2016, 46(1). DOI: 10.12044/j.issn.1007-2330.2016.01.001
Abstract:Thermal protection technology is the key factor to the design of hypersonic vehicle. The different parts
of hypersonic vehicle undertake different kinds of force and thermal loads, so different thermal protection projects are
required. The paper takes HTV-2, X-37B and NASA suborbital transportation vehicle as examples, introduces three
kinds of thermal protection projects and discloses the latest developments of thermal protection technology. In future,
the development of material technology and innovative thermal protection program can improve the technology maturity
and the scope of application of thermal protection system and provide a guarantee for the design of each kind of hyper-
sonic vehicle.
2016, 46(1).
Abstract:In this paper, the aerothermal environments encountered by control surface of hypersonic vehicles are first
described. Based on that, multiple options for thermal protection are analyzed from the view of a new approach to thermal
management. And then, it proves that the adoption of hot structure for control surface is reasonable. The features and de-
velopment of hot structure used for control surface and ways to improve hot structure are summarized and analyzed.
2016, 46(1).
Abstract:Ground test plays a very importance role in developing the control surface of hypersonic vehicles.
This paper introduces the latest technical progress of ground test, solutions to critical technology and methodology
guiding the ground test by taking X-37 orbital vehicle as an example. And then, it summarizes the high-temperature
modal survey of a hot structure control surface, which is an essential part in evaluating the control surface concept.
2016, 46(1).
Abstract:The conformal ablative is developed based on phenolic impregnated carbon ablator, which is focused
on thermal protection materials for future mars entry, descent and landing systems. A brief historical retrospect on the
development and application of phenolic impregnated carbon ablator are carried out. The application required for con-
formal ablative is introduced. The definition, manufacturing procedure and correlative aeroheating tests for conformal
ablative are introduced in details.
2016, 46(1).
Abstract:Flexible thermal protection system is developed for thermal protection requirement of hypersonic in-
flatable aerodynamic decelerators, which is focused on thermal protection system for large mass earth entry and future
mars entry, descent and landing systems. A brief historical retrospect is given on the flight experiments which have
been and will be carried out for developing hypersonic inflatable aerodynamic decelerators. Mars entry, descent and
landing systems application required for flexible thermal protection system is depicted. The basic components of flexi-
ble thermal protection system definition are described. The correlative heating tests for flexible thermal protection sys-
tem are introduced in details.
2016, 46(1).
Abstract:The paper overviews the properties, manufacturing processing and application of rhenium and iridium
materials. Rhenium is used as substrate of combustion chamber because of excellent performance at high temperature.
Iridium is used as oxidation resistant coating and still credible at 2 200℃, which is failure as rhenium diffusing from
interface to surface. Rhenium/ Iridium (Re/ Ir) thrust chamber can be manufactured by different processing methods,
such as CVD, PVD, PM, EL-forming, etc. The R-4D-14 445 N high performance liquid apogee engine which man-
ufactured by CVD was flight qualified for the Hughes Space and Communications 702 satellite in USA. In China, the
Re/ Ir combustion chamber manufactured by PM and PVD took hot fire test and had capability to operate in excess 25
000 s without failure
2016, 46(1).
Abstract:In the present paper, the basic physics and imaging modes of the X-ray CT was firstly introduced,
and then its application on measuring the density, analyzing the porosity and determining the shape and distribution of
pores of C/ C composites was reviewed. Meanwhile, the application of X-ray CT on the prediction of the mechanical
properties and the modeling of the crack propagation in C/ C composites is introduced in detail.
2016, 46(1).
Abstract:According to the structural characteristics and mechanical characteristics, we developed a composite
main loadin-bearing beam structure. This paper presents the design of the main beam overlay detailing its forming
process. Based MSC. Patran/ Nastran establish a main beam finite element analysis model using linear solver main un-
der multi-level load beam static strength analysis, it shows the structure of the strain and displacement results. While
the design of the strength test program, the main beam structure static strength test was verified, strain and displace-
ment information was collected to determine the response of the structure. The results show that composite main load-
ing-bearing beam structure design meets the strength requirements,and provide reliable data for the composite materi-
als used in primary load-bearing structure.
2016, 46(1).
Abstract:Static indentation responses of foam sandwich structures reinforced by fiber columns (FSSRFC) are
investigated theoretically. Based on the superposition principle, a new model is established for predicting the indenta-
tion response of sandwich structures. It should be pointed out that this model does not need to calculate the strain en-
ergy stored in the structure which is usually difficult to be determined. By theoretically calculation, FSSRFC can re-
duce the indent deflection under the indenter for the same indentation force compared with traditional foam sandwich
structures. This is very valuable to investigate the dynamic problem for this structure due to indentation response of
FSSRFC is the foundation of their dynamic features.
2016, 46(1).
Abstract:PISOX was modified by polyurethane prepolymer which was synthesized by MDI and PTMG-2000 to
strengthen toughness. The variation of resin mechanical properties with different I/ E ratio and content of prepolymer
were characterized. The composite mechanical properties and the heat resistant property of modified resin and unmodi-
fied resin investigated by universal testing machine and DMTA, were compared. The variation of micromorphology was
observed by SEM to speculate toughening mechanisms. The results suggested that the composite material had the best
mechanics performance when I/ E ratio is 1. 8 and the content of prepolymer is 15%. The bending strength, bending
modulus, impact strength is 60. 92 MPa, 2 295 MPa, 6. 40 kJ/ m 2 , respectively. The DMTA showed that the addition
of prepolymer had little effect on the heat resistance of the resin at high temperature. The glass transition temperature
is 258℃. Composite material prepared by this resin had better mechanical properties and interfacial properties. By
comparing the microstructure of the cured material, we can conclude that the modified system is two phase structure,
rubber phase played the role of absorbing impact energy and terminating crack, whic can improve the toughness of the
material effectively.
2016, 46(1).
Abstract:The C/ C-SiC-ZrC composites were prepared by precursor impregnation and pyrolysis method (PIP)
using different mass ratio of PCS/ PZC as impregnant. The microstructure and the ceramic phase distribution of the C/
C-SiC-ZrC composites before and after ablation were examined. And the effect of SiC/ ZrC precursor ratio on the ab-
lation property of the C/ C-SiC-ZrC composites was analyzed. The results show that the mass ablation rate and linear
ablation rate of the C/ C-SiC-ZrC composites were decreased firstly and increased subsequently with the increasing of
the content of ZrC. The composite possessing the relatively best ablation performance was fabricated with the impreg-
nant with the mass ratio of PCS/ PZC =1 ∶3. After ablation on oxyacetylene flame with the surface temperature of 3
000℃, the mass ablation rate and linear ablation rate of the sample are -0. 65 mg/ s and 21 μm/ s, respectively. Too
much or less ZrC in SiC-ZrC multiphase ceramics is not favorable to the oxidation stability of the samples. Therefore,
appropriate ZrC may be better.
2016, 46(1).
Abstract:The high emissivity coatings on the nicke-based alloy and C/ C composite, with good radiating ability
and good thermal shock resistance ability, were prepared by air spray, using ceramic precursor resin as coating form-
ing matter and transition metal oxides and borides as high emissivity fillers. The high emissivity coatings were charac-
terized by DSC-TG, optical microscope, and wind tunnel. The emissivity of the high emissivity coating is 0. 85 to
0. 92 between room temperature and 827℃. The high emissivity coating has no spalling after thermal shock resistance
measurement of 20 times between 827℃ and room temperature. The high emissivity coating on the nickel-based alloy
can make the temperature of the nickel-based alloy decrease from 686 to 646℃, decreasing by 40℃.
2016, 46(1).
Abstract:In this work, we reported an effective method to prepare phenolic impregnated carbon ablator (PI-
CA) by a sol-gel impregnation of phenolic solution into carbon fiber mat, followed by ambient drying. The density of
the PICA could be adjusted in a wide range (0. 27 to 0. 47 g/ cm 3 ) by using different concentrations of phenolic solu-
tion. The microstructure, flexural property and thermal insulation property of PICA were systematically investigated.
PICA, which are composed of phenolic aerogel reinforced by carbon fiber, exhibit excellent mechanical property (2. 2
to 16. 5 MPa) and insulation performance [56 to 62 mW/ (m·K)]. The highest bending strengthen of 16. 5 MPa and
lowest thermal conductivity of 56 mW/ (m·K) can be achieved at a mediate density of 0. 40 g/ cm 3 . After carboniza-
tion at high temperature (1 000℃), the resulting carbonized C-PICA still exhibit low density, high flexural strength-
en and low thermal conductivity.
2016, 46(1).
Abstract:BSAS coatings were prepared on C/ SiC composite materials using air plasmas spraying technology.
And the oxidation resistance of BSAS coatings was investigated systemically. The results indicate that the weight varie-
ty of C/ SiC composite material sealed by coatings is just 1/7 of pure C/ SiC composite material under 1 400℃. Under
oxidation cycle condition (1 400℃ for 300 h), coatings fell off, and then we found that phase transformation ap-
peared from hexagonal to monoclinic phase.
2016, 46(1).
Abstract:To study the mechanical properties of the self-piercing riveted joints about 1420 aluminum-lithium al-
loys, the equipment of self-piercing riveting was applied to join 1420 aluminum-lithium alloys (AL1420) with itself
and copper alloys (H62). Tensile-shear tests was used to test mechanical properties of self-pierce riveted joints and
SPSS was utilized to analyze the maximum loads and maximum displacements of joints. The results show that the rivets
of AL1420-AL1420 joint and AL1420-H62 joint are pulled out from lower sheet, and the location in upper sheet con-
tacted with the head of rivet has different tear. The rivet of H62-AL1420 joint is pulled out from lower sheet also, but
the upper sheet merely has some indentation. The mean value of maximum loads of AL1420-AL1420 joint(6 026. 8
N) is supreme among these joints, and the energy absorption value of the AL1420-AL1420 joint(16. 84 J) is greaten
than the two other joints. For the dissimilar metal sheet combinations, the mean value of maximum loads of H62-
AL1420 joint(5 304. 0 N) is superior to the AL1420-H62 joint(5 229. 3 N), and the energy absorption value of the
AL1420-H62 joint(16. 79 J) is higher than the H62-AL1420 joint (15. 08 J). For the combinations of dissimilar
sheets, the joints of AL1420-H62 is a better choice for its higher energy absorption value.
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