, Raman frequency shift of semiconductor materials and the magnetocrystalline anisotropy constant of metallic materials at low temperature is also introduced. In particular, this evaluation method provides an effective way to monitor the main mechanical and physical properties of key materials in orbit on the ground in real time. It provides important means for the design, reliability evaluation and real-time performance monitoring of key materials in national high-end equipment.

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    • >计算材料学
    • Simulation on the Effect of Thermal Shock Experiment on the Structure of Nozzle Closure in Solid Rocket Motor(SRM)

      2021, 51(5):63-71. DOI: 10.12044/j.issn.1007-2330.2021.05.007

      Abstract (760) HTML (175) PDF 2.20 M (2048) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Thermal shock experiment could test the effect of extreme temperature environment on the structure of SRM.By using thermal-structure interaction method of three-dimension finite element software, change of temperature, stress and strain of a nozzle closure of SRM subjected to thermal shock experiment was obtained. The results show that there exists temperature difference up to 46 ℃ during the temperature shock experiment; there exists differential temperature stress, too; and the stress reaches the largest of 18.13 MPa at the interface of Al alloy support element/EP sealing element at low temperature of -50 ℃, where is the site the nozzle closure breaks first. EP sealing element is the weakest part, and the internal stress in EP with adhesion structure of nozzle closure is 11.6 MPa, while that with separation structure of nozzle closure is 9.1 MPa. The influence factors of the structural integrity of the nozzle closure subjected to temperature load are obtained, which show that the selection of sealing material with low modulus and moderate coefficient of linear expansion, the choice of molding technology at room-temperature, and the separation of the interface of support element/sealing element reduces the internal stress at the interface of support element/sealing element effectively cause by thermal shock experiment. The results from thermal shock experiment for SRM with GFM/EP/Al alloy nozzle meet that of predicted.

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    • An Algorithm for Accurate Location of Embedded Defects in Variable Angle Fiber Placement Component

      2021, 51(5):72-78. DOI: 10.12044/j.issn.1007-2330.2021.05.008

      Abstract (713) HTML (111) PDF 6.43 M (1874) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:During the manufacture of variable angle component using automatic fiber placement technology, a complete ply can be obtained by shifting the reference course where cutting operation gives rise to embedded defects in the form of gap and/or overlap emerging in the component. The reference path is designed based on B-spline curve with more generality and design freedom. An algorithm for capturing the accurate location of embedded defects under different fiber-cutting tactics, including the steps of extending the reference path, tow offset, course shifting, tow drop and defect location, is put forward for the open-contoured cylinder component, which is applicable to any coverage parameters. Finally, a Matlab program is developed to verify the effectiveness of the algorithm and visualize the distribution of embedded defects in the component. The result shows that the algorithm can locate the embedded defects for different coverage parameters accurately and provide a theoretical basis for the subsequent fine finite element modeling.

    • >新材料新工艺
    • Thermo-mechanical Properties of Honeycomb-enhanced Silica-based Low Density Ablative Thermal Protection Material

      2021, 51(5):79-83. DOI: 10.12044/j.issn.1007-2330.2021.05.009

      Abstract (870) HTML (247) PDF 1.83 M (2084) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Ablative thermal protection material is usually applied as the heat shield of high speed reentry vehicle. The mechanical properties, thermophysical properties and ablation properties of two kinds of honeycomb enhanced silica-based low density ablative thermal protection materials are investigated, with the analysis of the ablation mechanism. The results show that the tensile strength increases with the density, with the same tensile modulus. The thermal insulation performance parameters of the two kinds of materials are both relatively low. The linear ablation rates of the two kinds of materials are relatively low under different heat flux in the arc wind tunnel, and some materials expand slightly under certain conditions. The back temperature of two materials are relatively low, with a good surface morphology. The research shows that the materials meet the target requirements with a wide range of applications.

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    • A Kind of Integration Materials of Light Ablative and Structure

      2021, 51(5):84-87. DOI: 10.12044/j.issn.1007-2330.2021.05.010

      Abstract (767) HTML (137) PDF 1.40 M (1921) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The integration of light ablative structure material is investigated based on the thermal protection demand of some products. The heat treatment technology and pre-cure degree of the perform of integration of light ablative structure material (which is named material A) are researched and the prior heat treatment temperature and time are determined. The tensile properties and thermal physical properties of the mid-low density glass plastic ablative structure material (which is named material B) which is the mold of material A are tested and the ablation performance is studied by arc-heated wind tunnel test. The density for longitudinal distribution of material B after ablation is investigated. It is shown that the tensile strength and fracture elongation rate of material B is increased by adding treating agent. The interface bonding strength of the components of the material B is enhanced effectively. The thermal diffusion coefficient of material B is lower than that of material C which has been applied for some products,showing that the insulation performance of material B is better. The surface of carbon layer forming with ablation is integrity and compact with mid-high heat flow arc-heated wind tunnel test. The line recession rate is more, the mass loss rate is less and back wall temperature is lower than those of material C. Material B has better ablation-insulation performances.

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    • Material Selection and Property Research of Honeycomb Sandwich Structure With High Temperature Resistance for Tianwen-1 Mars Probe

      2021, 51(5):88-93. DOI: 10.12044/j.issn.1007-2330.2021.05.011

      Abstract (278) HTML (157) PDF 1.39 M (2014) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Aiming at the application requirements of the composite honeycomb sandwich structure with high temperature resistance and large load bearing for Tianwen-1 Mars probe, a cyanate resin composite honeycomb sandwich structure was proposed based on material matching design and process feasibility. By comparing the high-temperature interlaminate shear properties of M40J/BS-4 cyanate resin composites under different post-treatment processes, it was found that BS-4 cyanate resin composites can be obtained with better high temperature performance after 3 to 5 hours post-treatment at 200 ℃.For M40J/BS-4 cyanate resin composite material after 4 hours post-treatment at 200 ℃, the retention coefficient of various mechanical properties at 170 ℃ reached more than 80% of the room temperature test value. The high-temperature mechanical properties test of the adhesives and the study of the adhesives influence on the high-temperature load-bearing performance of the sandwich structure showed that the two adhesives of the cyanate ester, J-245C and J-389B, have sufficient ability to coordinate the deformation and transfer the load between skins and cores when the temperature does not exceed 200 ℃. The performance degradation of the adhesive at high temperatures will cause the rigidity degradation of the sandwich structure. The test results of bending performance and lateral compression performance of honeycomb sandwich structure of Tianwen-1 mars probe showed that the honeycomb sandwich structure of carbon fiber cyano matrix composite has the large bearing capacity under 170 ℃ high temperature.

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    • Surface Sulfonation Modification and Surface Metallization of PEEK Materials

      2021, 51(5):94-98. DOI: 10.12044/j.issn.1007-2330.2021.05.012

      Abstract (381) HTML (301) PDF 5.29 M (2097) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In order to meet the conductive, welding and other functional properties of poly-ether-ether ketone (PEEK) used in radar antenna, multi-chip modules and other products, PEEK with high chemical inertia was modified by sulfuric acid sulfonation, and Ni-P alloy metal layer was deposited to realize the surface metallization of PEEK material. The modified PEEK and metal coatings were characterized by SEM, laser scanning confocal microscope, and contact angle tester, respectively.The results show that the surface of PEEK modified by sulfuric acid presents three-dimensional sieve network pore structure. The pore structure becomes more regular with the increase of sulfuric acid etching time. After sulfuric acid modification, there is improved surface roughness of the substrate and the enhanced hydrophilicity.During electroless nickel plating, Ni-P nucleation crystallizes in three-dimensional network pores firstly, then with the extension of time, the crystal nucleus grow to the whole surface in two dimensions, and finally grow into three-dimensional cauliflower shape. The bonding strength between the metal layer and the substrate becomes superior with the increase of sulfonation time, where the drag strength of solder joint increases from 3.2 MPa to 7.1 MPa. In this study, the sulfonation modification of PEEK surface and the preparation of conductive metal layer has been realized, which provides technical support for its application in radar antenna and other fields.

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    • Properties Research of 150 ℃-resistant Structural Adhesive on Solar Wing Substrate

      2021, 51(5):99-102. DOI: 10.12044/j.issn.1007-2330.2021.05.013

      Abstract (878) HTML (243) PDF 757.58 K (1891) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:This paper introduced a 150 ℃ high-temperature-resistant adhesive J-159 for the core bonding of solar wing substrates and focused on its mechanical properties, vacuum volatility and radiation resistance. At the same time, typical test pieces were prepared and the thermal vaccum cycle tests were carried out. The results show that the retention rate of various mechanical properties of J-159 adhesive at 150 ℃ is more than 56%, which is much higher than the commonly used J-47 adhesive, and has good temperature resistance. At the same time, the vacuum volatility and the resistance to charged particle irradiation meet the requirements of spacecraft space application. After the thermal vaccum cycle test from -105 to +150 ℃, the prepared typical substrates have qualified appearance quality, bonding quality and other performance indicators, which meet the use requirements of the satellite solar wing substrate to withstand the space environment at 150 ℃ and below.

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    • Properties and Application of New Inorganic Thermal Control Coatings

      2021, 51(5):103-107. DOI: 10.12044/j.issn.1007-2330.2021.05.014

      Abstract (254) HTML (384) PDF 1.86 M (2426) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In this paper, a high stability inorganic thermal control coating was prepared by using self-made high stability inorganic white pigment and adhesive. The thickness, surface density, thermal radiation performance, vacuum volatility, thermal cycle performance, space environment stability(vacuum-untraviolet, vacuum-proton, vacuum-electron, atomic oxygen) and adaptability of various substrate were tested and verified. The results show that the solar absorption ratio of the high stability inorganic thermal control coating is 0.07, the hemispheric emissivity is 0.90, and the surface density is 200 to 360 g/m2. After the ground simulation space environment test, the degeneration of solar absorption is small,indicating that it has excellent space environment stability and is suitable for various substrate surfaces.

    • The Performance of Inorganic Thermal Control Pigment and Coatings Based on ZnO/SBA-15

      2021, 51(5):108-114. DOI: 10.12044/j.issn.1007-2330.2021.05.015

      Abstract (305) HTML (923) PDF 2.32 M (1894) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The work aims to develop a new type of low absorption (αS) high emissivity (εH) inorganic thermal control coating, and to study inorganic thermal control pigments with high UV-VIS - NIR reflectivity. Using self-made SBA-15 and ZnO precursors as raw materials, ZnO/SBA-15 fillers were prepared by solvothermal impregnation and high-temperature calcination, and then fillers and potassium silicate (K2SiO3) were used to prepare inorganic thermal control coatings.SAXD, XRD, SEM, solar reflectance spectroscopy were used to analyze the performance of fillers and coatings. The results showed that using zinc nitrate as the precursor,m(ZnO)∶m(SBA-15)=3∶7, sintered at 950 ℃ for 3 h to obtain ZnO/SBA-15 pigment with high UV-visible-near infrared reflectance. The test of ZnO/SBA-15/K2SiO3 inorganic coating shows that the αS is 0.09, εH is 0.91. Through the cross-cut test, it is known that the adhesion level of the coating is level 1. After 100 thermal cycle experiments at -196~100 ℃, the coating did not fall off or crack. It means that SBA-15 modify ZnO can obtain thermal control pigments with high UV reflectivity and low αS. The inorganic thermal control coating prepared with ZnO/SBA-15 powder as a pigment also has high ultraviolet reflectance, low αS and high εH, which can meet the needs of spacecraft for efficient heat dissipation and has a good application prospect.

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    • Application of High-temperature-resistant Composite Materials on Cylinder Cover of Brake Parachute on Tianwen-1 Mars Mission Lander

      2021, 51(5):115-118. DOI: 10.12044/j.issn.1007-2330.2021.05.016

      Abstract (587) HTML (266) PDF 876.51 K (1701) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The matching of temperature resistance,mechanical properties and the survivability of space environment of materials, and the forming process of parts are studied towards the performance requirements of the cylinder cover of brake parachute on Tianwen-1 Mars mission lander, which is supposed to withstand temperature changes, irradiation and other space environments during the on-orbit operation, and to withstand the temperature shock resistance during the reentry process. The results show that the specimens prepared by using adhesive J-168-1, adhesive J-245 and T300/QY8911 composite materials passed the performance tests, and meet the design index requirements of the cylinder cover structure. The mechanical properties of cylinder cover product is stable, as well as the molding process feasibility. The instantaneous service temperature could reach 200 ℃, and the mechanical properties are maintained above 80% after the space environment simulation,showing that the high temperature resistance and space environment resistance are good. The product of cylinder cover has been successfully launched into space, and successfully ejected and separated when the parachute deployed.

    • Effect of Surface Modification on the Bonding Performance of Flexible PI Composites

      2021, 51(5):119-122. DOI: 10.12044/j.issn.1007-2330.2021.05.017

      Abstract (1403) HTML (230) PDF 1.30 M (1937) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In this paper, flexible composite for deep space exploration was prepared using PI film and PI woven cloth, the effect of surface modification of PI film and PI woven on the bonding properties of the flexible composites was evaluated. Before and after surface modification,PI film and PI woven cloth were adhered by silicone rubber adhesive to prepare flexible composites. The bonding properties of flexible composites with different surface treatments were studied and the morphology of the peeling surface were analyzed.The results showed that the T-peel strength of the flexible PI film/woven composites was significantly increased after the surface modification. The T-peel strength of the composite,which consisted of unmodified PI film/woven, was 8.9 N/cm. In case of that the PI film was independently modified, the PI film and PI woven were simultaneously modified, the T-peel strength increased to 11.7 N/cm and 12.8 N/cm, which was enhanced by 31.5% and 43.8%, respectively. This research has indicated that the surface treatment of PI film and PI woven cloth could significantly improve the adhesive properties of the flexible composite.

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    • Effect of KMnO4 on the Processing Properties of SiC Mirror for Space Exploration

      2021, 51(5):123-127. DOI: 10.12044/j.issn.1007-2330.2021.05.018

      Abstract (191) HTML (200) PDF 2.30 M (1535) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:SiC ceramics,as a new generation of mirror materials with excellent comprehensive properties,have been widely used in space camera mirrors. However,in the late stage of SiC optical processing,polishing continues after surface modification to reduce the surface roughness and improve the surface quality,will directly affect the process accuracy and cycle of SiC mirror. Therefore,it is necessary to improve and optimize its optical processing technology. In this paper,KMnO4 additive is introduced to analyze the chemical reaction mechanism involved in the reaction. Strong oxidizing reacts with the surface of the SiC sample,which reduces the grinding amount of diamond powder to SiC mirror and achieves the purpose of reducing the surface roughness. For the series of diamond powder polishing the 200 mm diameter atmospheric pressure sintered SiC sample,the surface roughness was correspondingly reduced with KMnO4 additive. It was interesting that W7 abrasive with KMnO4 additive polishing SiC surface reached the similar roughness effect of W3 abrasive. The obtained mirror roughness Sq (4D,10 times magnification) was 1.628 nm after being polished with W0.1 diamond powder and KMnO4 additive. The result was better than the polished super smooth surface quality of modified SiC. This realized the efficient and high-precision processing of SiC mirror with the introduction of KMnO4 additive.

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    • New Post-insert Technology of Honeycomb Sandwich Structure in Satellite

      2021, 51(5):128-133. DOI: 10.12044/j.issn.1007-2330.2021.05.019

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      Abstract:Aiming at the honeycomb sandwich structure in satellite, the new post-insert and its automatic post-insert technology are studied. Compared with the traditional post-insert technology in satellite field in China, the influence of two different insert technologies on the bearing capacity and bearing coefficient of inserts is investigated. The results show that the load-bearing modes of the two inserts are basically the same, and the distribution form of adhensive has an important influence on the load-bearing performance. At present, the bearing capacity of the new post-insert system has reached 158.2% of the post-insert system. The new post-insert technology is more suitable for automation mode to ensure process stability, consistency and reliablity.

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    • Effect of Deep Space Radiation Environments on Properties of High Absorptivity Stray Light Coatings

      2021, 51(5):134-138. DOI: 10.12044/j.issn.1007-2330.2021.05.020

      Abstract (1112) HTML (357) PDF 3.52 M (1855) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In order to investigate the effect of deep space irradiation enviroment on solar spectral absorption performance of SCB-1 high absorptivity stray light coatings,the series irradiation tests of SCB-1 stray light coatings were carried out with 5 000 ESH vacuum-UV irradiation, 2.5×1015 p/cm2 vacuum-proton irradiation and 2.5×1016 e/cm2 vacuum-electron irradiation. The changes of appearance, solar absorption and hemispheric emissivity of stray light coatings before and after various deep space irradiation tests were analyzed. Thermal gravity analysis was used the determine the decomposition and thermal stability of the coatings after the deep space irradiation test. After the series irradiation test, the total change value of solar absorption of SCB-1 stray light coatings in the full-wave band decreased by 0.011 to 0.012, and the total change value of solar absorption of SCB-1 stray light coatings in the 400 to 1 100 nm band decreased by 0.011 to 0.013.During the above three series irradiation process, the total change value of hemispherical emissivity of SCB-1 stray light coatings have no obvious change. SCB-1 stray light coatings show the excellent extinction durability under deep space irradiation environment, which provide the strong support for future development of optical technology in deep space exploration field.

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    • >测试分析
    • Effect Factors Study of Ultrasonic Measurement Technology of Residual Stress

      2021, 51(5):139-144. DOI: 10.12044/j.issn.1007-2330.2021.05.021

      Abstract (170) HTML (242) PDF 5.16 M (1842) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Aiming at accurate measurements of residual stress caused by further improvement of service life and quality of large space station, factors of affecting measurement accuracy of residual stress and calibrating methods were studied. Based on theoretical analysis of temperature, surface roughness and transducer coupling state, measurement errors caused by main influencing factors were tested. Results show that temperature variation, surface roughness and transducer coupling state may cause large measurement deviation. In order to improve ultrasonic detection accuracy of residual stress and reduce measurement errors, modification methods such as compensating temperature, correcting surface roughness sample, optimizing coupling agent should be introduced. This study can provide a technical reference for application and development of spacecraft cabin structure ultrasonic residual stress measurement.

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    • Radiation Defects of SiO2 Films With Different Passivation Processes

      2021, 51(5):145-151. DOI: 10.12044/j.issn.1007-2330.2021.05.022

      Abstract (721) HTML (329) PDF 2.82 M (1748) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In order to study the characteristic defects of high-energy electron radiation of SiO2 films for gate dielectrics with different passivation processes, high-energy electrons with an energy of 1 MeV are used to irradiated the SiO2 films with three kinds of passivation processes(I,700 nm SiN + 500 nm PSG;II,1.2 μm SiN;III,700 nm PSG + 500 nm SiN) under irradiation fluences of 1×1015 e/cm2,5×1015 e/cm-2,and 1×1016 e/cm2.The results of Raman spectroscopy and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy show that the SiO2 film with I and III passivation process formed amorphous silicon and dioxygen ions. Fourier infrared spectroscopy results show that the SiO2 film with I passivation process formed A1, A2, B1 and B2 defects with unknown defect structure; SiO2 film with II passivation process formed A1, A2, B1 and B1''defects; SiO2 film with III Passivation process formed A1,B1'' and B2 defects.

    • >工程实践
    • Study on Adaptability of Aerospace Electrical Insulation Materials in Deep Space Environment

      2021, 51(5):152-160. DOI: 10.12044/j.issn.1007-2330.2021.05.023

      Abstract (682) HTML (461) PDF 897.09 K (2117) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Aerospace electrical insulation materials are the boundaries of electrical signal transmission and effect for the deep space explorers. Evaluating the environmental adaptability of aerospace electrical insulation materials is need to be considered and optimized in the process of material selection,insulation design and process treatment. Starting with the environmental factors related to the electrical insulation properties of materials, this paper introduces the deep space radiation environment, thermal environment, gas environment and particle environment and their effects. Then the evaluation process, verification items and methods of deep space environmental adaptability are given, which provides a reference for the selection and evaluation of aerospace electrical insulation materials.

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    • Preparation and Performance Evaluation of Flexible Solar Blanket for Deep Space Exploration

      2021, 51(5):161-164. DOI: 10.12044/j.issn.1007-2330.2021.05.024

      Abstract (652) HTML (311) PDF 5.87 M (1820) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The preparation technology and performance evaluation of flexible composites were studied for the new flexible solar blanket used in deep space exploration missions in China. The results show that the molded polyimide fiber reinforced silicone rubber can meet the demands of flexible solar blanket. The automatic coating process can achieve the uniform and thin coating of high viscosity silicone rubber on polyimide film. The comparative test show that the silane coupling agent can improve the T-peel strength of flexible solar blanket,but reduce its flexibility at low temperature.

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