• Volume 44,Issue 1,2014 Table of Contents
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    • >综述
    • Review of Recent Progress on Oxidation Protection forC/ C Composites at High Temperature

      2014, 44(1).

      Abstract (1544) HTML (249) PDF 1.06 M (2620) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The drawback of easy oxidation for carbon/ carbon (C/ C) composites has limited their application as
      structural materials in aerospace field. The oxidation protective coating is one of the most effective methods that can
      realize the long term oxidation protection for C/ C composites at high temperatures. The recent development of oxidation
      protective coating materials for C/ C composites, including glass, metal and ceramic coatings were reviewed. The
      advantages and defects of traditional preparation technologies as well as their application were analyzed and summarized.
      New advances in development of coating technologies were also introduced, and then, the suitable service environment
      and recent application of different coating systems were clarified. To meet the ultra high temperature oxidation
      protection for C/ C composites above 1 800℃, the problem in recent study and the potential development directions in
      the future were proposed.

    • Progress of High-Thermal Conductivity Carbon/ Carbon Composites

      2014, 44(1).

      Abstract (1221) HTML (184) PDF 7.22 M (2189) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Carbon/ carbon composites are attractive candidates for heat dissipation due to their high thermal conductivity,
      low density, low dilatability and excellent mechanical properties. The paper summaries the research and
      development of high-thermal conductive C/ C composites domestic and overseas, the thermophysical properties of C/ C
      composites and the factors affecting on thermal conductivity are discussed. The thermal conductive mechanism of C/ C
      composites,carbon fibers and matrix carbon are introduced, and the preparation and modification of C/ C composites
      are also recommended.

    • Research Status and Development of Nanoporous SuperThermal Insulation Material

      2014, 44(1).

      Abstract (1192) HTML (217) PDF 3.62 M (2566) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Nanoporous super thermal insulation material is a new type thermal insulation material with light
      weight, high temperature resistance, high porosity and low thermal conductivity. Based on these advantages, it has
      become a research hotspot in the field. The most representative nanoporous super thermal insulation materials are aerogel
      thermal insulation material and nanopowder based thermal insulating composites. In this paper the research status
      of nanoporous thermal insulation material is summarized and the development prospect is shown.

    • >计算材料学
    • Numerical Simulation on Transient Insulating Properties ofThermal Insulation Materials With Gas Permeation

      2014, 44(1).

      Abstract (1485) HTML (212) PDF 1.70 M (2410) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Pressure gradient in the insulation materials along the thickness direction, which results from the changes
      in pressure around the maneuvering hypersonic vehicles, will lead to gas diffusion and permeation in thermal insulation
      materials and affect the insulating property. In order to study the influences of gas diffusion and permeation on materials
      insulating properties, a heat transfer model combined conduction radiation with gas diffusion and permeation was
      established under Rosseland approximation for radiation heat transfer. The established control equations were solved by
      finite volume method and the transient insulting properties under the condition of gas diffusion and permeation were numerically
      studied. Results show that gas permeation begins to influence the heat transfer process and worsen transient insulating
      property for a 2 cm nanometer insulation material when its permeability is greater than 10-14 m2 under the condition
      where the heated surface is at environment pressure of 0.1 MPa and the unheated surface is in vacuum. Gas viscosity
      has a significant influence on gas diffusion and permeation process and the diffusion process enhances with the decrease
      in viscosity. Extinction coefficient has more significant influence on the thermal response at the insulated surface
      than gas diffusion parameters and the temperature response decreases with the increase of extinction coefficient.

    • Multi-Scale Simulation on Mechanical Properties of Silica Aerogel Powder

      2014, 44(1).

      Abstract (1364) HTML (183) PDF 2.02 M (2094) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Based on the microstructure of silica aerogel powder, a multi-scale model revealing the internal feature
      of real material is constructed. The nanoporous structure and tensile properties of silica aerogel is simulated using
      molecular dynamic (MD) model. The compression molding of silica aerogel powder is modeled using discrete element
      method (DEM), and then the multiaxial compressive curve of real material is simulated. The MD simulation indicates
      the fractal dimension of silica aerogel decreases as the density increases. Moreover, the DEM simulation reveals the elastic
      modulus of silica aerogel powder is larger than that of silica aerogel while the compressive strength of silica aerogel
      powder is lower than that of silica aerogel. The compressive strength of silica aerogel powder increases as the confining
      stress increases.

    • Ablation-Stress Coupling Simulation Analysis forFiber Reinforced Silica Composite Radom

      2014, 44(1).

      Abstract (1288) HTML (196) PDF 2.32 M (2053) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The paper introduced a new heat-stress coupling experiment for fiber reinforced silica composite radom.
      By using gas flow engine and load device, this experiment assessed the strength of radom under ablation. Simulation
      was carried out base on the experiment. Comparing with simulation results and experiment results proved that
      the simulation method for radom. Eclipse-stress calculating is correct. This method reflected the strength of fiber reinforced
      radom, which under ablation, from experiment and theoretical analysis, and provided a new way for fiber reinforced
      silica composite radom simulating.

    • Curing Simulation of Composites Autoclave Forming Based on COMPRO Model

      2014, 44(1).

      Abstract (2098) HTML (275) PDF 1.38 M (2755) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The appropriate parameter and reasonable process of technics is the key for autoclave molding of
      composite. The technical simulation of virtual autoclave make for the prediction of curing process, and the improvement
      of technical efficiency and reduction of manufacture cost. The paper show a software of autoclave simulation:
      COMPRO, and the typical model of curing process analysis: thermochemical model, flow-compaction model and
      stress deformation model. At last,the key parameter effect on COMPRO analysis have been shown, and a conclusion
      about accuracy of COMPRO analysis can be done through the comparison between the data of spar prototype and
      COMPRO simulation.

    • Radiative Properties Calculation and Optimization of OpacifierParticles in Aerogel

      2014, 44(1).

      Abstract (1284) HTML (186) PDF 1.70 M (2377) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:This work,using TiO2 micro particles with different geometries as an example,models opacifier optical
      parameters’dependence on their shapes and sizes,and computes their average properties according to the actual size
      distribution. In consideration of industrial applications,this work discusses the optimization of opacifier parameters to
      minimize high temperature radiative transfer for spherical particle with a log-normal size distribution, achieving an
      opacified aerogel’s radiative conductivity as low as 1/10 the value of pure aerogels.

    • Analysis on Simulation to Autoclaves Curing Process of Composites

      2014, 44(1).

      Abstract (1431) HTML (175) PDF 1.75 M (2800) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:To investigate the curing process of composite material, the bidirectional couple model including
      thermal transfer and curing dynamics for polymer composite material curing process is established. According to the
      existing curing criterion, the cylinder composites structure is analyzed in this paper, and the temperature and degree
      of cure distribution at internal and outside face sheet is worked out. With the calculation results, because of the
      mould’s thermal conductive ability is low, the temperature at the face sheet next to the mould ascends slower than the
      face sheet at the other side. However the temperature distribution is more uniform.

    • >新材料新工艺
    • Synthesis and Properties of Flexible Polyimide Aerogels WithHigh Thermal Resistance

      2014, 44(1).

      Abstract (1473) HTML (271) PDF 1.60 M (2827) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Two kinds of polyimide(PI) aerogels,PIA-1( BPDA/4-APBI/ OAPS) and PIA-2( BPDA/3-APBI/
      OAPS) have been successfully prepared via the supercritical carbon dioxide drying process of the PI gels derived
      from 3,3’,4,4’ -biphenylene tetracarboxylic dianhydride(BPDA),2-(4-aminophenyl) -5-aminobenzimidazole(4-
      APBI) or 2-(3-aminophenyl) -5-aminobenzimidazole(3-APBI) and octa( aminophenyl) silsesquioxane( OAPS).
      The obtained PI aerogels exhibited micromorphology of a strain of beads with the pore size distribution peaks of 22 nm
      for PIA-1 and 14 nm for PIA-2. The densities of the PI aerogels are 0. 105 g/ cm3 for PIA-1 and 0. 080 g/ cm3 for
      PIA-2; and the Branuaer-Emmet-Teller (BET) surface areas of the aerogels are 693 m2 / g and 302 m2 / g, respectively.
      In addition, the PI aerogels exhibited good flexibility and thermal resistance with the Tg higher than 350℃ and
      initial thermal decomposition temperatures over 530℃.

    • Effects of Isocyanate Coupling-Agent-Modification on Properites ofQF/ PSA Resin Composite

      2014, 44(1).

      Abstract (1530) HTML (216) PDF 892.75 K (2223) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:A silane coupling agent containing isocyanate was designed and employed to modify the interface of
      quartz fiber reinforced silicon containing arylacetylene( PSA) composite. The flexural properties, dielectric properties,
      heat-resistant properties and mechanical properties of GF/ PSA composite were compared. The results showed
      that, the interfacial adhesion performances between the fibers and the resin are improved by the chemical bonding between
      the coupling agent and the active groups on fibers surfaces. The interlaminar shear strength of the treated quartz
      fiber-PSA composite has been greatly improved by 24. 7% compared with those untreated. The results revealed that
      the flexural strength of composite increased 12. 4% after modified. The treating process on quartz fiber by IPTS had
      ignored effect on the dielectric properties of composite, and the insulating properties of composite are still excellent.
      No glass transition happened under the tested conditions, which meant the addition of IPTS wouldn’ t influence the
      heat-resistant of composite.

    • High Temperature Stability of ZrO2 Aerogel Modified by SiO2

      2014, 44(1).

      Abstract (1329) HTML (171) PDF 3.35 M (2103) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:ZrO2 aerogel modified by SiO2 was synthesized by aging ZrO2 gel prepared using ZrOCl2·8H2O as
      precursor, and 1,2-propylene oxide(PO) as a gelation agent in tetraethoxysilane (TEOS) solution followed by high
      temperature supercritical fluid drying method ( HTSCFD). The influence of SiO2 to the structure of ZrO2 aerogel at
      high temperature was investigated by comparing structural transformation before and after SiO2 modifying. The prepared
      samples were characterized using FT-IR spectra, X-ray diffraction ( XRD), scanning electron microscopy
      (SEM) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The results showed that high temperature stability of ZrO2 aerogel
      is highly improved after forming a SiO2 layer covered on the surface of the ZrO2 gel particles during aging process
      in TEOS solution.

    • Synthesis and Thermal Properties of New Ethynyl-ContainingOrganosilicon Hybrid Polymers

      2014, 44(1).

      Abstract (1505) HTML (226) PDF 955.07 K (2642) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:A series of ethynyl-containing organosilicon hybrid polymers had been synthesized via Sonogashira
      cross-coupling reactions using ethynyl-ended silazane (N,N’—bis(4-ethynylphenyl) -1,1-diphenylsilylenediamine,
      M1) monomer with different silyene-containing [—Si(CH3 )2—,—Si(CH3 )2—O—Si(CH3 )2— and —Si(CH3 )2—
      O—Si(CH3)2—O—Si(CH3 )2—] bromophenyl-ended monomers. These polymers showed good solubility. The polymers
      were characterized by FTIR, 1H NMR and gel permeation chromatogratography(GPC). Their thermal properties
      are investigated by thermogravimetric analysis(TGA). The results show that these polymers has good thermal stability.

    • Synthesis and Characterization of Zirconia Aerogels by Hydrothermal-Gel Method

      2014, 44(1).

      Abstract (1313) HTML (202) PDF 1.16 M (2223) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Zirconia aerogels, which process good nano-network structure, were prepared by hydrothermal-gel
      method using zirconium oxynitrate as precursor and carbamide as gelation accelerator,followed by supercritical fluid
      drying. The structure of the porous zirconia aerogels was investigated by the measurement of pore size distribution,
      TEM, BET,and XRD. The results show that the as-prepared zirconia aerogels with a high specific surface area of 445
      m2 / g consist of the amorphous and tetragonal phase. The pore size distributions of as-prepared aerogels have two significant
      maxima:5 to 7 nm and 30 to 40 nm.

    • Preparation and Properties of Benzoxazine Hybrid Resins and Their Composites

      2014, 44(1).

      Abstract (1422) HTML (166) PDF 976.49 K (2537) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:A benzoxazine hybrid resin(BZ-H) was prepared by thermal prepolymerization between benzoxazine
      (BZ) and polysilazane to enhance thermal stability of benzoxazine resin, and glass fiber cloth/ hybrid resin composite
      was also obtained by molding process. The resin shows a low viscosity between 70℃ to 170℃, indicating that the resin
      possesses suitable viscosity to fabricate composites. DSC results show the hybrid resin can be cured at lower temperature.
      Dynamic mechanical analysis(DMA) shows the inflection point of tanδ is 354. 7℃. In nitrogen,5% weight loss
      temperature of the final cured products is 460℃, and char yield is 75. 68% at 900℃. In air, 5% weight loss temperature
      of the final cured products is 466℃,and char yield is 16. 39% at 900℃. Results of mechanical property showed
      that flexural strength,flexural modulus and interlaminar shear strength of the composite is 433 MPa,22 GPa and 24
      MPa,respectively. At 350℃, the retention rate of flexural strength, flexural modulus and interlaminar shear strength
      for the composite is 40%,68% and 54%. SEM image showed strong cohesiveness between benzoxazine and glass fiber,
      which endowed the composites excellent mechanical properties.

    • Preparation and Ceramization of Liquid ZrC Precursor

      2014, 44(1).

      Abstract (1382) HTML (219) PDF 1.61 M (2629) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:A novel liquid precursor for ZrC was prepared by blending of polyzirconoxanesal (PNZ) and propargyl
      modified novolac resin(PN). The precursor could be converted into ZrC upon heat treatment at 1 600℃. The crosslinking
      behavior of PNZ-PN precursor was characterized by FT-IR and DSC. The thermal stability of the cured PNZPN
      was evaluated by TGA. The microstructure and components of the ceramic samples were analyzed by XRD,SEM
      and elements analysis. The results showed that the ceramic sample consisted of ZrO2 below 1 200℃ and low crystalline
      ZrC appeared initially at 1 400℃ due to carbothermal reduction. At 1 600℃, the ZrO2could be converted into pure
      ZrC completely. The ZrO2crystalline phase and carbon content in 1 600℃ ceramic samples could be controlled by the
      amount of PN to get near pure phase ZrC with free carbon of 1. 66%. The Zr, and C elements are well distributed in
      the ceramic sample consisted of high crystalline degrees of ZrC particles with a size distribution of 100 to 200 nm.

    • Preparation and Properties of Ablation-Resistant Phenolic Resin WithLow Density, Heat Insulation and Nanopores

      2014, 44(1).

      Abstract (1203) HTML (169) PDF 2.50 M (2120) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Modified phenolic resin was prepared using thermal prepolymerization between barium-phenolic resin
      and modifier. The cured modified phenolic resin with regular size and shape was prepared using the technology of
      compress moding, and then, it was carbonized at the temperature of 400℃ and 700℃ to prepare the carbonized samples,
      which was used to measure density, weight loss, and shrinkage ratio. The influence of modifier on the morphology,
      surface area, thermal insulation properties and compression strength was also studied. The results of scanning electron
      microscope (SEM) showed that after calcinations at 700℃, the “ coral-like ” carbon structure was observed
      with the nanopores in a range of between 30 to150 nm and a relatively high brunauer-emmett-teller (BET) surface area
      of 464 m2 / g. Compared to the carbonized sample from unmodified phenolic resin, the test of insulation properties
      and mechanical properties showed that the thermal conductivity of modified phenolic resin was reduced by 45. 57%,
      but still retained good compression strength.

    • The Low Density Materials Reinforced by Honeycombfor Long Time Ablation and Thermal Protection

      2014, 44(1).

      Abstract (1146) HTML (165) PDF 2.29 M (2033) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Two kinds of low density ablative thermal protection materials reinforced by honeycomb was developed
      according to the requirements of long time ablation and thermal protection. Arc heated wind tunnel experimental were
      applied to test their property of thermal protection. Their mechanical property and thermophysical property were researched
      also. The carbon layer of the low density materials reinforced by honeycomb on the surface was even and intact
      after ablation without erosion markedly while the back temperatures were below 200℃ under the two long time(1 000 s)
      heat environment and excellent heat-insulating property and well poperty of resisting the flush of gas flow was displayed.

    • High Temperature Resistant Heat Insulating MaterialSimulation and Experimental Verification

      2014, 44(1).

      Abstract (1051) HTML (165) PDF 2.09 M (2081) Comment (0) Favorites


      Using different heat insulating materials thickness in the heat insulating composite structure of the
      heat protection system as the design variables, the temperature extremes of aircraft main structure (the minmum back
      temperature) as the target parameters, the maximum use temperature of the second layer material in the composite
      structure as the constraint condition, the heat insulating composite structure model is extablished and verified by the
      quartz lamp check test. Using ANSYS software for one-dimensional finite element transient thermal anslysis, the model
      calculated results are comprehensive compared with the experimental results, all the data are found in good agreement.
      It has a certain theoretical guiding significance to the similar thermal insulation structure design and process optimization.

    • Effect on the Properties of SiO2 Nanoporous Transparent-Wave/ Heat-InsulationMaterials Doped With Al2 O3

      2014, 44(1).

      Abstract (1181) HTML (212) PDF 3.16 M (1768) Comment (0) Favorites


      Al2O3 doped SiO2 nanoporous transparent-wave/ heat-insulation materials were prepared by sol-gel
      method. The effects of Al2O3 to the thermal stability, dielectric and insulation properties were investigated. It was
      showed that the thermal stability enhanced by the doping of Al2O3, which hindered the sintering of SiO2 particles. The
      dielectric constant fits the Lichtenecker's equation. The influence of Al2O3 to the insulating properties was eliminated
      maximatily by multi-layer structure.

    • >测试分析
    • Analyzing The Oxidation Behavior of Porous Si3 N4 at High Temperature

      2014, 44(1).

      Abstract (1193) HTML (197) PDF 3.65 M (1961) Comment (0) Favorites


      A porous Si3N4 were tested at the static and micro-dynamic condition of the oxidizing atmosphere by
      TG-DSC,XRD,SEM,ICP at four different temperatur with the highest temperature of 1 400℃. The testing results
      showed that oxidation reaction was very weak before 800℃ at 1atm and in static condition. Oxidation reaction become
      obvious after 800℃ and weight increase rapidly after 1 000℃. Preferential oxidation occurs at the surface and the hole
      wall of the sample,then occurs at the hole gap in internal. The oxidation reaction endothermic is controlled by chemical
      kinetics to the interface,and SiO2 is main oxidation product. When the SiO2 covers the surface of the Si3N4 completely,
      and Si2N2O will appear with the temperature increasing and holding time prolonging. It is necessary to pay attention
      to prevent brittle fracture of the sample at high temperature. In addition, the dynamic oxidation atmosphere
      will accelerate the oxidation of Si3N4 in same temperature, especially to the porous and powder samples.

    • Measurement of Electromagnetic Parameters of ElectromagneticMaterials by Free-Space Method

      2014, 44(1).

      Abstract (1217) HTML (252) PDF 1.91 M (3335) Comment (0) Favorites


      Based on the research on the measurement of electromagnetic parameters, through analyzing and improving
      the traditional method, the phase shift ambiguity problem and the half-wavelength divergence were solved,
      and finally a set of test system to test the electromagnetic parameters of common materials in the bandwidth from 2 to
      18 GHz was built. Due to the restrictions of performance of antenna, the measure result is not accurate between 2 to
      4 GHz and 14 to 18 GHz frequency range. This test method has the feature of fast, simple structure, convenient and
      accurate positioning, high test accuracy and so on.

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