• Volume 44,Issue 2,2014 Table of Contents
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    • >综述
    • Review of Organic Groups Modified SiO2 Aerogels

      2014, 44(2):1-6.

      Abstract (1290) HTML (289) PDF 3.42 M (2205) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:This paper summarizes recent development of organic groups modified SiO2 aerogels. The modification
      mechanism, preparation and the properties of the resulted SiO2 aerogels are reviewed in detail. The future of the organic
      groups modified SiO2 aerogels is also prospected.

    • Development in Research on Oxidation Behavior of Thermal Barrier Coatings

      2014, 44(2):7-12.

      Abstract (1164) HTML (192) PDF 1.06 M (2104) Comment (0) Favorites


      Formation and evolution of the thermally grown oxides(TGO) have great effect on the properties of
      thermal barrier coatings( TBCs), suggesting a sticking point for analyzing TBCs failure and prolonging the life of
      TBCs. The research progress of the oxidation behavior of TBCs worldwide is summarized,including oxidation kinetics
      of bond coating(BC),composition,structure and evolution of TGO,and transformation from metastable Al2O3 to stable
      Al2O3. Effects of elements from BC on the morphology and structure of TGO is analyzed,as well as the elements diffused
      from substrate. Idea for research of BC-oxidation behavior and methods for properties-improvement of TBCs are

    • >计算材料学
    • Analysis and Design of The Structure Layer of The DirectionalDamage Composite Laminated Shell

      2014, 44(2):13-18.

      Abstract (1243) HTML (249) PDF 3.18 M (2139) Comment (0) Favorites


      A new kind of structure of the directional composite laminated shell structure is designed in this paper,
      based on the composite laminated plate as the basic matieral. The weakness is precasted in the missile and the initial
      contact area of the shell structure precast defect area. The missile launch cracking in the form of four petals,and
      the efficiency of the missile launch is improved greatedil. Through the finite element simulation analysis software ANSYS,
      the design scheme of the layer is determined by the strength analysis, namely 0. 2 mm of the thickness for the
      single plate,the weakness is strengthen using the matrix itself,the kinds of the layer methods for [0°/90°/ ±45°]2S,
      the limit load is 0. 21 MPa and the minimum bursting load is 1 kN of the layer, so that it can meet the design requirements
      to bear certain internal pressure and in smaller bursting load to crack in the work environment.

    • Multi-Physics Finite Element Simulation of Curing Processfor Helicopter Composite Blade

      2014, 44(2):19-23.

      Abstract (1393) HTML (189) PDF 2.07 M (2347) Comment (0) Favorites


      Based on heat transfer theory, mechanics of composite materials and cure kinetics, the temperature,
      degree, reaction rate of cure and thermal stress in the composite helicopter blade’s curing process under the recommended
      temperature cycle of F650 bismaleimide resin are calculated. The strong coupling multi-physics finite element
      method for solving partial differential equation is applied in this paper. The result shows that during the curing
      process, the curing reaction of resin is highly synchronized, and the exothermic crosslinking reaction is faint; compared
      with the recommended heating cycle, the highest heating temperature lowers from 460 K to 393 K in the adjusted
      heating cycle, but the reaction time of the curing degree from 0. 1 to 1 only increases from 25 to 30 min, the peak
      value of the curing reaction rate decreases from 1. 35×10-3 / s to 1. 15×10-3 / s,and the maximal thermal stress in the
      PMI foam drops from 0. 82 MPa to 0. 482 MPa.

    • Fracture Failure Analysis of Ductile Metals Based onContinuum Damage Mechanism

      2014, 44(2):24-28.

      Abstract (1535) HTML (364) PDF 2.75 M (2645) Comment (0) Favorites


      Ductile fracture in metals is the accumulative result of damage. The basic mechanisms of ductile fracture
      are divided into two modes (tension-type mode and shear-type mode) according to voids evolution model and meso-
      damage mechanism. A unified ductile fracture criterion is proposed for wide applicable range. The proposed ductile
      fracture criterion is implemented into quasi-static finite element method through a compilation of user’s material subroutine
      VUMAT of the commercial finite element platform ABAQUS. The ductile fracture model is validated by comparing
      between experimental data and numerical results. It is shown that the proposed ductile fracture model can accurately
      and effectively predict the whole damage process of ductile metals including crack initiation, propagation and final
      fracture. Ductile metallic materials voids-fracture mechanism studies show that the formation of macroscopic crack
      monotonic in the loading process are the growth of voids in the inclusions and second phase particles around the nucleation
      until the polymerization.

    • >新材料新工艺
    • Effect of Dispersant on Dispersion of Glass Fiber Suspension

      2014, 44(2):29-32.

      Abstract (1292) HTML (235) PDF 1.83 M (3766) Comment (0) Favorites


      The effect of the way of cut fiber, glass fiber length, the type and amount of dispersants on dispersion
      of glass fiber suspension was investigated. The results showed that the dispersion degree of glass fiber after cutting is
      significantly higher than that of glass fiber before cutting. The percentages of fiber mass area in the suspension before
      and after cutting are 72. 6% and 2. 4%, respectively. The dispersion of rectangular cotton-block after beating is better
      than that of the square cotton-block. The longer glass-fiber length or the higher reunite phenomenon, the more difficult
      dispersion of the glass fiber suspension. The appropriate length of glass fiber, about 10 ~12 mm, is helpful to
      the dispersion of the suspension. When the mass fraction of the suspension is up to 0. 2%, the optimum addition amounts
      of hydroxyethyl cellulose, hydroxypropyl methyl cellulose and sodium hexametaphosphate are 0. 008%,
      0. 012% and 0. 04%, respectively. Correspondingly, the absorbances of glass fiber suspension under the optimal
      mass fraction of three types of dispersants are 0. 344, 0. 703 and 0. 663 A, respectively. The sedimentation experiment
      showed that the glass fiber suspension added the sodium hexametaphosphate had the best dispersion, the minimum
      suspension sedimentation height and the slowest sedimentation rate. The dispersion of the glass fiber suspension
      added hydroxypropyl methyl cellulose is better than that of the glass fiber suspension added hydroxyethyl cellulose.

    • Moisture Absorption Behavior on Scarf Patch Repair GFRP Laminates

      2014, 44(2):33-36.

      Abstract (1074) HTML (192) PDF 3.59 M (1929) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Hygroscopic behavior was investigated with different scarf patch repair methods of GFRP laminates, then hygroscopic law and damage behaviors were gained. Main factors leading to decrease of hygroscopic property and interlaminar fracture were investigated and analysed through the in-plane shear properties tests and morphology observation, whch show that hygroscopic behavior increases with the increase of porosity, while the interlaminar fracture tendency decreases, the important factors influencing hygroscopy and interlaminar cracks is the porosity of GFRP laminates. Step ratio has a great influence on intensity of laminates, selecting the best step ratio is a good way to improve strength retention and decrease the strength reduction influenced by hygroscopic behavior. The investigation also confirms that hygroscopic behavior can seriously weaken fibre resin interface bonding state and the hygroscopic behavior is one of the main reasons which lead to the significant reduction of in-plane shear strength of laminates after moisture absorption.

    • Retractable Friction Stir Welding Technology of 2219 Aluminium Alloy

      2014, 44(2):42-48.

      Abstract (1275) HTML (203) PDF 6.27 M (2275) Comment (0) Favorites


      An extensive investigation was carried out on the retractable friction stir welding of 2219 aluminium
      alloy with the thickness of 8 mm, and the retractable track, microstructure and mechanical properties of the welding
      joint at the different locations have been analyzed. The results indicated that the actual trajectory of the RPT is the
      combination of welding speeed and retracting speed, and showed a linear relationship. The morphology at the beginning
      and end of the retractable FSW welded seam showed a typical conventional FSW microstructure, while the joint
      located in the middle of the retractable FSW welded seam can be considered as the composite of a 100% penetration
      welded joint and a joint with gradually shallower depth. The results of the tensile test indicated that the mechanical
      property of the joint at the end of weld seam is the highest, followed by the joint loacated at the beginning and middle
      of the retractable FSW welded seam. With the retracting distance increasing gradually, the performance of the joint in
      the middle of the retractable FSW welded seam also gradually increased. The fracture mechanism of the joint at different
      position is all ductile fracture.

    • >测试分析
    • Ablation Test of Light Weight Charring Ablators in High Enthalpy

      2014, 44(2):49-53.

      Abstract (1284) HTML (207) PDF 1.79 M (2656) Comment (0) Favorites


      In future, the characteristic of reentry thermal environment is high enthalpy,high heat flux and low
      pressure. In order to meet the requirements,the performance of different light weight charring ablators in high enthalpy
      ablation test must be known. These kinds of tests have been carried out by using super-enthalpy arc-heater. Subsequently
      through the description of test data, the characteristics of light weight charring ablators ablated in high enthalpy
      and low pressure are given. At last contrasting to the normal test with middle enthalpy,the ablative performances affected
      by enthalpy of light weight charring ablators are detailedly analyzed. The results show that super-enthalpy archeater
      can produce a high enthalpy and low pressure flow field stably and uniformly. The performances of light weight
      charring ablators are improved in high enthalpy environment.

    • Ablation and Heat Transfer Properties of High Temperature Heat-Pipe andHigh Thermal Conductivity Graphite

      2014, 44(2):54-57.

      Abstract (1257) HTML (247) PDF 2.01 M (2213) Comment (0) Favorites


      With the quartz lamps and arc-heated wind tunnel, the high temperature supersonic flowfield was
      built. A principle thermal protection specimen with a high temperature heat-pipe and high thermal conductivity graphite
      was heated in this flowfield, the surface temperature distribution was measured by infrared temperature instruments.
      Compared with contrastive carbon/ carbon composite material specimen, the stagnation point temperature of
      high temperature heat-pipe was decreased 9. 5% as well as the cylinder surface temperature is increased 14. 6%, the
      stagnation point temperature of high thermal conductivity graphite is decreased 14. 4% as well as the cylinder surface
      temperature is increased 11. 4%,both of the two specimens can transfer the heat load effectively from the high heatflux
      field to the lower one.

    • Shielding Effectiveness of Carbon Fiber Composite Material

      2014, 44(2):58-61.

      Abstract (1351) HTML (229) PDF 992.99 K (3116) Comment (0) Favorites


      Carbon fiber composite material is gaining wider use in aerospace systems. Its shielding effectiveness
      is limited due to the conductivity. The shielding effectiveness is theoretically modeled and its result is verified by experiments.
      The influence of frequency, thickness is analyzed on the basis of the model

    • Mechanical Properties of The T700/3234 Pipes

      2014, 44(2):62-66.

      Abstract (1382) HTML (171) PDF 1.38 M (2218) Comment (0) Favorites


      The T700/3234 pipes manufactured by hot press were presented in this paper. The tensile, compressive
      and flexural properties of the pipes were tested with or without memory alloy ring. The results show that the pipes
      with memory alloy ring have an increase of 10. 1% on max tensile load, more than 10% on compressive load and
      compressive strength and 5. 5% on flexural load. The pipes with memory ring demonstrate an improvement of mechanical
      properties except for compressive modulus. The work of this paper establishes a reference for design of high performance
      carbon fibre composite pipes.

    • Analysis and Control for Crack Trouble of1420 Aluminum-Lithium Alloy Forging

      2014, 44(2):67-70.

      Abstract (1312) HTML (171) PDF 0.00 Byte (0) Comment (0) Favorites


      A 1420 aluminum-lithium alloy forging used in a key project cracked when it was deposited in quarry.
      In this paper, fraction analysis, metallographic analysis and mechanical property analysis were employed to investigate
      the reason why cracking phenomenon happened. The results indicated that the cracking problem was delayed
      cracking. Local stress concentration appeared in the R area, where micro-surface cracking formed at the phase of water-
      cooling. In the process of the long-time storage, the surface of the forging was corroded, resulting in stress occurred.
      Under the gradual action of residual stress and stress corrosion, micro-crack enlarged to be perforated crack,
      which resulted in the cracking of the forging. Fortunately, such defect could be prevented by cutting the forging’s internal/
      external surface away and then detected with fluoroscopy.

    • Analysison The Surface Defects of 1Cr18Ni9Ti Butt-Joint Pipe

      2014, 44(2):71-74.

      Abstract (1167) HTML (191) PDF 1.85 M (1946) Comment (0) Favorites


      The butt-joint pipe was made of bars of 1Cr18Ni9Ti, weld with the same type pipe after machining,
      then acid washing defects were found in the parts of suface. Through observation and analysis of suface morphology,
      composition,metallography,microhardness and acid test, we can conclude that chromium depletion areas along the deformation
      line was exist that cause the corrosion preventive becoming worse. In the machining process,the chromium
      depletion areas expose to the surface or near the surface,corrosion first happened in the areas with the process of acid
      washing,then macroscopic defects of pitting are formed. The chromium depletion phenomenon is the defects of raw material.

    • >工程实践
    • Influence of Heat Treatment State on Chemical MillingSurface Quality for LD10 Aluminum Alloy

      2014, 44(2):75-78.

      Abstract (1220) HTML (165) PDF 2.34 M (1836) Comment (0) Favorites


      The research of chemical milling for LD10 aluminum alloy plate have been studied in order to solve
      the problem of poor surface quality of cover which is processed by chemical milling used in the launch vehicle structure
      system. Experiment was conducted following same chemical milling process parameters for parts with same batch,
      same deformation and different heat treatment state (quenching and artificial aging, quenching and over aging). And
      the chemical composition and microstructure of the parts were analyzed. The results of theoretical study and experiment
      show that: surface quality of LD10 aluminum alloy parts processed by chemical milling is related with the heat
      treatment, moreover, the better surface quality belong to the part with annealing and quenching and artificial aging
      state. The surface quality of chemical milling part is improved by over aging without affecting mechanical properties.

    • Influences of High Temperature on Strength ofAdhesively Bonded Single Lap Joints

      2014, 44(2):78-82.

      Abstract (1226) HTML (176) PDF 3.42 M (2096) Comment (0) Favorites


      In order to explore the strength of the structure with lap joints, the adhesively bonded single lap joints
      with differential temperature were tested in tension loading which creates shear across the bondline. The equivalent
      stress was obtained through finite element analysis to define the effect of temperature, which helped to get the conclusions
      that the higher of the temperature, the bigger of the thermal stress and thermal stress value and the stronger of
      the adhesive strength. Then, the failure modest of the adhesive varioused with the increasing of the temperature.

    • NC Machining Processes of Central Bearing Column Shell

      2014, 44(2):83-86.

      Abstract (1214) HTML (236) PDF 2.08 M (2013) Comment (0) Favorites


      NC Machining Processes of central bearing column shell was implemented by constituting reasonable
      scheme. The machining precision and surface quality were guaranteed. The production efficiency was improved. The
      technical scheme of NC machining proved by the experiments carried out on 5-aixs linkage computer numerical control
      machine was available

    • >科技信息
    • Material and Process of American POGO Suppressor

      2014, 44(2):87-90.

      Abstract (1405) HTML (339) PDF 1.93 M (2193) Comment (0) Favorites


      The development of material and process of the POGO suppress device is overviewed, such as bladder
      accumulator, piston accumulator, mental bellows accumulator, ball gas-charged accumulator which used in the rocket
      development history. Through the introduction of the materials and technology of U. S. POGO suppress device, a reference
      for the development of materials and processes related fields is provided.

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