• Volume 46,Issue 3,2016 Table of Contents
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    • >综述
    • Dynamic Seal Technology for Control Surface of Hypersonic Vehicles

      2016, 46(3).

      Abstract (2102) HTML (226) PDF 2.42 M (2335) Comment (0) Favorites


      Based on the design requirements of high temperature seals for control surface of hypersonic vehiclesꎬ
      the advanced design approaches to high temperature seals of NASA Glenn Research Centerꎬ namely textile ̄based
      sealsꎬ ceramic wafer seals and preloaders are introduced. And thenꎬ it summarizes the test equipment and methods for
      evaluating seals and seal system performance.

    • Resent Development on Low ̄Temperature Modification of Fluorine Rubber

      2016, 46(3).

      Abstract (1476) HTML (206) PDF 899.22 K (3765) Comment (0) Favorites


      Fluorine rubber is a kind of polymer whose main or side chains contain fluorine atoms.Fluorine rubber
      has excellent chemical stability and excellent resistance to high vacuumꎬhigh temperatureꎬacid and so on.Howeverꎬ
      because of fluorine atomsꎬits polarity increases and fluorine rubber has disadvantage in low tempertature resistance.
      From the molecular structure synthetiseꎬ blend modificationꎬrecipe design and process conditionsꎬ we summarized
      low ̄temperature modification methods of fluorine rubber.Among these four kinds methodesꎬwe mainly analysis molecu ̄
      lar structure synthetise and blend modification.Molecular structure synthetise means the introduction of flexible groups
      to the main chain or side chainꎬsuch as fluoroether rubber and fluorinated silicone rubberꎻrubber blend means we mix
      fluoroelastomer and other elastomer which has great low temperature property evenly by some means.At lastꎬwe pro ̄
      posed development trends and application of low ̄temperature modification of fluorine rubber.

    • >计算材料学
    • Curing of Continuous Polyaluminocarbosilane Fibers

      2016, 46(3).

      Abstract (1533) HTML (236) PDF 966.37 K (2386) Comment (0) Favorites


      Curing of polyalumninocarbosilane(PACS) is the key process to prepare near ̄stoichometric SiC(Al)
      fibers. It is crucial to control the oxygen content of continuous PACS fibers during curing. In this workꎬa new method
      has been used to predict the oxygen content of PACS fibers during curing exactly and easily. The curing process of
      PACS fibers are traced by in ̄situ measurements. And a non ̄isothermal curing dynamics model has been established
      with section integration. The dynamics model is solved with non ̄linear function using in ̄situ data. As a resultꎬ the
      weight gains during the curing can be predicted. Polycarbosilane(PCS) fiber was cured at the same condition as com ̄
      parison. It is found that:at the same conditionꎬ PACS and PCS fiber both got gel point at the Si—H reaction content
      of 40%ꎬtheir gel content both reached 100% after curingꎬ when their oxygen content is 9.7wt% and 14.7wt%ꎬrespec ̄
      tively.The weight gains and Si—H reaction content of PACS fiber are both lower than that of PCS fibers. The curing
      dynamic equation is solved by lsqnonlin function in matlab using the in ̄situ data. It is calculated that activation energy
      of PACS is 62.2 kJ/ mol. The model can predict the weight gains during curing.

    • Finite Element Analysis on Quasi ̄Static Impact Property of 3DCurved Shallow ̄Crossing Linking Woven Composites

      2016, 46(3).

      Abstract (1505) HTML (233) PDF 1.70 M (2462) Comment (0) Favorites


      A new structural model was built to study impact properties of the three ̄layer three ̄dimensional
      curved shallow ̄crossing linking woven composites (3D composites)ꎬ using mapping software Pro/ Engineer. Mechani ̄
      cal properties of the 3D compositeꎬunder quasi ̄static impact loads were analyzed using finite element software ANSYS
      workbench. The distribution of stress & strain on fibers and resin matrix in 3D compositesꎬ as well as the failure mode
      of the 3D compositesꎬwere discussed and predictedꎬ respectively. Results show that under the quasi ̄static impact
      loadsꎬ transfixion damage formed in the place where the punch impact on the 3D composite.The fibers undertake more
      impact loads and show larger impact stress.The resin matrix show major impact strain.Transfixion damage caused by
      deformation of 3D composite is the main impact fracture modeꎬ which includes breakage of fibersꎬ fragmentation of
      resin matrix and debond between fibers and resin matrix.

    • >新材料新工艺
    • Structure Design of VO2  ̄Based Multilayer Structure With Tunable Emittance

      2016, 46(3).

      Abstract (1963) HTML (230) PDF 1.15 M (2859) Comment (0) Favorites


      In present studyꎬ a multilayer structure comprised of VO2 layer was designed to achieve tunable emit ̄
      tance based on the principle of asymmetric Fabry ̄Perot (FP) cavity. Influence of thickness of different layers constitu ̄
      ting the multilayer structure on its emittance property and the angle dependence of the emittance were investigated u ̄
      sing the method of optical simulation computation.It is found that the variation of the emittance Δε increased first and
      then decreased with the thickness of VO2 increasing from 15 nm to 120 nm and the Δε reached a maximum at 50 nm
      of VO2 film. While the thickness of HfO2 layer influenced the position of absorption band of the multilayer structure
      and the Δε remained around the maximum of 0.6 at the wide range of thickness of HfO2 from 800 nm to 1 000 nm.
      The calculation for emittance of the multilayer structure at varied angles indicates that significant Δε of above 0.4
      could be remained in a wide range of angles from 0° to 70°.

    • Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of the FSWed JointsBetween 2219MCS Ring and 2219C10S Barrel

      2016, 46(3).

      Abstract (1690) HTML (179) PDF 5.43 M (2444) Comment (0) Favorites


      An extensive investigation has been carried out on the friction stir welded butt joint consisting of a
      2219MCS ring and a 2219C10S barrelꎬ and the effect of welding speed and the location of the 2219MCS ring on the
      microstructureꎬ microhardness distribution and mechanical properties of the butt joint has been systematically analyzed
      in this paper. The results showed that the 2219MCS ring whether located in the advancing side or retracting side is the
      weak link of the joint due to the original coarse grain. The microhardness distribution of the joint showed the typical
      “W” type with the TMAZ of the 2219MCS ring the lowest. The optimized investigation results showed that the per ̄
      formance of the joint with the 2219MCS ring located in the retracting side is more than the joint with the 2219MCS
      ring located in the advancing side. When the welding speed is 180 to 220 mm/ min and the 2219MCS ring located in
      the retracting sideꎬ the room temperature mechanical strength can be up to 330 MPaꎬ the low temperature strength 420
      MPaꎬ and the ductility all more than 3.5%. The face bending angle can reach 180° without crack on the jointꎬ but
      some cracks occurred on the parent metal of the 2219MCS ring. The back bending performance is so poorꎬ and the
      crack occurred and spreaded along the TMAZ of the 2219MCS ring.

    • Preparation and Characterazation of SiBAlON Ceramic Precursors

      2016, 46(3).

      Abstract (1823) HTML (227) PDF 933.41 K (2512) Comment (0) Favorites


      SiBAlON ceramic precursors were prepared by blending polyaluminoxane and polyborosilazaneꎬwhich
      were used as aluminumꎬsilicon and boron sourceꎬrespectively.The precursor could be transformed into SiBAlON ce ̄
      ramic during the pyrolysis process and its pyrolytic behavior and phase composition were studied by TGA and XRD.
      Results indicated that the phase composition of the ceramic sample is strongly affected by the Al content of the ceram ̄
      ic.The ceramic with a Al content of 10wt% remained amorphous until β-Si3N4 initially generated at 1 300℃.Heating
      to 1 500℃ led to the formation of Si2N2O and Si3Al3O3+1.5x N5-x via reaction of Al and O with amorphous Si-N.Further
      heating to 1 700℃ led to the formation of β’ -SiAlON via reaction of Al and O with β-Si3N4.The obtained SiBAlON
      ceramic has excellent dielectric property at room and high temperature.

    • Reaction ̄Induced Phase Separation of the Epoxy/ Polyimide andBismaleimide/ Polyethersulfone Blends

      2016, 46(3).

      Abstract (1522) HTML (182) PDF 2.93 M (2408) Comment (0) Favorites


      Two types of thermoset ( TS) / thermoplastic ( TP) blends were studied in this workꎬ including the
      EP / PI and BMI/ PES systems. In ̄situ reaction ̄induced phase separation was studied by the phase contrast micro ̄
      scope. In the initially homogeneous sampleꎬ uniform phase separate morphology was formed in all the samples. At cer ̄
      tain concentrationsꎬ the initial bicontinuous structure gradually changed to be ununiform inside and outside the sam ̄
      ples. Scanning electron microscope was used to observe the fractured cross sectional surfaceꎬ after the samples were i ̄
      sothermally cured. At very low TP concentrationsꎬ sea ̄island structure is formedꎬ with the TP ̄rich particles dispersed
      in the TS ̄rich matrix. At relative higher TP concentrationsꎬ a macroscopic core ̄shell structure is formed in the whole
      sample. The outer areaꎬ including edge of the sample and upper and lower part close to the substratesꎬ mostly consis ̄
      ted of TS ̄rich domainsꎬ with only few of TP ̄rich particles randomly located. In the inner partꎬ bicontinuous structure
      formedꎬ where the TP ̄rich phase is thin and extending like a network. The current two systems have some points in
      common: TS monomer and oligomers are good fluid at the experimental temperaturesꎬ as are the fast componentꎻ the
      TP polymers are macromolecules and have high glass transition temperaturesꎬ as are slow component with viscoelastic
      featuresꎻ with the phase separation proceedingꎬ viscoelasticity of the TP gradually showedꎬ being glassy below Tg and
      elastic or viscoelastic under Tg. The entangled TP ̄rich network need much time to relaxꎬ which cannot follow the
      speed of phase separation. Thusꎬ the whole entangled TP ̄rich network would inevitably shrink to promote the phaseseparation. With the strong dynamic asymmetry in such systemsꎬ the initially formed bicontinuous developed to be the
      macroscopic core ̄shell structure in the whole sample.

    • Preparation and Characterization of ModificatedSilicon ̄Containing Arylacetylene Resin

      2016, 46(3).

      Abstract (2238) HTML (193) PDF 899.04 K (2306) Comment (0) Favorites


      Bis( 3 ̄acetylenephenyl) ̄methylvinylsilazane( SZMV) was synthesized by an aminolysis procedure.
      The physical structure of SZMV was characterized.And then a modified PSA resin ( PSA/ SZMV) was prepared by
      blending PSA and SZMV.A series of test methods were used to investigate the viscosityꎬcuring reactionꎬthermal stabil ̄
      ity and dielectric property of PSA/ SZMV resin.The mechanical properties of quartz fiber reinforced composites were al ̄
      so measured.The results show that with the introduction of SZMVꎬthe viscosity of PSA/ SZMV resin decreases remark ̄
      ablyꎬand the processing technology gets improvedꎬthe thermal stability and dielectric property of cured PSA/ SZMV
      resin slightly decrease.And the flexural strength and interlaminar shear strength of quartz fiber reinforced PSA/ SZMV
      resin composite increase by 45% and 33.6%ꎬrespectively.

    • Mechanism of Ti-Si-B4 C-C Combustion Reaction

      2016, 46(3).

      Abstract (1750) HTML (208) PDF 2.03 M (2396) Comment (0) Favorites


      The composite ceramic powders of Ti-Si-B4 C-C system were prepared by combustion synthesis
      method based on thermodynamic analysis. The phase and microstructure of the products were respectively characterized
      by XRD and SEM. The mechanism of combustion reaction was discussed.The results show that the composite powders
      are composed of Ti3SiC2ꎬ TiB2 and TiCꎬ in which Ti3SiC2 is matrix phaseꎬ TiB2 and TiC are reinforcing phases. The
      mass fractions of Ti3SiC2ꎬ TiB2 and TiC are 42.7% to 45.7%ꎬ 26.3% to 29.5% and 27.8% to 28.0%. TiB2 angular
      particles and TiC irregular particles are dispersively distributed in layered structure Ti3SiC2. The combustion reaction
      of Ti and Cꎬ the formation of Ti-Si meltꎬ the reduction of B and the synthesis of Ti3SiC2ꎬ the nucleation and growth
      of TiB2 occur in the process of Ti-Si-B4C-C system combustion reaction.

    • Preparation and Properties of Silicon ̄Containing Arylacetylene Resin Foam

      2016, 46(3).

      Abstract (1613) HTML (253) PDF 1.10 M (2281) Comment (0) Favorites


      The silicon ̄containing arylacetylene resin foam with controllable structure was prepared from silicon ̄
      containing arylacetylene resin as matrix resinꎬ azodicarbonamide(AC) as blowing agent and urea as co ̄blowing agent
      by foaming while the resin is curing.Experimental results revealed that a silicon ̄containing resin foam which had a
      density of 0.578 g/ cm3 has a cell diameter of 300 μmꎬ a compression strength of 6.32 MPaꎬ a thermal conductivity of
      0.112 W/ (m􀅰K)ꎬ and dielectric constant of 1.7.

    • Preparation of C/ C-SiC Composites by Using Silicon ̄ContainingAryacetylene Resin as a Precursor

      2016, 46(3).

      Abstract (1542) HTML (229) PDF 2.47 M (2238) Comment (0) Favorites


      C/ C-SiC composites are gaining increasing attention because of their excellent high temperature re ̄
      sistance.In this workꎬ C/ C-SiC composites were prepared from silicon ̄containing aryacetylene (PSA) resin and car ̄
      bon fibers by precursor infiltration and pyrolysis(PIP). A porous C/ C-SiC composite was prepared by pyrolysising a
      T300 fabric carbon fiber reinforced PSA resin composite( T300/ PSA composite) in argon and the pyrolysis process
      was studied. The flexural strength of the porous C/ C-SiC composite is 98 MPa. The process of PIP was investigated
      for the porous C/ C-SiC composite. After the porous C/ C-SiC prefabricate is infiltratedꎬ cured and pyrolysised for 4
      timesꎬ the flexural strength of the obtained dense C/ C-SiC composite reaches 202 MPa. Microstructure of C/ C-SiC
      composites is characterized by XRDꎬ SEMꎬ Raman spectra and TEMꎬ main component of C/ C-SiC composite are a ̄
      morphous carbon and β-SiC.

    • Preparation and Performance of Fiber Reinforced SiBNCeramic Matrix Composite

      2016, 46(3).

      Abstract (2514) HTML (214) PDF 2.01 M (2304) Comment (0) Favorites


      Aimed at the comprehensive performance of wave ̄transparent materials applied in aircrafts at different
      Mach numberꎬ integrating the performance of wave transmissivityꎬ load bearingꎬ thermal insulationꎬ corrosion resist ̄
      anceꎬ shock resistanceꎬ research of ceramic matrix composites reinforced by continuous fibers of different temperature
      range were carried on. The Al2O3 fiberꎬ mullite fiberꎬ SiO2 fiberꎬ Si3N4 fiber ̄reinforced SiBN ceramic matrix compos ̄
      ites have been fabricated by the way of precursor infiltration pyrolysis(PIP) respectively. Subsequentlyꎬ the dielectric
      and mechanical properties of the composites have been measured and evaluated. The mullitef ̄SiBN composite's dielec ̄
      tric constant and dielectric loss are 4.1 to 4.2 and 1.0×10-2 to 9.7×10-3 respectively. The composite's bending
      strengthꎬ tensile strength and compressive strength are 95.12 MPaꎬ34.95 MPa and 80.92 MPa respectively. The re ̄
      sults prove that the mullitef ̄SiBN composite get the best comprehensive performance.

    • Polyimide Composite Adjustment Sheet for Aeroengine

      2016, 46(3).

      Abstract (1777) HTML (272) PDF 1.06 M (2195) Comment (0) Favorites


      A kind of polyimide based composite aeroengine adjustment sheet was preparedꎬ modeling analyzed
      and tested. The polyimide resin and its composite performances were studied by DMA and TGAꎬ as well as rheological
      and mechanical testing machine. The results show that KH308 resin has excellent processing propertyꎻ the Tg tested by
      DMA is 335℃ꎬ T5d
      is 468.8℃ꎻ the MT300/ KH308 composite has pretty high temperature resistanceꎬ vibration resist ̄
      ance and aging resistance. In additionꎬ instead of titanium alloy adjustment sheetꎬ the polyimide based composite
      aeroengine adjustment sheet can achieve weight loss of 52% and the performances of polyimide based composite aero ̄
      engine adjustment sheet can meet the design requirements.

    • Design and Manufacturing Technology of Ultra High Strength Steel Band

      2016, 46(3).

      Abstract (1702) HTML (183) PDF 2.12 M (2104) Comment (0) Favorites


      In order to satisfy the requirement of the heavy satellite launchꎬ it is necessary to develop high load
      bearing steel band. Using Φ 937 clamp band device as an exampleꎬ we utilige ultra high strength steel of 18Ni marag ̄
      ing steel to carry out band design and manufacturing.With process of heat treatmentꎬ the yield strength of the band
      reaches 1 723 MPaꎬ making the bag belt device carrying capacity doubled.With process of surface polishingꎬ the sur ̄
      face roughness can reach 0.4ꎬ18Ni maraging steel band is examined by the static test and separation test.

    • >测试分析
    • Effects of Temperature on Sample Property of Atomic Oxygen Test

      2016, 46(3).

      Abstract (1608) HTML (176) PDF 1023.14 K (2147) Comment (0) Favorites


      Atomic oxygen (AO) irradiation test of ITO/ Teflon/ Ag film and vulcanized silicon rubber is conduc ̄
      ted using microwave induced AO simulation facility. The results indicate that the mass of ITO/ Teflon/ Ag film changes
      very little when sample temperature no more than 150℃ꎬbut the mass loss is increased with increasing sample temper ̄
      atureꎬ which not exceeds 100℃ꎬ for vulcanized silicon rubber. After irradiationꎬ the solar absorptance of ITO/ Teflon/
      Ag film displays a minor change. In contrastꎬ the solar absorptance of vulcanized silicon rubber is increased with in ̄
      creasing temperature. The emissivity of this two type samples has no obvious change.

    • Technology of Surface Wave Suppression PerformanceTesting for Absorbing Material

      2016, 46(3).

      Abstract (2438) HTML (234) PDF 992.03 K (3379) Comment (0) Favorites


      This paper analyzes the mechanism of surface wave suppression for absorbing material and proposes a
      novel test system to measure the suppression effectiveness of the absorbing material. Horn antenna is used for radiating
      electromagnetic energy to the conducting plane in a grazing angle range from 8 GHz to 12 GHzꎬ and electric field
      probe is produced to detect received electromagnetic energy. By comparing test curves which is covered and uncovered
      the absorbing material sampleꎬ the surface wave suppression effectiveness of the absorbing material can be obtained.
      Two kind of radar absorbing materials are measured by the novel test systemꎬdemostrating the relibity of the system.

    • Typical Failure Modes and Mechanisms of Clinched Joints

      2016, 46(3).

      Abstract (1844) HTML (209) PDF 0.00 Byte (0) Comment (0) Favorites


      Selecting 1420 aluminum lithium alloy and galvanized steelꎬthe technology of clinching was applied to
      join the single lap ̄jointed joints in different sequence.The static mechanical behavior text were carried out to examine
      the mechanical behavior of 1420-1420ꎬgalvanized steel-1420 and galvanized steel ̄galvanized steel joints.Scanning e ̄
      lectron microscope was used to analyze the tensile fracture of the joints.It can be seen from experiments that the ten ̄
      sile ̄shear strength and energy absorption of galvanized steel-1420 joint are the biggest (3 119.3 Nꎬ4.757 J)ꎬ and
      much greater than that of 1420-1420 joints(2 243.403 Nꎬ0.598 J).The failure modes of 1420-1420 joints are neck ̄
      fractureꎬthe failure modes of galvanized steel ̄galvanized steel joints are mixed failure.Microscopic analysis showed that
      the two type of joints both had cleavage and dimple morphological features.The failure modes of galvanized steel-1420
      joints are button separationꎬthe fracture of joints are ductile fracture

    • Analysis of Mixed Failure Mode of Mechanical Clinched Joint’s Mechanical Property

      2016, 46(3).

      Abstract (1872) HTML (245) PDF 1.44 M (2177) Comment (0) Favorites


      This paper is focus on mixed failure mode which is one of failure modes in clinch joint. At presentꎬ
      there is no clear definition of mixed failure mode in any published paper.This paper offers the conception of mixed fail ̄
      ure mode and analyzed the situation which mixed failure mode would happen.Mixed failure mode often appears in the
      situation that the sheets with good mechanical propertiesꎬ great material flow and prefect parameter of clinched joint
      section.Load ̄bearing capacity and buffering capacity of 1420 and TA1 hybrid clinched joint’ s three different failure
      modes could be compared directly from force ̄displacement curves and energy absorption.The result showed that mixed
      failure mode had excellent performance because it showed characteristics both from neck fracture and button separation

    • >工程实践
    • Matching Between YG Tools and 7050 Aluminum Alloy

      2016, 46(3).

      Abstract (1850) HTML (236) PDF 2.84 M (2261) Comment (0) Favorites


      In order to explore the matching performance between YG tool and 7050 aluminum alloy.In this pa ̄
      perꎬ7050 aluminum alloy was selected as the research object. Two kinds of cutting tools for cutting test were YG3 and
      YG6.The test results show that the value of cutting force and surface roughness of YG3 tools is higher than that of YG6
      toolsꎻ The cutting surface topography of YG6 tool is better than YG3 tool.It shows that performance matching of YG6
      is better between tool and 7050 aluminum alloy than that of YG3.

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