• Volume 43,Issue 3,2013 Table of Contents
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    • >综述
    • Development and Application of High Strength Stainless Steel

      2013, 43(3).

      Abstract (1589) HTML (223) PDF 4.28 M (2947) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Recent development and status in domestic and abroad on high strength stainless steel are introduced.
      The properties and the mechanism of strengthening and toughening of high strength stainless steel reviewed. And the
      developing trend and application prospect is evacuated in this paper.

    • Progress in Nb-Si Intermetallics Based Ultra-High Temperature Alloys

      2013, 43(3).

      Abstract (2035) HTML (313) PDF 1.19 M (3133) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Niobium-silicide intermetallics base ultra-high temperature alloys,have shown great potential for serving
      at the hot section on the next generation aero-engines and scramjet engines. Due to their high melting temperatures,
      low densities and excellent high-temperature strengths, In the present paper, we discuss the effects of directional
      solidification and heat treatment microstructures and properties of the alloying,powder metallurgy. The future development
      trends are also discussed.

    • Present Status of Self-Transpiration Cooling Materials

      2013, 43(3).

      Abstract (1428) HTML (240) PDF 2.77 M (2144) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In the present work, the types of self-transpiration cooling materials and their respective characteristics
      are briefly introduced. The main fabrication methods of self-transpiration cooling materials and their advantages
      and disadvantages are reviewed. Present status of the study on the properties of self-transpiration cooling materials and
      their influencing factors are discussed in detail. The application of self-transpiration cooling materials in industry is also
      introduced. In the end, the development direction of self-transpiration cooling materials is discussed.

    • Progress in Applied Research of Honeycomb Sandwich Composites

      2013, 43(3).

      Abstract (1376) HTML (163) PDF 1.41 M (3236) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In this paper, the manufacturing processof the aluminum honeycomb core, Nomex honeycomb core
      and composite materials have been reviewed. Furthermore, the latest research progress of the honeycomb sandwich
      composites sound insulation, heat insulation, anti-aging, impact properties and other aspects has been overviewed.
      And some suggestions of research directions of honeycomb sandwich composites are presented.

    • Development and Outlook in Welding of SiC Particle EnhancedAluminum Matrix Composites

      2013, 43(3).

      Abstract (1098) HTML (201) PDF 1.31 M (2117) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The paper describes the common problems and corresponding solutions in welding the SiC particle enhanced
      aluminum (PEA) matrix composites. Then, the development of PEA welding in China and abroad is summarized.
      Afterward, the future prospect for the development of the PEA welding is discussed.

    • Recent Research Progress of Vacuum Insulation Panel

      2013, 43(3).

      Abstract (1077) HTML (187) PDF 2.12 M (2308) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The super-efficient insulation properties of the vacuum insulation panel VIP are reviewed. And also
      the material selection and research process of VIP,problems and prospect for the application of the VIP are introduced

    • Research Progress of Anisotropic Magnetic Absorbing Materials

      2013, 43(3).

      Abstract (1352) HTML (223) PDF 906.36 K (4126) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The high-frequency magnetic properties of the anisotropic magnetic absorbing materials are introduced.
      The progress and status of studies on magnetic film, magnetic fibers and flaky magnetic absorbing materials are
      summarized. And then the problems existing in engineering applications are analyzed, the future development trends
      are given finally.

    • >计算材料学
    • FE Analysis of Composite Cylinder With Defect in Thin-Walled Aluminum Liner

      2013, 43(3).

      Abstract (1283) HTML (178) PDF 1.93 M (2066) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:A finite element model of composite overwrapped pressure vessels (COPV) was established based on
      the FE simulation software MSC. Marc. The variations of thickness and winding angle along the meridian in the domes
      section were considered during modeling. The element thickness and the principal direction of every unit of the domes
      were defined. Then, the influence of defects at different locations with different size on the distribution of displacement,
      stress and strain as well as the burst pressure had been studied. The results demonstrate that the defects with
      the length of 112 mm or less have little effect on the burst pressure in the domes. While at the middle and transition
      section of the liner, the burst pressure decreases with the lowered range of 15% as the length of defect increases. The
      stress concentration and maldistribution of displacement, stress and strain generate around the defects. The distribution
      of strain is consistent with that of the stress. And the isolines of three directions’ strain are bended around the defect
      which affects the bursting pressure as well as the fatigue life.

    • Numerical Simulation and Experimental Verification on Friction Properties ofSelf-Lubricating Highly Loaded Thrust Bearing

      2013, 43(3).

      Abstract (1188) HTML (149) PDF 2.29 M (1953) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The friction properties of self-lubricating highly loaded thrust bearing was simulated by ANSYS software.
      The calculated result was verified and studied by ground experiment. The results show that self-lubrication
      helps to decrease the peak stress in the contact surface while its thickness is less than 0. 4mm. The decrease of friction
      coefficient, increase of compress strength, or increase of the conduct coefficient of self-lubrication could lengthen the
      bearing-life by decreasing the temperature of bearing surface. The friction coefficient of Nomex/ PTFE self-lubricating
      composite decreases steadily with the increasing of thrust load, ultra small value 0. 017 is reached under the 145 MPa

    • >新材料新工艺
    • Centrifugal Casting of Large Thin-Wall Cylindrical Structure of Titanium Alloys

      2013, 43(3).

      Abstract (1411) HTML (221) PDF 4.36 M (2038) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Centrifugal investment casting of large thin-wall titanium alloy cylinders (with diameter of 660 mm,
      height of 750 mm and thickness of 4 mm) has been studied. The results show that small centrifugal force (or low rotation
      speed) leads to incomplete fill of the cylinder mould by Ti-6Al-4V melt, while complete fill of the mould cavity is
      achieved at large centrifugal force. For properly filled cylinders, the quantity of internal pores decreases with increasing
      centrifugal force. For a given rotation speed and shell mould with uniform temperature field, the density of porocity
      increases with the length of melt path. By using shell moulds with an yttria face coat, precision cast parts with high
      surface quality free of α case can be obtained, and the internal porosity can be eliminated by HIPing. Grain size of the
      castings tends to vary significantly with cross-section thickness, and needs to be adjusted through measures such as
      post-casting heat treatment and composition modification.

    • Isothermal Precision Forging Process of Mg-RE Alloy Component WithHigh-Rib and Thin-Web

      2013, 43(3).

      Abstract (1194) HTML (207) PDF 6.83 M (1539) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The isothermal precision forging process and microstructure evolution of Mg-RE component with highrib
      and thin-web are studied in the article. The deform software was used to simulate the isothermal precision forging
      process and some problems arises during the forging process were proposed. Some methods are also proposed according
      to the results of simulation and the forgings with high-rib and thin-web were formed successfully. The results show that
      the intersected lateral ribs are difficult to fill during isothermal precision forging process. The dimension of billet is optimized
      according to the simulation analysis by deform software, which reduces the load of forging process and the Mg
      -RE component with high quality is formed successfully in the combined female dies. The optimal ageing parameter,
      200℃,63 h, is obtained,corresponding to peak ultimate tensile strength,tensile yield strength and elongation of the
      Mg-RE component of 371 MPa,243 MPa and 4. 07%,respectively. The strengthening β′ phase and long period stacking
      ordered phase mainly contribute to the high strength of the component. The fracture modes are changed during
      forging process and ageing process, i. e. ductile fracture in the forged component and cleavage fracture in the aged

    • Weldability of Aluminum Alloys/ Filler for Aerospace

      2013, 43(3).

      Abstract (1231) HTML (175) PDF 4.12 M (2336) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Through experiments of welding thermo-simulation,welding crack sensitivity and tension on aluminum
      alloys marked 2A14,2219,2195,2A97,1460, relationships between BRT and weldability,total content of main
      elements in welding wire and weldability are established. Results show that the less BRT, the better weldability; when
      6% of total cintent of main element is used in the welding wire,joint elagation will be eligible if the ability anticrack
      is good. Rank of weldability is 2219,2A14,2195,2A97.

    • Mechanical Property and Microstructure of Friction Stir Welding ( FSW)Joint of an Al-Li Alloy

      2013, 43(3).

      Abstract (1238) HTML (227) PDF 3.92 M (2110) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Mechanical properties and microstructures of FSW joint of C24S-T8 Al-Li alloy were investigated.
      The strength coefficient of the joint welded with optimized technical parameters reached 82%. During the tensile
      process, plastic deformation and fracture were concentrated in the weld. The nugget zone possessed fine recrystallized
      equiaxed grains with an average size of about 2. 3 mm, most grain boundaries were of high angle larger than 15 °. The
      grains of the thermomechanically affected zone underwent deflection and deformation during the welding process. The
      strengthening precipitates of C24S-T8 Al-Li alloy consisted of T1(Al2CuLi), θ′(Al2Cu) and S′(Al2CuMg). In the
      thermomechanically affected zone and nugget zone, these precipitates were completely dissolved, leading to the decrease
      in hardness.

    • Structure and Joint Properties of Diffusion Bonded TiAl Alloy and TC4 Alloy

      2013, 43(3).

      Abstract (1200) HTML (189) PDF 3.88 M (1953) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:TiAl alloy was prepared using hot isostatic pressing process and the fully lamellar microstructure was
      achieved via heat treatment. Then the diffusion bonding of TiAl and TC4 was invetigated. By the analysis of the microstructure,
      mechanical property and fracture surface,it is found that TiAl alloy and TC4 alloy can be jointed well under
      the conditions of 915℃ /80 MPa/1 h, and the joint achieves metallurgical combination. The joint part appears both
      TiAl lamellar and TC4 rolling stripe. Strength of some joints exceeds the TiAl substrate. At room temperature,400℃
      and 500℃,the joint tensile strength reaches 91. 77%,95. 27% and 99. 21% of the TiAl substrate,respectively.

    • Effects of Welding Ways on Properity of Aluminum Alloy T-JointDuring Friction Stir Welding

      2013, 43(3).

      Abstract (1318) HTML (253) PDF 3.65 M (1854) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Friction stir welding for T-joint of 2A70-T6 aluminum alloy is carried out by using four different kind
      of welding tools, the weld cross section is observed and the tensile strength of weld is tested. The results show that the
      transition metal at the advancing side deform excessively compared to the retreating side. The joints often break at the
      advancing side, under the same welding parameter. The nugget width and the tensile strength increase along with the
      diameter of the pin increases in the single-passs weld, but the increment is small. The tensile strength of parallel weld
      is about 93% of the single-pass weld. In order to get the same width nugget, it is advantage to adopt single-pass welding
      by using big diameter pin over parallel welding.

    • Comparison and Analysis of FSW Cabins and Casting Cabins

      2013, 43(3).

      Abstract (1126) HTML (151) PDF 2.85 M (1872) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:This paper compares the cabins made in welding with traditional casting cabins from production
      process, mechanical properties and product quality. And getting the conclusion that the cabins made in welding has
      the advantages of stable performance, high carrying capacity and high dimensional accuracy

    • Double-Peak Aging Technology Optimization in 7003 Aluminum Alloy

      2013, 43(3).

      Abstract (1231) HTML (202) PDF 1005.88 K (2425) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Two-stage double-peak aging process, aging hardening characteristics and mechanical properties are
      systematically studied by design of the L9(34) orthogonal test in this paper. The second stage in the whole aging has
      a decisive impact on the mechanical properties of the alloy, hardness and strength are more sensitive to final aging
      temperature while plasticity and toughness are more to final aging time. It can be found that there is an optimal dual
      aging process corresponding to the different performance, when use double-peak to optimized the process of high plasticity,
      high toughness coming from the orthogonal test. It is found the performance index can not reach the theoretical
      optimum maximum, and only a relative optimal process is obtained. We found that the best two-stage double-peak aging
      process is:105℃ /4 h+155℃ /70 h.

    • Heat Treatment Process of ZL114A Cast Aluminum Alloy

      2013, 43(3).

      Abstract (1542) HTML (211) PDF 3.32 M (2320) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The effect of solution temperature,holding time,quenching water temperature,aging temperature and
      time on the mechanical property of ZL114A was investigated by heat treatment experiments. The microstructure of
      ZL114A before and after heat treatment was compared. The desirable heat treatment process was optimized: 540℃×14h/
      water quenching(55℃)+155℃×7.5h/ air cooling ,and could be the reference for the following industrial production.

    • Microstructure and Properties of TC4 Alloy WithElectrical Discharge Surface Strengthening

      2013, 43(3).

      Abstract (1303) HTML (316) PDF 2.09 M (2160) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The electric spark deposition method was used to strengthen TC4 alloy surfaces (with or without carbide
      layer coating, respectively) under kerosene-based oil or misted deionized water medium conditions. The microstructure,
      phase compositions and microhardness of strengthened layer were investigated. The results indicated that
      microstructure of strengthened layer showed chrysanthemum petal-like. Under kerosene-based oil medium condition,
      compared with uncoated surfaces the quantity of carbide after coating on alloy surface was increased,which were overlapping
      on edges of petals as while. Under misted deionized water medium condition, the distribution of carbides on
      strengthened layer was more disperse and uniform. Analysis for phase composition of strengthened layer showed that it
      was composed of α-Ti and TiC. In addition, compared with primary TC4 alloy, the microhardness of strengthened
      layer was improved significantly. The microhardness was measured to be about 800 MPa under both medium condition
      while it showed more stable performance in misted deionized water medium condition.

    • Surface Modification Processes of 9Cr18 for Space Mechanism byPlasma Immersion Ion Implantation

      2013, 43(3).

      Abstract (1280) HTML (190) PDF 2.28 M (1962) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Ti+N ion dual-implantation and co-implantation are used to improve the working surface of 9Crl8
      bearing steel by plasma immersion ion implantation(PIII) processes. Untreated and PIII treated samples were evaluated
      by the microhardness and vacuum fiction coefficient tests. Wear morphology of surfaces were also evaluated. It has
      been found that the microhardness of treated samples increases substantially, and the maximum microhardness increases
      68. 7%,the vacuum friction coefficient decreases from 0. 15 to 0. 08, the wear scar diameter and roughness are reduced
      54. 4% and 37. 4% respectively. Comparison of the comprehensive properties of different PIII process, dualimplantation
      process is better than co-implantation process under the same condition.

    • >测试分析
    • Elevated Temperature Mechanical Properties of XG3232 Superalloy

      2013, 43(3).

      Abstract (1454) HTML (290) PDF 2.39 M (1981) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The isothermal oxidation behavior at 1 100℃ and tensile deformation behavior at the range of 20℃ to
      1 100℃ of solution strengthening XG3232 wrought superalloy were investigated systematically by optical microscopy,
      scanning electron microscopy, X-ray diffraction and elevated temperature mechanical testing machine. The results
      show that the oxide film consisting of Cr2O3,NiO and ( Ni,Mn,Cr)3O4 is formed on the alloy surface at the initial
      stage of oxidation. After long time oxidation, the oxide film transforms form monolayer to bilayer,and continuous Cr2O3
      film forms in inner layer and compact NiO oxide film restrained volatile of inner layer Cr2O3 forms in outer layer. The
      superalloy exhibits a strength of 131 MPa and elongation of 66. 2% at 1 100℃ in tensile test. The ultimate and yield
      strength of the alloy gradually decrease with increase of temperature when the temperature is below 650℃. Above
      650℃,the ultimate strength decreases rapidly and the yield strength remains. Meanwhile,the elongation and section
      shrinkage varies slightly below 650℃ while increases rapidly above 650℃.

    • Microstructure of PM TC11 Alloy and Its Effect on Mechanical Behavior

      2013, 43(3).

      Abstract (1307) HTML (197) PDF 1.32 M (2156) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Fully densed PM TC11 alloy was fabricated by plasma rotation electrode process (PREP) and subsequent
      hot isostatic pressing (HIP), its microstructure was observed and the evolution mechanism is discussed by theoretical
      analysis and FEM calculation. The results reveal that, the microstructure of PM TC11 is mainly composed of
      platelet α and fine transformed β phase. Meanwhile, some equiaxed α are observed at the initial boundaries of powders.
      These unique microstructures are caused by the PREP and HIP.

    • Stress Relaxation and Flow Stress of TA15 Alloy atElevated Temperature

      2013, 43(3).

      Abstract (1454) HTML (225) PDF 1.92 M (2091) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Stress relaxation tests and tensile strength tests for TA15 titanium alloy sheet were carried at elevated
      temperatures. The stress relaxation behavior and influence of different factors were discussed. Flow stress rules for hot
      deformation of TA15 alloy were obtained. It was concluded that the residual stress falls fast at the first stage, while
      slowly at the second stage at 600 to 700℃, and the residual stress approaches a limit after 1 500 seconds. The influence
      of temperature on the stress relaxation is obvious, the higher the temperature is, the faster the stress relaxes. Initial
      stress, pre-strain, rolling direction have small effect on stress relaxation, and the influence is less with the rise of
      temperature. With the temperature increasing the flow stress of TA15 alloy is decreases at 675℃ to 800℃. The flow
      stress followe the first class of constitutive equation.

    • Effect of Shot Peening on Rotary Bending High-Cycle Fatigue FractureFeatures of Superalloy DZ4

      2013, 43(3).

      Abstract (1193) HTML (173) PDF 7.49 M (1627) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The fracture surfaces of DZ4 specimens after rotary bending high-cycle fatigue testing with or without
      shop peening were analyzed. The results show that at room temperature or 820℃,as for the specimens without shot
      peening,fatigue cracks initiated from the surface or the casting defects or carbides connected to the surface. Under the
      condition of Kt =1, the fracture surfaces present point source feature,and glide planes and steps can be easily seen at
      these regions. With the increase of stress concentration(Kt =2, Kt =3),linear source and poly-source feature becomes
      more obvious,and the glide planes become smaller and even diminish. With the rise of temperature,the glide feature of
      the source regions becomes more obvious. With shot peening,the fatigue cracks initiate from inner regions, subsurface
      or cast defects. As for the notched specimens,the number of the crack sources and the area of the source regions decrease,
      and main cracks can be distinguished from secondary cracks. It can be thus concluded that shot peening can
      improve the surface integrality of DZ4 superalloy and decrease the sensitivity of DZ4 to notches, and thus restrain the
      initiation of fatigue cracks and enhance the room-temperature properties of DZ4. With the rise of temperature,the reinforcing
      effect of shot peening on DZ4 decreases,but at 820℃,the reinforcing effect of shot peening still exists.

    • Basic Mechanical Properties of A Honeycomb Sandwich Constructions Plan

      2013, 43(3).

      Abstract (1081) HTML (214) PDF 843.17 K (2446) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The basic mechanical properties of A honeycomb sandwich constructions plan were studied in this paper,
      NH-1-2. 75-72 Nomex used as sandwich material, SW-110A/5258 glass fabric reinforced epoxy prepreg cured
      at 180℃ were selected for skin and adhesive film. By applying one step autocalve cure cycle,A honeycomb sandwich
      constructions were produced. Flexural properties,edgewise compressive propertie,flatwise compression properties,plan
      tension shear properties were tested. The basic mechanical properties of A honeycomb sandwich constructions plan
      meet the design requirement of high temperature airborne radome,satellite radome.

    • Analysis and Verification of Locating Defects in X-ray Photographic Testing

      2013, 43(3).

      Abstract (1184) HTML (205) PDF 17.56 M (1428) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Formula method and double labeling method are two positioning methods on depth of defects. Relative
      to the formula method,the double labeling method solves the problems brought by the measurement error of focal
      length and focus shift by method of double labeling. This is a method of greater practical significance. Meanwhile,
      this method is not wildly used in the field of ray inspection. The first reason is the principles are complicated, and targeted
      researches are less; the second reason is, the measurement accuracy cannot be quantified, the credibility is dubious.
      Formula method is used in this essay. Through the analysis on change and linearization of principle formula,
      the essay defines the position principle on defect depth of double labeling method, derives the position formulation of
      defect depth. Using the reduced model, the essay do further analysis and calculation on position accuracy of double
      labeling method. Finally, according to the specific article to be detected, the test verified the calculation formula and
      the measurement accuracy, certified the reliability on method and accuracy from the point of theory and practice.

    • >工程实践
    • Welding Fixture Design and Assemble Welding Processfor Aluminum Alloy Rectangle Chassis

      2013, 43(3).

      Abstract (1395) HTML (245) PDF 1.91 M (2477) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The problems which include difficulty in assembly, joint quality control, large distortion after welding exist
      in assembly welding process of heavy-thickness aluminum rectangle chassis. The corresponding fixture types were chosen
      for different type of structure plates. According to the characteristic of chassis type bodies deformation after welding, a fixture
      for the chassis was designed. Based on these works, electron beam welding is successfully used in the chassis assembly
      welding process. The chassis after welding meet the specifications of design requirement. The results show that the designed
      fixture and process is practical, and this research is advantageously used in solving these problems

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