• Volume 46,Issue 2,2016 Table of Contents
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    • >综述
    • Damage Mechanisms and Their Correlations ofSpacecraft Materials in Space Environments

      2016, 46(2).

      Abstract (1888) HTML (205) PDF 12.58 M (2086) Comment (0) Favorites


      Spacecraft materials will encounter different space environments in space and there are relevance be
      tween damage mechanism of different space environments on spacecraft materials. In this paper, space environments
      and their effects on spacecraft materials are introduced firstly, then damage mechanism and their relevance of space
      environments such as vacuum, temperature, microgravity, plasma, particle radiation, solar electromagnetic irradia
      tion, space atmospheres, space debris and micrometeoroid, space contamination, spatial dynamics, erosion, space
      biology, etc, on spacecraft materials are studied. At last, the developing trends and problems of the spacecraft mate
      rials are commented.

    • >计算材料学
    • Effect of Curing Process Parameters on Temperature Field of Composite Patch

      2016, 46(2).

      Abstract (1565) HTML (187) PDF 1.44 M (2660) Comment (0) Favorites


      Based on the thermal conduct law and curing kinetics theory, a three-dimensional finite element
      model of thermosetting resin matrix composite was developed during the curing process, the reliability of the developed
      model is verified by comparing with the experimental results in literature. Based on the model, temperature and curing
      degree fields of the scarf repaired AS4/3501 composite laminate were calculated during the curing process, effect of
      curing temperature and heating rate on temperature and curing degree fields of the patch is analyzed. The results indi
      cate that the effect is very small during the initial stage of curing reaction; the effect increase with the curing time;
      however, the effect decrease with curing time during the initial stage of the second heating stage; the temperature and
      curing degree of composite patch do not change with heating rate during the final stage of constant temperature period.

    • >综述
    • Preparation and Properties of Rigid Carbon Fiber Preform andResulting Phenolic Impregnated Carbon Ablator

      2016, 46(2).

      Abstract (1772) HTML (204) PDF 2.30 M (2755) Comment (0) Favorites


      The rigid carbon fiber preform (Fiberform) was prepared by vacuum molding using chopped carbon
      fibers as the raw material and thermal setting phenolic resin powder as the cross linking agent. The resulting Fiberform
      was further impregnated with phenolic resin solution through reaction and drying process, to obtain phenolic impregna 
      ted carbon ablator (PICA). Fiberform consists of interconnected chopped carbon fiber oriented preferentially in the
      horizontal direction, making it a transverse isotropic material with different material properties. The longitudinal com 
      pressive strength and transverse compressive strength were varied from 0. 10 to 0. 39 MPa and 0. 33 to 0. 79 MPa, re
      spectively, depending on the density of Fiberform. PICA had an aerogel like composite structure consisting of phenolic
      nanoparticles and carbon fiber network. The density of PICA could be controlled from 0. 27 to 0. 43 g/ cm3 by chan 
      ging the concentration of phenolic resin solution. The longitudinal and transverse compressive strengths of PICA were
      therefore adjusted from 0. 45 to 2. 42 MPa and from 1. 36 to 2. 27 MPa, respectively. The PICA had the similar ther 
      mal insulation with the Fiberform, 0. 08 W/ ( m·K) in through the thickness and 0. 11 W/ ( m·K) in plane direc 

    • Preparation and Characterization of Ceramic PrecursorBased Moisture Resistance Coating

      2016, 46(2).

      Abstract (1745) HTML (273) PDF 1.40 M (2221) Comment (0) Favorites


      The moisture resistance coating was fabricated on the silica fabric composite using perhydropolysilazane
      and nano silica as starting materials. The structural revolution of the moisture resistance coating in the solidifying and
      high temperature heating processes was studied by SEM, EDS, IR, DSC TG. It is found that the moisture absorption
      percentage of the silica fabric composite at the temperature of 40 and humidity of 95% for 24 h decreased from 11.
      71% to 0.31% due to the moisture resistance coating. The radio wave transmissivity of the moisture resistance coating
      is close to that of the silica fabric composite due to its similar constituents to the silica fabric composite.

    • Effect of Surface Treatment on Interfaces and Bending Property of3D Curved Shallow鄄Crossing Linking Woven Composites

      2016, 46(2).

      Abstract (1513) HTML (214) PDF 1.24 M (2235) Comment (0) Favorites


      Curved shallow crossing linking reinforcement was prepared from glass roving of 2400 tex on a 3D
      weaving machine modeled SGA598. To improve interfacial properties between reinforcement and resin, the surface
      treatment of the reinforcement was conducted by smearing the silane coupling agent KH-570 onto the surface of the
      reinforcement and then dipping the reinforcement into the solution of KH-570. The resin matrix was composed of epoxy resin E51 and polyether amine WHR-H023 in a mass ratio of 1 1. The 3D curved shallow crossing linking woven
      composite was then made from surface treatment reinforcement and resin matrix in a mass ratio of 1  by hand lay up
      method. Fourier transform infrared spectrum(FT-IR), atomic force microscope(AFM), universal material testing ma
      chine and scanning electron microscope(SEM) were used to characterized the treatment effect of KH-570 on reinforce
      ment and the following composites. The results showed that after the treatment with surface鄄active agent KH-570, the
      surface roughness and specific surface area of fibers in the reinforcement increased which in turn led to a tighter inte
      gration between reinforcement and resin matrix; the bending properties of the 3D composites was enhanced with the
      increase of the amount of KH-570; the main failure mode of the 3D composites performed as fracture of fibers rather than fibers pulling out of the resin matrix

    • >新材料新工艺
    • Effect of Phenolic Resin Distribution on MechanicalProperties of Nomex Honeycomb

      2016, 46(2).

      Abstract (1583) HTML (214) PDF 1.24 M (2653) Comment (0) Favorites


      The study on the influencing factors of its mechanical properties is important for the improvement of
      its mechanical properties. Three types of nomex honeycomb with different resin distribution were made through two
      different gumming processes. Then mechanical properties testing on the honeycomb and micro observation on phenolic
      resin distribution at honeycomb hole wall were performed to study the effect of resin distribution and wall thickness of
      honeycomb holes on their mechanical properties. The results show that sufficient flow of the resin may increase the
      compressive strength of the honeycomb by 8% to 40%, decrease the shear strength by 9% to 21%. The resin forms
      gum pillars at the end of the honeycomb nodes, which is the main cause for the increase of the compressive strength.
      The forming of gum pillars results in the decrease of the average thickness of honeycomb hole walls and thus leads to
      the decline of the shear strength.

    • Friction and Wear Properties of Carbon Fiber ReinforcedResin- Based Friction Material

      2016, 46(2).

      Abstract (1843) HTML (292) PDF 1.69 M (2413) Comment (0) Favorites


      To improve the friction coefficient stability of resin-based friction material, and improve the property
      of inhibit thermal degradation. Carbon fibers as reinforcing fibers, carbon fibers reinforced resin based friction materi
      als were prepared by thermoforming process. Friction and wear properties were measured through XD-MSM  type con
      stantspeed friction tester, the effects of different carbon fiber content on friction and wear properties of resin -based
      friction material were studied. Worn surface morphology was observed by using VK-X200 three-dimensional laser scan
      ning microscope, and wear mechanism was discussed. The results show that the hardness, compressive strength and
      shear strength of carbon fibers reinforced resin-based friction materials were improved, and increased gradually with
      the increase of carbon fiber content. Carbon fiber improved the friction coefficient stability of resin-based friction mate
      rial, enhanced the wear resistance and changed the form of friction and wear. The properties of friction coefficient sta
      bility and inhibit thermal degradation was great, and the wear mechanism was fatigue wear when the mass percentage
      of carbon fiber was 4wt% in the resin-based friction material.

    • Effection of Ratio of Width to Thickness of Aluminum HoneycombSandwich Structure of Flatwise Compression Stress

      2016, 46(2).

      Abstract (1612) HTML (246) PDF 886.34 K (2231) Comment (0) Favorites


      Using the hexagon instead of the actual honeycomb core, the flat compression strength of sandwich
      structure and its relationship with the width to thickness ratio was deduced. Eight kinds of specifications of core flat
      compressive strength were evaluated. Statistical results revealed that although there are deviations from the deduced
      results, the law is consistent, namely honeycomb sandwich structure of flat compression strength decreases exponen鄄
      tially with the increase of core width to thickness ratio d / ts.

    • Properties of SPRAdhesive Bonded JointsAbout 8090 Aluminum-Lithium Alloys

      2016, 46(2).

      Abstract (1756) HTML (228) PDF 7.55 M (2059) Comment (0) Favorites


      this paper, the SPR-adhesive bonded joints of 8090 aluminum-lithium Alloys and 5052 aluminum alloys
      were made by SPR and adhesive techniques. 3MDP100PLUS and 3MDP100 were used. The strength of joints were
      tested under tension-shear loading. The results show that the forming quality and strength of joints have a strong rela
      tionship with the viscosity of adhesive. But the using of adhesive does not improve the energy absorption of joints.
      Therefore, the using of suitable adhesive can promote combination of these two.

    • Investigation on Drilling Performance of Titanium Alloy by TiAlN Coated Drills

      2016, 46(2).

      Abstract (1595) HTML (197) PDF 1.09 M (2255) Comment (0) Favorites


      The drilling on titanium alloy (TC4) performance of TiAlN coated carbide twist drill was investigated
      focusing on the influence of cutting parameterson drilling axial force, surface roughness of hole wall and chip shape.
      The results showed that drilling axial force increases with the increase of feed rate. Drilling axial force increase with
      the decrease of speed. The exponential formula models of drilling force were obtained through regression analysis meth鄄
      od and the regulation of the drilling force about TC4 influenced by the feed and cutting speedwas obtained. The error of
      the equation has been tested less than 7%. With the increase of feed rate,chip breakability increase and chip length
      get shorter gradually. When feed rate is 50mm/ min and speed is low,chip morphology is short spiral chips, and chip
      removal and hole side roughness are the best

    • Influence of Number and Distance of Rivets onthe Performance of Self-Piercing Riveted Joints

      2016, 46(2).

      Abstract (1734) HTML (258) PDF 1.12 M (2435) Comment (0) Favorites


      摇In order to study the influence of the number and distance of rivets on the performance of self鄄piercing
      riveted joints, the numerical simulation and experiments were conducted to optimize the parameters of self鄄piercing
      riveting (SPR), and three different types of joints were made. The static performance and failure modes of different
      joints were studied based on the tensile鄄shear tests. And the energy absorption value was calculated accurately though
      the user defined development which is based on MATLAB R2014b platform. The results show that the numerical sim鄄
      ulation result was highly identical to the experimental result. The single鄄riveted joints failed by the rivet being pulled
      out from the lower sheet, and the double鄄riveted joints failed due to the sheet fracture. The performance of double鄄riv鄄
      eted joints was obviously superior to that of single鄄riveted joints. However, the distance of rivets had little influence on
      the static failure strength and energy absorption performance.

    • >测试分析
    • Design and Development of Intelligent Testing System ofSolid Material爷s Thermal Physical Properties

      2016, 46(2).

      Abstract (1582) HTML (200) PDF 1.35 M (2116) Comment (0) Favorites


      In order to realize the accuracy of the thermal property of thin sheet materials. Based on the basic
      principle of parallel hot wire technique, temperature measuring points are arranged at direction of thickness of the
      specimen instead of the original direction which is arranged parallel to hotline, and consider the impact of heat pene鄄
      tration effect. The directly measured coefficient of thermal conductivity and thermal diffusivity using numerical method
      combined with computer programming material. The intelligent test system about thermal properties is developed. The
      objects of the thermal property test experiment are glass, asbestos, diatomite refractory brick, and so on. The results
      agree well with national standard test method for test values and literature values. Considering the impact of heat pene鄄
      tration effect, it can also accurately achieve thermo鄄physical properties of thin solid plate by controlling the effective
      testing time, need not melt sample, through which the application range of the hot wire method is effectively expand鄄

    • Effect of Temperature on Tensile Properties and Fatigue Life ofCarbon Fiber Reinforced Polyether-Ether-Ketone Composites

      2016, 46(2).

      Abstract (1759) HTML (224) PDF 5.34 M (2262) Comment (0) Favorites


      The effect of thermal behavior on tensile properties of 30% carbon fiber reinforced polyether鄄ether鄄ke鄄
      tone (CF/ PEEK) and the damage mechanism at high temperature was investigated. The fracture morphology of ten鄄
      sile sample was observed with SEM. Test results show that with the increase of the temperature, the elastic modulus
      and the tensile strength decrease dramatically while the elongation at break rises continuously. Fiber鄄matrix debond鄄
      ing, even the failure at the fiber鄄matrix interphase and glass transition of the matrix is the main reason of the decrease
      in the tensile properties. Finite element method (FEM) was used to analyze the fatigue life of the rudder pedal made
      of this material in different environment temperatures. The fatigue life decreases with the increase of temperature.
      Based on the equation of Coffin鄄Manson and Manson爷s slopes equation, the relationship between fatigue life and tem鄄
      perature was built.

    • Factors on Measurement of Thermal Expansionfor Glass Fiber/ Phenolic Resin Composites

      2016, 46(2).

      Abstract (1694) HTML (244) PDF 1.38 M (1897) Comment (0) Favorites


      Several runs of thermal expansion measurements was presented for Pyros specimen, the precision and
      bias of the result show that the instrument is in a good condition. A large number of thermal expansion measurements
      was presented for the glass fiber/ phenolic resin composites as a function of holding time, heating rate and curing treat鄄
      ment. The specimen was further cured by the increase of temperature, and the shrinkage of the specimen by the loss
      of volatiles and the thermal deformation of curing reaction can counteract the expansion by the heating, which caused
      plateau on the heating curves. Repeated expansion measurements for the specimen shows that the curves of heating
      and cooling progress were almost identical. Heating treatment is necessary before thermal expansion measurements,
      and the heating temperature should be higher than the measurement temperature, but lower than curing temperature
      which keeps the microstructure of composites unchanged. The appropriate heating rate should be applied, for higher
      heating rate will infect precision of the measured result, while lower heating rate will increase time cost

    • Analyses on Joint Quality of Spot Welds on SUS304 StainlessSteel Based on Ultrasonic C-Scan

      2016, 46(2).

      Abstract (1573) HTML (230) PDF 1.14 M (1889) Comment (0) Favorites


      Abstract摇The quality of spot welds in 1mm SUS304 austenitic stainless steel sheet metal was evaluated by using
      ultrasonic water immersion focusing method. The specifics of nugget diameters and the ultrasonic C鄄scan image were
      analyzed under different welding process parameters. Furthermore, the tensile鄄shear tests were carried out to examine
      the mechanical behavior of sport welds. Results show that the C鄄scan image can get nugget diameter and effective in鄄
      formation from the inner pattern of the spot weld based on ultrasonic water immersion focusing method. When the
      welding current is 4 kA and the supply pressure is 0. 15 MPa, it can get the information which included splash, solder
      to wear and other weld defects from the ultrasonic C鄄scan image. When the supply pressure is 0. 45 MPa, the nugget
      diameter is increasing. But the excessive supply pressure leads to the joint thickness decreasing and the joint quality is
      failing. When the supply pressure is 0. 4 MPa and the welding current is 9 kA, the failure strength and energy absorp鄄
      tion value decrease rapidly, it can get the information which includes splash, solder to wear and other weld defects
      from the ultrasonic C鄄scan image

    • Static Properties of Self-Piercing Riveted Joints in Similar orDissimilar Sheets About Aluminum-Lithium Alloy

      2016, 46(2).

      Abstract (1599) HTML (237) PDF 1.86 M (1879) Comment (0) Favorites


      1420 aluminum鄄lithium alloy sheets (AL1420) with itself, H62 copper alloy sheets (H62), Q215 gal鄄
      vanized steel sheets (Q215) and TA1 industrial pure titanium sheets (TA1) were applied to fabricated different types of
      single鄄lap self鄄piercing riveted joints. The static failure loads and energy absorption properties of the joints were ana鄄
      lyzed using the static tests, and the macroscopic failure mechanisms were discussed and inferred based on the failure
      modes of the joints. The results show that: TA1鄄AL1420 joints have the highest static failure loads, and Q215鄄AL1420
      joints possess the optimum energy absorption properties; except for TA1鄄AL1420 joints, the laws of the failure displace鄄
      ments are consistent to those of the energy absorption values for the other type joints. When the gap of the yield
      strengths between the upper and lower sheets was small, the failure modes of the joints were the lower sheets separated
      with the rivet; when it was large, the joints mainly failed due to the sheets with lower yield strength fractured.

    • >工程实践
    • Mechanical Properties Analysis of Composite Pipes With Memory Alloy Ring

      2016, 46(2).

      Abstract (1830) HTML (237) PDF 1.67 M (1871) Comment (0) Favorites


      Composite pipes are always used together with joints and the bonding strength between them is a de鄄
      termining factor for the pipes properties. The tensile strength of the composite pipes affected by memory alloy ring
      have been analyzed with finite element analysis. And then tensile test were conducted for comparison. The experimental results indicate that the tensile strength of composite pipes could be enhanced by 10. 1% which meet the finite element analysis results. The present results provide a reference for the designing and optimization of composite pipes.

    • Design of Mould and Demoulding Fixture For HoneycombSandwich Cylinder Made by Large Aluminum Skin

      2016, 46(2).

      Abstract (1546) HTML (208) PDF 2.88 M (1766) Comment (0) Favorites


      This article aimed to analyze the features of the cylinder and the mould of cylinder. An idea was pres鄄
      ented that the mould of cylinder and the cylinder could be separated by the demoulding fixture. Through the analysis
      of technical difficulties about the demoulding fixture and the possible emergence during demoulding, the process of the
      design and the demoulding was introduced. It had been found that the structure of demoulding fixture was feasible. It
      could meet the demoulding requirement of the mould .

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