• Volume 44,Issue 6,2014 Table of Contents
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    • >综述
    • Research Status of Radar Absorbing Material Structure and New Absorbent

      2014, 44(6).

      Abstract (1456) HTML (188) PDF 1.53 M (3900) Comment (0) Favorites


      With the development of modern information technology, the weapons and equipment environment increasingly
      complex. Stealth technology is becoming more popular in the weapons areas for the aims of hitting the enemy
      targets and improving the operational capability. The radar stealth technology is an important research direction
      and researchers put more attention for radar stealth technology. This article introduces the research status and absorbing
      technology of absorbing structure composite materials.

    • >计算材料学
    • Numerical Simulation of Adhesive Debonding Process Based on VCCT

      2014, 44(6).

      Abstract (1492) HTML (239) PDF 2.59 M (2883) Comment (0) Favorites


      Since the adhesive is located between two layers of material, the internal structure of the adhesive
      debonding process is often difficult to detect. In this paper, three kinds of adhesives’ plate samples and the Ushaped
      samples were made, the mechanical properties of tensile and shear state were tested and the corresponding
      strain energy release rate were calculated. VCCT technology was used, the fracture and debonding area were predefined,
      the cracking and debonding process of the adhesive in a tensile and shearing state were simulated. By contrasting
      the maximum stress and maximum displacement obtained by numerical simulation and experiments, it was indicated
      that the VCCT technology could effectively predict fracture critical load of these three adhesive, and show that this
      method could obtain the expansion process of debonding area. This laid a good foundation for the study of complex
      structures’ debonding process.

    • Analysis of Autofrettage Pressure of Aluminium Liner CarbonFilament-Wound Composite Gas Cylinder

      2014, 44(6).

      Abstract (1439) HTML (221) PDF 2.28 M (2392) Comment (0) Favorites


      Calculation analytical method is applied to aluminium liner carbon fiber winding composite gas cylinder
      during elastic-plastic process under inner pressure, autofrettage pressure is obtained from inference. The rationality
      of the calculated results is verified through hydrostatic strain test and fatigue test method. By comparative analysis ,
      the calculation method can be applied to similar structure gas cylinder autofrettage pressure calculation in the future.

    • >新材料新工艺
    • Efect of FSW Pin Length and AS Location on MechanicalProperties of Lock Joint of Tank

      2014, 44(6).

      Abstract (1752) HTML (211) PDF 4.21 M (2803) Comment (0) Favorites


      An extensive investigation has been carried out on the friction stir welded lock joint consisted of a
      2219MCS ring and a 2219C10S barrel, and the effect of the FSW pin length and AS location on the Hook defect, mechanical
      property and fracture mode of the lock joint has been systematically analyzed in this paper. As the results indicated
      that, there is a hook defect located in junction of the assembly interface and nugget zone, and the warping rate
      and the migration amount of the junction when 2219C10S barrel located in AS location is greater than 2219MCS ring
      located in AS. And the migration amount of the junction increased with the FSW pin length. The results of the tensile
      tests indicated that the mechanical performance of the lock joint with the 2219MCS ring located in AS is better than
      the 2219C10S barrel located in AS, and the mechanical properties reduced gradually with the increase of the FSW pin
      length. As analyzed, the morphology of the hook defect and the migration amount are the main reasons for the change
      of the mechanical properties with the AS location and FSW pin length. The optimized investigation results show that
      the room temperature mechanical strength can be up to 300 MPa, the low temperature strength is 370 MPa, and the
      ductility is all more than 3. 5%. The tensile failure mode of the FSWed lock joint is closely related to the AS location
      of the 2219MCS ring or 2219C10S barrel.

    • Tribological Properties of DLC and CrN Films Under Engine Oil

      2014, 44(6).

      Abstract (1414) HTML (203) PDF 2.58 M (2878) Comment (0) Favorites


      Diamond-like Carbon (DLC) films was deposited on the bearing steel by closed-filed unbalanced magnetron
      sputter technique, and CrN films was deposited on the bearing steel by cathodic arc ion plating. The tribological
      performance of DLC and CrN films in the fully formulated engine oil (CF-4, 15W/40) lubrication conditions were investigated
      on a SRV-IV tribo-meter. The effects of load and temperature on the friction coefficient and wear rate were
      analyzed. The results indicate that the friction coefficient of two kinds of films decreases with increasing load under oil
      lubrication condition. DLC solid/ liquid synergistic lubrication have excellent tribological properties compared to the liquid
      lubrication. Thin tribofilm on the interface caused by the tribochemical interaction between CrN films and additives
      in the CF-4 engine oil decrease the friction coefficient under high load and high temperature. In addition, the wear resistance
      of the CrN films was improved as oxide layer formed on the surface at higher temperature.

    • Hot Corrosion Behavior of Ni-Cr-W Based Superalloys in Molten Salt

      2014, 44(6).

      Abstract (1355) HTML (172) PDF 1.30 M (2525) Comment (0) Favorites


      In this work, hot corrosion behavior of Ni-20Cr-18W based superalloys at 900℃ has been investigated.
      The alloy corroded in 75% Na2SO4 +25% NaCl mixture molten salt has been analyzed by optical microscope, X
      -ray diffraction, scanning electronic microscope and energy sispersive X-ray analysis. Results show that the Ni-20Cr
      -18W based superalloy represents basic dissolution model. The corrosion front goes ahead as a plane into the matrix
      of alloy without selective corrosion behavior. Most of outcomes in the outer corrosion layer are NiO and Ni3S2. The alloy
      surface loses protective oxide layer and the outcomes increase the corrosion rate. The high thermal corrosion rate of
      alloy can be ascribed to the tungsten element and the corrosion between second phase particles and matrix.

    • Characterization of Pyrolysis Condensation of Zirconium-Containing Pitch

      2014, 44(6).

      Abstract (1143) HTML (216) PDF 1.41 M (2259) Comment (0) Favorites


      The pyrolysis condensation of zirconium-containing pitch was studied by means of TG/ DTG and was
      compared to pitch. Results show that the pyrogenation reaction of pitch contain zirconium was similar to baselinepitch,
      but initial pyrolysis temperature of zirconium-containing pitch was higher than baseline-pitch and viscosity was
      greater. The initial pyrolysis temperature Ti and final pyrolysis temperature Tm increased with increasing the heating
      rate and the peak of DTG curve became acute and moves to the high temperature orientation. The activation energy of
      zirconium-containing pitch and based-pitch is close, which indicated that the reactive activity had no obvious change
      under the current content of zirconium.

    • Nanometer Titanium Dioxide Particle and Size ControlTechnology by Sol-Gel Mothod

      2014, 44(6).

      Abstract (1251) HTML (152) PDF 1.91 M (2607) Comment (0) Favorites


      Nanometer titanium dioxide particles have been prepared by the sol-gel method,in which butyl titanate
      as precursor,ethylene glycol as a chelating agent. And the glycol of titanium salt concentration,pH value,temperature
      on the influence of the particle size titanium dioxide were studied. Moreover,the structure and morphology of nanometer
      titanium dioxide particles were characterized by infrared spectroscopy and SEM. The experimental results show
      that uniform size distribution of nanoparticles titanium dioxide can be prepared by sol-gel method. Using ammonium nitrate
      could effectively prevent the titanium dioxide nanoparticles reunion. When pH value is 2 to 3, the temperature is
      20℃ to 40℃,the concentration of titanium salt of ethylene glycol in the acetone is 0. 03 M,the diameter of titanium
      dioxide nanoparticle is 150 nm;the concentration of titanium salt of ethylene glycol in the acetone is 0. 05 M,the particle
      size is 240 nm;and when the concentration of titanium salt of ethylene glycol in the acetone is 0. 07 M,the diameter
      of titanium dioxide nanoparticles can reach to 600 nm.

    • Properties of A Silicon-Containing Arylacetylene Resin ModifiedWith Silazane and Its Composite

      2014, 44(6).

      Abstract (1037) HTML (163) PDF 1.13 M (2504) Comment (0) Favorites


      A silicon-containing arylacetylene resin( PSA) was modified by blending bis(3-acetylenephenyl)
      dimethylsilazane(SZ) synthesized by an aminolysis procedure. A series of test methods were used to investigate the
      rheological behavior, curing reaction,thermal stability,flexural and dielectric properties of PSA/ SZ. The mechanical
      properties of quartz fiber reinforced composites were also measured. The results show that with the increase of SZ, the
      viscosities of PSA/ SZ resins decrease remarkably, the flexural strength of PSA/ SZ resin increases by 62. 7%, the
      flexural strength and interlaminar shear strength of quartz fiber reinforced PSA/ SZ resin composite increase by 18. 7%
      and 60. 4%, respectively.

    • Distribution of Density and Pores of C/ C Composite Prepared byPitch Impregnation and Carbonization

      2014, 44(6).

      Abstract (1072) HTML (149) PDF 1.92 M (2417) Comment (0) Favorites


      By taking preform weaven with radial carbon rods as reinforcement phase, C/ C composite was prepared
      by impregnation and carbonization process using coal tar pitch as matrix precursor, and its bulk density is 1. 50
      g/ cm3. The distribution of density was tested by CT, and the distribution of pores were analyzed by means of optical
      microscope and mercury intrusion method. The results showed that the density of outer fringe of body is the highest,
      and the density decreased from outboard to center along radial of the body under the technological conditions of pitch
      impregnation and carbonization. The density distributed evenly along the direction of identical circle taking body center
      as reference point. The porosity of the body increased from outboard to center along radial of the body. The pore
      volume ratio of macropores and mesopores increased from outboard to center along radial of the body, on the contrary,
      the pore volume ratio of micropores decreased from outboard to center along radial of the body .

    • Co-Curing Molding Technique of Large Size Multi LatticeStructured Composite Framework

      2014, 44(6).

      Abstract (1143) HTML (169) PDF 1.49 M (2391) Comment (0) Favorites


      This article elaborates on the integral forming in the autoclave of large size multi lattice structured composite
      with particular emphasis on the optimistic design of overlay processing and assurance of forming pressure. It is
      proved by engineering practice that the ware preforming of such frame can be realized by breaking down the overall
      structure into multi technique units, in which unit overlay is first completed, followed by rest of overlay after matching
      molds; and the technique of alternative use of soft and hard abrasives, pressure transmitting of soft abrasives, assurance
      of frame geometrical size by hard abrasives, can achieve the integral co-curing molding. The products manufactured can
      meet the designing requirements of deviation of shape and position in terms of flatness of upper and lower surface, and
      its deviation of thickness, content of rubber and product quality can be also controlled within an allowable range.

    • High Performance Matrix Resin for Room Temperature RTM Process

      2014, 44(6).

      Abstract (1280) HTML (225) PDF 1.46 M (2292) Comment (0) Favorites


      This paper introduce a new R602 resin system for room temperature RTM process, which have low
      viscosity, high reaction activity and good properties. The resin began to gel at 105℃, to cure at 125℃ and to handle
      for better properties at 175℃, the Tg is 178℃. R602 resin system have low viscosity at room temperature and its potlife
      is more than 50 hour. The cured resin and composites of R602 resin system also exhibit excellent mechanical properties
      and hygroscopic resistance property. The tensile strength of the cured product is 97. 2 MPa, fracture elongation
      percentage is 4. 12%, and flexural strength is 162. 6 MPa. In addition, the SEM reveal that the impregnation of the
      R602 resin to fiber is very good.

    • Effects of Framework Structure on the Properties of SiO2 / PMMA Hybrids

      2014, 44(6).

      Abstract (1230) HTML (186) PDF 1.38 M (2665) Comment (0) Favorites


      Mesoporous silica with two-dimensional (2D) hexagonal framework (SBA-15) and worm-hole framework
      (MSU-J) were synthesized with different silica precursors and it was further employed to modify poly( methyl
      methacrylate) (PMMA) to form novel SiO2 / PMMA hybrids with lower dielectric constant, higher thermal and mechanical
      properties. The structural feature and physical properties of these materials were studied by XRD, SEM,
      DSC and TGA. The results manifested that introduction of SiO2 into PMMA exhibited toughening and reinforcing effect
      on the hybrid materials. The dielectric constants of the hybrid materials can be reduced from 2. 91 of the pure PMMA
      to 2. 73 and 2. 64 by incorporating 4 wt% SBA-15 and 7 wt% MSU-J, respectively.

    • Heat-Shielding Properties of Aluminum Silicate Fiber inHigh Temperature Environment

      2014, 44(6).

      Abstract (1263) HTML (211) PDF 1.14 M (2436) Comment (0) Favorites


      Generally, the suppliers of aluminum silicate fiber only offer customers thermal conductivity at a certain
      temperature, which make it difficult for engineers to design those insulation structures. In this study, in order to
      provid reliable temperature data to finite numerial simulation,an experiment was designed to study the heat-shielding
      properties of aluminum silicate fiber in high temperature environment. It indicates that the heat insulation efficiency of
      aluminum silicate fiber is stable with the ability to resist thermal radiation and the numberical calculation results agreed
      with experimental data. The study above lays a solid theory foundation for the design of insulation structure.

    • >测试分析
    • Failure Analysis of Fractured 30CrMnSiNi2A Stud Bolt

      2014, 44(6).

      Abstract (1135) HTML (176) PDF 3.05 M (2474) Comment (0) Favorites


      Seven stud bolts bending two cabins were found fractured after the separation device being static tested.
      The surface of bolts was done by Dacromet treatment. Observation on fracture surface and analysis of experiment
      all indicate property of delayed brittle fracture caused by hydrogen embrittlement. Besides the bolt material’ s high
      susceptibility to hydrogen embrittlement, the long time wet coating on bolt during testing largely led to the fracture. Analysis
      indicates that high tensile steel-made item after Dacromet coating treatment is still subject to hydrogen embrittlement
      fracture that causes serious consequence under tensile stress in circumstance where water and corrosive medium
      such as Cl, S exists although Dacromet coating treatment effectively prevent the item from hydrogen embrittlement
      in surface processing period. This conclusion may serve as precaution to those who design and use high tensile steel
      under similar circumstance.

    • Development and Uncertainty Analysis of Push-Rod Dilatometer

      2014, 44(6).

      Abstract (1134) HTML (178) PDF 1.19 M (2723) Comment (0) Favorites


      Push-rod dilatometer has been developed for measuring linear thermal expansion coefficients of solid
      materials for thermal expansion from the room temperature to 500℃. The linear thermal expansion coefficients of single-
      crystal sapphire have been determined using the Push-rod dilatometer. The present data are compared with the data
      recommended by the National Institute of Standards and Technology ( NIST), which are in good agreement. The
      relative uncertainty in the measurement was estimated to be less than 4% in the temperature range, based upon the
      data of single-crystal sapphire. 

    • Influence of Pile Height on Low-Velocity Impact Properties ofThree Dimension Hollow Sandwich Composites

      2014, 44(6).

      Abstract (1004) HTML (173) PDF 1.47 M (2343) Comment (0) Favorites


      Three dimension hollow sandwich composites (3D composites) with pile height of 5, 6 and 7 mm
      were selected as object of study. In order to study low-velocity impact properties of the 3D composites, low-velocity
      impact testing was conducted by using drop hammer low-velocity impact tester at energy of 8 J. In addition, compressive
      strength of the 3D composites before and after impacting was tested by using universal material testing machine
      (Instron 3385H) for studying compressive damage tolerance of the 3D composites suffering low-velocity impact loads.
      The results indicate that the 3D composites were sensitive to low-velocity impact loads. Low-velocity impact properties
      increased with the increase of pile height of the 3D composites. Residual compressive strength of the 3D composites
      declined sharply after suffering low-velocity impact loads. The results contribute to the optimal design of the 3D sandwich

    • >工程实践
    • Machining Process of Intersecting Line Hole of Carbon Fiber

      2014, 44(6).

      Abstract (1012) HTML (150) PDF 3.39 M (2179) Comment (0) Favorites


      A machining method of the large diameter and non-orthogonal intersecting lines of holes of carbon fiber
      composite materials is introduced in this paper. The problem of process temperature, machining quality, chip removing
      and processing efficiency are considered. The size and position accuracy of the hole are guaranteed by an easy
      mechanical devices, which make the intersecting lines of holes can be produced in one operation. The problem of chip
      removing and heat dispassion is solved by the improvement of the traditional diamond grain, and the quality of the machined
      surface of the composites is greatly improved.

    • Influencing Factor of Pulling Test of Post-Inserts in Honeycomb Panel

      2014, 44(6).

      Abstract (1102) HTML (196) PDF 1.30 M (2719) Comment (0) Favorites


      In this work, the pulling test condition and test results of M5 post-insert through-hole connector in a
      honeycomb panel were discussed. The influence of post-insert connector application and curing processing protocol on
      the pulling strength and bonding quality were analyzed. It was found that the best way to apply the resin is to install
      the inserts after vertically fill the resin along the axial of the through holes. Minimum pores and improved pulling
      strength were achieved with this method. For EA934NA post-insert bonding agent, curing at room temperature ( ≥
      22℃) is preferable for better pulling strength. The conclusions of this work can be used as references for future product
      test design and processing configuration setup.

    • >科技信息
    • Hybrid Forming of Aluminum Alloys

      2014, 44(6).

      Abstract (1209) HTML (193) PDF 3.89 M (2722) Comment (0) Favorites


      A new forming process,the hybrid forming of aluminum alloys is introduced in this paper. This forming
      process has been applied in high-class vehicles. In this process, the aluminum alloy sheet is formed and quenched simultaneously
      followed by a second stage precipitation period. By using this forming process, the formability and strength
      of aluminum alloys has greatly improved. A much lighter and stronger component, with more complex geometry can be
      obtained. The potential application of hybrid formed aluminum alloys components in aircrafts is discussed. This paper
      provides references for forming and processing of aluminum alloys, as well as the industrialization of HFQ in China.

    • Matte Coating and Its Application in Optical System

      2014, 44(6).

      Abstract (1613) HTML (244) PDF 998.13 K (4449) Comment (0) Favorites


      In this paper, we simply introduced some applications of the matte paint at domestic and abroad, and
      expounded the measuring method of extinction performance index, and then compared the values of their extinction

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