• Volume 43,Issue 5,2013 Table of Contents
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    • >综述
    • Current Status and Further Trend of Thermal Protection Materialsfor Deep Space Exploration

      2013, 43(5).

      Abstract (1250) HTML (169) PDF 4.62 M (1971) Comment (0) Favorites


      Recent development of thermal protection materials has been reviewed emphasizing on the ablative
      materials for deep space exploration. The technical request of ablators for future planet probes has been analyzed via
      looking back TPS of several successful missions.

    • Recent Progress in Shape Memory Polymer Composites

      2013, 43(5).

      Abstract (1147) HTML (198) PDF 4.82 M (1638) Comment (0) Favorites


      Recent progress in shape memory polymer composite ( SMPC) in China and abroad has been re鄄
      viewed. The emphases are put on thermo鄄active SMPC ( TSMPC) and electro鄄active SMPC ( ESMPC). Two鄄way
      shape memory composites have arisen in TSMPC. In the aspect of application, SMPC has been known to be used for
      self鄄repairing of composites structure. Research trends in China and abroad have been summarized. Bottleneck prob鄄
      lems in application have been pointed out. Meanwhile, suggestions for future development have been given.

    • >计算材料学
    • The Path Planning and Motion Simulation of The Fiber鄄Placed Robot Based onVariable Stiffness Curved鄄Fiber Placed

      2013, 43(5).

      Abstract (1150) HTML (178) PDF 1.44 M (1832) Comment (0) Favorites


      According to the position equation of variable stiffness curved鄄fiber placed in plane, the trajectory of
      variable stiffness composite cylinders were designed. The mathematical model of the fiber鄄placed robot configuration is
      solved by the Denauit 鄄Hartenbery method. The virtual prototype model of the fiber鄄placed robot is established, while
      kinematics simulation is implemented using Solidworks software. The kinematics simulation is analyzed, while the mo鄄
      tion parameters of each joint are drawn and studied. It is proved the rationality of the designed trajectory. The simula鄄
      tion results and the results of the mathematical model are compared using Matalb software. The results confirm that the
      mathematical model is accurate and reliable.

    • Failure Analysis of Variable鄄Stiffness Composite LaminatesWith Curvilinear Fiber Placement

      2013, 43(5).

      Abstract (1233) HTML (226) PDF 2.55 M (1773) Comment (0) Favorites


      This paper presents the variable鄄stiffness composite laminates with curvilinear fiber placement finite
      element modeling method. According to the curvilinear placement rule definition of every unit of the real constant, the
      variable鄄stiffness composite laminates with curvilinear fiber placement modeling was established. Bending and compres鄄
      sion failure of two kinds of different boundary conditions was discussed, through the Tsai鄄Wu failure criterion, the
      maximum inverse strength radio index 1/ R was calculated. Taking 1/ R =1 as the critical load of failure,bending con鄄
      dition of critical failure load is increased by 16% and 21%, compression condition of failure load is increased by
      51% and 19%. The results show that variable stiffness composite can improve failure properties.

    • >新材料新工艺
    • Numerical Simulation and Laser Welding/ SuperplasticForming Process Research of Core Sheets

      2013, 43(5).

      Abstract (1464) HTML (216) PDF 8.15 M (1650) Comment (0) Favorites


      Two鄄layer core sheets of TC4 titanium alloy four鄄sheet strengthened structure were researched. The
      sheets were welded by laser penetration welding instead of traditional superplastic forming/ diffusion bonding ( SPF/
      DB) process coated with check flux. The superplastic forming of the core sheets were simulated by ABAQUS finite el鄄
      ement analysis(FEM). Optimized pressure鄄time (p鄄t) curve was obtained. The p鄄t curve was used as the pneumatic
      loading curve of this process,then use superplastic forming test to verify it. It reveals that the FEM results consist with
      the experimental results, the thickness distribution is homogeneous,no weld tear phenomenon occurred. So the pro鄄
      posed process is feasible.

    • Magnetic Properties of Nanocrystalline Ni-Zn Ferrite/ Epoxy Resin Composite

      2013, 43(5).

      Abstract (1368) HTML (345) PDF 3.10 M (1803) Comment (0) Favorites


      Nanocrystalline Ni-Zn ferrites powder were prepared by spraying鄄coprecipitation method. Permeabili鄄
      ty of nanocrystalline Ni-Zn ferrite/ epoxy resin composite were measured with Agilent impedance analyzer in the range
      of 10 to 110 MHz. The results show that the grain size of Ni-Zn ferrite by spraying鄄coprecipitation method is about 30
      nm calcined at 600益for 1. 5 h. With the decrease of epoxy resin and the increase of forming pressure, the real part
      of permeability 滋忆of the composition increases and its imaginary permeability 滋义decreases gradually. Under the same
      process conditions, the real part of permeability 滋忆of the composition increases and its imaginary permeability 滋义de鄄
      creases with the increas of the grain size of nanocrystalline Ni-Zn ferrite. The maximum permeability for nanocrystal鄄
      line Ni0. 4Zn0. 6Fe2O4 ferrite can be obtained.

    • Investigation on The Morphologies and Properties ofPLA/ HGB Composites Toughened by EOC鄄g鄄MAH

      2013, 43(5).

      Abstract (1216) HTML (207) PDF 3.34 M (2133) Comment (0) Favorites


      The poly (lactic acid) / hollow glass beads (PLA/ HGB) composites toughened by maleic anhydride
      grafted ethylene鄄1鄄octene copolymer (EOC鄄g鄄MAH) were fabricated via molten and compression molding. The effects
      of mass fraction of EOC鄄g鄄MAH on the microstructures, mechanical properties and thermal stabilities of the composites
      were investigated. The results indicate that the superficial wettabilities of PLA to HGB are facilitated with the presence
      of EOC鄄g鄄MAH and the interfacial adhesion between the matrix and HGB is enhanced remarkably. The tensile
      strength of PLA/ HGB composites is increased firstly and then decreased. With 3% EOC鄄g鄄MAH, the peak value of
      tensile strength is obtained which is 14. 23% higher than the controlled sample, whereas the elastic modulus is de鄄
      clined continuously. In this investigative range, the impact toughness exhibits the trend of rapid increasing and then
      moderating with the increase of PP鄄g鄄MAH. However, only 7% mass fraction of EOC鄄g鄄MAH could lead to a nearly
      40% improvement in impact toughness which indicates that the EOC鄄g鄄MAH is preferred to improve the impact resist鄄
      ance of PLA/ HGB composites. The existence of EOC鄄g鄄MAH varies the procedures of thermal decomposition of PLA/
      HGB composites from one step weight鄄loss to two step weight鄄loss, whereas hardly influence is shown on the thermal
      decomposition temperature.

    • Tensile Stress of Needled Carbon Cloth With Different Woven Structures

      2013, 43(5).

      Abstract (1243) HTML (187) PDF 1.98 M (1887) Comment (0) Favorites


      Carbon cloth was a key material for preparing the 3D woven performs. The property of needled perform
      was decided by the tensile stress of carbon cloth after needling. The tensile stress of needled carbon cloth could provide
      a reference for optimizing technical parameters and improving properties of performs. The tensile stress and the factors
      that affect the stress of carbon cloth were studied. Among the 3 K plain carbon cloth, the 3K twill carbon cloth and the
      3K satin carbon cloth, the 3K twill carbon cloth has a high tensile stress and stress retention and shows the best techno鄄
      logical properties. Under a certain process, the tensile stress of the needled carbon cloth can be simulated by a function
      ofy = A1 伊e-x / t1 + y0, in which A1, t1 and y0 are constants. The needle punching density was the most important factor
      that affected the tensile stress ant the stress retention percent, and the final needle punching density decided the tensile
      stress. When the needle punching density was 26 n/ cm2, the stress of warp and weft direction of 3K twill carbon cloth
      decreased 42. 0% and 49. 1% respectively, and when the needle punching density was 32 n/ cm2, the number was
      71郾4% and 78.8%.

    • Surface Modification and Dispersion of Kevlar Fibers Within EPDM Composites

      2013, 43(5).

      Abstract (1112) HTML (189) PDF 8.72 M (1513) Comment (0) Favorites


      Kevlar fibers were modified by mechanical method and ultrasonic treated with different time, respec鄄
      tively. The effects of the two methods on the surface morphology of fibers, the dispersion of fibers within EPDM, and
      the mechanical and anti鄄ablative properties of EPDM composites were investigated. Results showed that the roughness
      was remarkably increased for the fibers treated by the two methods basing on different mechanism. The mechanical
      and anti鄄ablative properties of EPDM composites (11. 3 MPa and 1. 2 mm, respectively) are superior to that of EPDM
      composites filled with ultrasonic鄄treated Kevlar fibers, which is because of the homogeneous dispersion of fibers within
      EPDM phase.

    • Transition of sp2 Hybridization Structure During Graphitization of Carbon Fiber

      2013, 43(5).

      Abstract (1428) HTML (191) PDF 965.28 K (1924) Comment (0) Favorites


      In present study, the evolution of sp2 hybridization for CCF300 carbon fiber during the heat treatment
      process was studied by Raman spectroscopy. The transition from sp3 to sp2 hybridization was traced by the method of
      deconvolution for Raman scattering curves. The parameter which can be used to trace the graphitization was defined as
      琢,namely IG
      IG +IC. The results indicated that with the increasing of the heat treatment temperature, the amount of amor鄄
      phous carbon decreased gradually. Before 1 700益, the rate of transition to sp2 hybridization structure is more rapid.
      After 1 700益, however, this rate had slowed down dramatically and the pseudo鄄graphitic structure is formed gradually
      after the transition to sp2 hybridization structure.

    • >测试分析
    • Fracture Mechanism of Flexible Insulation at High Temperature

      2013, 43(5).

      Abstract (1431) HTML (210) PDF 2.78 M (1592) Comment (0) Favorites


      Three flexible insulations made from different ceramic fibers were treated at 300益, 600益and 900益
      for 30 min in atmosphere, respectively. Tensile strength was studied with a different variation of the heat treatment
      temperature and fiber surface was observed by SEM. By analyzing the fracture mechanism of the fiber, the main rea鄄
      son leading to the decrease of tensile strength at high temperature was suggested, which was the ablation of agent on
      fiber surface and the crystal transition of amorphous fiber.

    • X鄄ray Radiography and Judgments on Super Small Diameter Tube

      2013, 43(5).

      Abstract (1154) HTML (170) PDF 1.31 M (2015) Comment (0) Favorites


      Different from the method of Oval imaging method on ray detection of narrow鄄bore tube weld, the Ul鄄
      tra narrow鄄bore tube weld detection normally use the vertical transillumination method. The essay discusses the choice
      of oval imaging and the vertical transillumination method through the transillumination thickness ratio and the imaging
      displacement analysis, base on the specific circumstances of the Ultra narrow鄄bore tube. According to the feature of
      ray image overlay of vertical double鄄wall single shadow transillumination, the essay do key analysis on the image fea鄄
      ture of the Ultra narrow鄄bore tube opposite reinforcement, propose two practical way of measuring the figure of oppo鄄
      site reinforcement. The essay concludes that the simplified transillumination satisfy the actual needs of the project.

    • A Modified Three鄄Point Short Beam Shear Test for Measurement ofInterlaminar Shear Strength of C/ C Composites Nozzle Extension

      2013, 43(5).

      Abstract (1189) HTML (252) PDF 3.22 M (1813) Comment (0) Favorites


      In this paper, the traditional three鄄point short beam shear test and a modified three鄄point short
      beam shear test were used for measurement of interlaminar shear strength of needling C/ C composites nozzle exten鄄
      sion. The test results showed, the modified method well reduced the stress concentration phenomenon that the tradi鄄
      tional method caused, and specimems occurred interlaminar shear failure more easily. Moreover, the test values of the
      modified method were higher than the traditional method,and more approach to the fact. Lastly, the weakness position
      of failure test specimems of the modified three鄄point short beam shear test was found by scanning electron microscopy,
      and made a suggestion on material preparation process.

    • Arc鄄Heating Test Simulation Method of Engine ThermalProtection Materials With High鄄Emissivity Rear Coating

      2013, 43(5).

      Abstract (1268) HTML (241) PDF 1.50 M (1773) Comment (0) Favorites


      The inner flow thermal environment of engine has been simulated by the arc鄄heater double鄄models
      rectangle turbulent duct technique in this paper. And the thermal protection performance of the thermal protection ma鄄
      terials with high鄄emissivity rear coating has been tested. The improved model installation method, which can provide
      open鄄type environment with normal temperature in the material rear, can make sure that the rear coating of material
      can radiated energy to the atmosphere or wall with normal temperature. And the heat transfer environment of the mate鄄
      rial rear has been simulation by this method. The type鄄K thermocouples and single鄄wavelength infrared thermometer
      were used to measure the high鄄emissivity rear coating temperature. According to the rear temperatures measured by
      the two kinds of instruments, the spectral emissivity vs. temperature curve can be found. The results show that the
      rear temperature of thermal protection materials with high鄄emissivity rear coating is 81. 1 K lower than that without
      high鄄emissivity rear coating. The spectral emissivity of high鄄emissivity rear coating 着姿(姿=1. 6 滋m) is 0. 89 to 0. 77
      for the temperature range from 1 103 to 1 153 K, and 着姿decreases when the temperature increases.

    • Compactness of Residual Char of Resins by Moisture Adsorption Method

      2013, 43(5).

      Abstract (1346) HTML (176) PDF 2.21 M (1531) Comment (0) Favorites


      The compactness of resin was studied by the moisture adsorption method in the paper. The research process
      was explained by six kinds of resins, including S-157 phenol resin, Q-913 phenol resion and boron modified phenol resin
      etc. Six kinds of resins were decomposed to get different residual chars under the protection of nitrogen atmosphere. The re鄄
      sidual chars were transferred and placed under a laboratory with the controlled humidity and temperature. The weight chan鄄
      ges of several residual chars were weighed up by a balance with the precision of 0.001 milligram. The compactness of resid鄄
      ual chars were compared by their increment after adsorption balance of moisture. The relation of the mass change with in鄄
      crement of six residual chars was gotten after a interval of 200 minute moisture adsorption. The microscope structure of resid鄄
      ual char was observed by electron scanning microscope, and the compactness in microstructure is in accordance with the a鄄
      bility of moisture adsorption.

    • >工程实践
    • An Applied Technology for Thermal Protection Coating

      2013, 43(5).

      Abstract (1438) HTML (258) PDF 1.14 M (1874) Comment (0) Favorites


      Thermal protection coating is very important for small ultra鄄high speed tactical missile to achieve ad鄄
      vanced design and excellent performance. Felicitous material & technology is a key to realize it for execution of the
      coating. In this paper,surface treatnments, primers,filler decentralization and spraying technology is studied, and
      then tests are performed. Test result show that performance of coating,as adhesive force,thermal protective perform鄄
      ance and environment adaptability,meet the requirements. An effective process scheme is developed.

    • Improving Translation Percentage of Fiber Strength forCarbon Fiber Composite Vessel

      2013, 43(5).

      Abstract (1431) HTML (180) PDF 797.50 K (2107) Comment (0) Favorites


      For carbon fiber composite vessel with thin鄄wall metal liner, the basis of netting theory and the expe鄄
      rience value method of developed fiber strength easily induce that practice burst pressure is far higher than design
      pressure, and developed percentage of fiber strength is higher than design value. The reason is mainly analyzed in the
      paper,solving approaches and some methods in design are presented. Firstly,composite technique is designed mainly
      based on practical fiber strength;Secondly,load鄄bearing of liner and resin should be calculated;Thirdly,fibers of vari鄄
      ous tensile strength are classified;Fourthly,iso鄄strength enveloped design method and reinforced dome technology can
      be adopted to improve the situation. The above measures are used in order to develop fiber strength of composite vessel
      sufficiently, to reduce cost and to increase structural efficiency.

    • Fault Analysis of Certain Aero鄄Engine Turbine Blades Broken

      2013, 43(5).

      Abstract (1115) HTML (227) PDF 2.53 M (2165) Comment (0) Favorites


      The certain enging was disassembled and inspected because of its turbine blades being invalidated at
      ground starting. In this paper, it records the fault condition, takes computational analysis of clearance between low
      pressure first stage turbine working blades and low pressure first stage guide blades of the fault engine, takes metallur鄄
      gical analysis and workpiece processing analysis and durability testing and mutuality dimension chain computing for
      engine broken blades. Taking systems analysis for blades broken reason by fault tree, it finds out the reason of engine
      blades invalidated and advances improving advices.

    • Low Damage Drilling Process of SiCp / Al Composites by Grinding Tools

      2013, 43(5).

      Abstract (1172) HTML (230) PDF 2.95 M (1695) Comment (0) Favorites


      In order to improve the drilling quality,diamond abrasive tool is developed. Some experiments on the
      grinding tool are carried out. The variations of thrust force and hole quality influenced by process parameters are in鄄
      vestigated. The results show that better hole quality can be reached when rotate speed is more than 6 000 r/ min and
      feed speed is 5 mm/ min.

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