• Volume 43,Issue 2,2013 Table of Contents
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    • >综述
    • Progress of Broadband Wave鄄Transparent Materials for Radome

      2013, 43(2).

      Abstract (1811) HTML (196) PDF 941.72 K (2616) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Research progress of broadband wave鄄transparent ceramic radome materials is reviewed. The influen鄄
      cing factors of wave鄄transparent materials performance are analyzed,and the preparation methods of ceramic radome
      materials are systematically discussed. It is suggests that the dielectric properties is an important criterion for evaluating
      wave鄄transparent performance. Broadband wave鄄transparent performance of ceramic radome can be achieved by selec鄄
      ting a low dielectric material and increasing porosity,and the development and research of novel dielectric materials is
      an important direction of next鄄generation radome material preparation.

    • Research Progress on Novel Wave鄄Absorbing Materials

      2013, 43(2).

      Abstract (1492) HTML (230) PDF 1.85 M (2549) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:This paper summarizes the current situation of the development of wave鄄absorbing materials. And the
      novel wave鄄absorbing materials are laid a strong emphasis, which requires light, thin, broad鄄band and strong materi鄄
      als, such as nano鄄materials and the left鄄handed materials. Moreover, the developing trend on novel wave鄄absorbing
      materials is prospected. Further more, some suggestions have been provided for the development of the novel wave鄄ab鄄
      sorbing materials in the future.

    • Application of C/ C Composites in Rocket Engine Nozzles in Japan

      2013, 43(2).

      Abstract (1630) HTML (190) PDF 2.27 M (2163) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The application state of C/ C composites in solid rocket motor nozzle in Japan. The components in鄄
      clude a rosetta carbon fabric laminated 2D-C/ C exit cone for satellite apogee boost motor, and 3D-C/ C throat inserts
      for solid rocket booster and launch vehicle. The rayon based carbon fiber is adopted to make the 2D-C/ C exit cone.
      The 3D-C/ C throat insert, used as the 1st stage of M-V solid rocket launch vehicle, has a dimension of 囟1100 mm in
      outer diameter and a density of 1. 95 g/ cm3. The 3D preform is orthogonally weaved in a cylinder structure, and then
      densified by a repeating heat isostatic pressure鄄graphitization cycles. Applications of C/ C composites in both solid and
      liquid rocket motor nozzle extendable exit cones are future development trend in this area.

    • C/ C Composites and Preparation Process in Aerospace Application

      2013, 43(2).

      Abstract (1356) HTML (226) PDF 1.03 M (2436) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Based on patent applications on carbon/ carbon(C/ C) composites in United States, application diffi鄄
      culties and solutions are studied. Key process for improving oxidation resistance,and densification are analysed.

    • >计算材料学
    • Thermal Design Method for Multilayer Thermal Insulations

      2013, 43(2).

      Abstract (1345) HTML (180) PDF 1.65 M (2271) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In this study a thermal design method based upon steady state conduction and radiation coupled heat
      transfer process is presented for multilayer thermal insulations. With the presented method the optimal number of re鄄
      flecting foils and the thickness of each insulation layer could be obtained when the foil distribution characteristics in
      the multilayer thermal insulation was defined. Case studies for multilayer insulations thermal design under specified
      conditions were conducted. Results showed that the multilayer insulation designed with unvaried thickness in each in鄄
      sulation layer had less mass than the multilayer insulation designed with unvaried temperature drop in each insulation
      layer. Results obtained in this study may be useful in the thermal design of high temperature multilayer insulations.

    • Designing and Synthesis of Nano鄄Superinsulating Materials

      2013, 43(2).

      Abstract (1321) HTML (208) PDF 1.67 M (2391) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:A general principle of reducing the thermal conductivity of nano鄄superinsulating materials is proposed
      in view of microstructure and ingredient factors. The SiO2 and SiO2鄄Al2 O3 nano鄄superinsulating materials with con鄄
      trolled pore morphology were synthesized. It is found that the SiO2 and SiO2 -Al2 O3 nano鄄superinsulating materials
      possess uniform mesoporous porous structure. The addition of nano Al2 O3 particles improves the thermal stability of
      SiO2 material and the pore network is preserved and the thermal conductivity is 0. 02 W/ (m·K) at room temperature.
      The stabilization mechanism of SiO2 nano鄄superinsulating materials by doping with Al2 O3 nanoparticles under high
      temperature was investigated.

    • Mechanical Properties of Composites Reinforced byMulti鄄Ply Multi鄄Axial Preforms

      2013, 43(2).

      Abstract (1407) HTML (201) PDF 3.26 M (1617) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Based on the meso鄄structure of multi鄄ply multi鄄axial three鄄dimensional(3D) composite materials, the
      different directional fiber bundles were regarded as the unidirectional composite materials. The stiffness matrix of uni鄄
      directional composite materials was calculated by using the volume average method,and then the stiffness matrix of
      multi鄄ply multi鄄axial 3D composite materials was obtained by the classical laminate theory. On the basis of total stiff鄄
      ness matrix, the deformation of multi鄄ply multi鄄axial 3D composite materials and laminated composite materials were
      simulated by software of ANSYS. By comparing the simulation results, it can be obtained that the multi鄄ply multi鄄axial
      3D composites has the better in鄄plane property than laminated composites, and the maximum stress value of multi鄄ply
      multi鄄axial 3D composites is about half of the laminated composites.

    • >新材料新工艺
    • Low Density Bi鄄Matrix Ablative Composites

      2013, 43(2).

      Abstract (1177) HTML (200) PDF 1.29 M (1878) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Using the processing technology of impregnating silica鄄based needle felt with inorganic and organic
      resin matrix composites successively, bi鄄matix ablative comoposites with density less than 1. 20 g/ cm3 can be ob鄄
      tained. Residual strength, non鄄deformability, heat insulation performance and anti鄄erosion properties of this bi鄄matrix
      ablative composites are assessed through three methods, including muffle furnace baking, quartz lamp static heat insula鄄
      tion and arc air tunnel heating. The results show that after muffle furnace baking at 1 100益for 3 000 s under aerobic
      conditions, the matrix remains 20% and still has sufficient strength. While quartz lamp heating for 1 200 s with 1 200益
      peak temperature, the back temperature of 25 mm thick specimens is lower than 120益. Arc air tunnel heating results
      show that the bi鄄matrix ablative composites have outstanding anti鄄erosion properties and the back temperature of 25
      mm thick spicemens is 71益merely.

    • Preparation of Monolithic ZrO2 Aerogels Using Inorganic Salt Precursor

      2013, 43(2).

      Abstract (1533) HTML (277) PDF 5.10 M (1611) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Monolithic ZrO2 aerogels with good strength performance and homogeneous network structure were
      prepared through sol鄄gel technology with ZrOCl2·8H2O as precursor. Acetic acid (HAC) was added to the system to
      control the process of sol鄄gel, polyethylene glycol 600 (PEG) and formamide (FA) were supplied to make the gel
      network more homogeneous, propylene epoxide (PO) was added to promote hydrolysis and polycondensation progress,
      and then monolithic ZrO2 aerogels were obtained after being dried by high temperature supercritical fluid drying meth鄄
      od (HTSCFD). Mechanism of ZrO2aerogels preparation was discussed in this paper, and the effects of FA and PEG
      on the structure and morphology of the samples were also investigated. The microstructure and properties of the sam鄄
      ples were characterized by SEM, BET and other analytic methods. The results showed that the pore volume and aver鄄
      age pore size decreased, the specific surface area increased with the increasing of FA; pore volume , specific surface
      area and average pore size increased first,and then decreased after with the increasing of PEG.

    • Microstructure and Properties of Insulating Materials

      2013, 43(2).

      Abstract (1259) HTML (177) PDF 3.45 M (2059) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The relationship between microstructure and properties of insulating materials was investigated. The
      results indicate that the thermal conductivity and mechanical property of insulating materials increases with the in鄄
      crease of density. Microstructure and properties between in鄄plane and transverse orientation of rigid tile is different.
      Insulation property of rigid tile is better after compositing process,thermal conductivity reduces from 43 mW/ (m·K)
      to 36 mW/ (m·K). After adding functional agent, insulation property at high temperature is better, backside temper鄄
      ature of sample reduces from 668益to 576益. But dielectric constants increases by 2% to 6. 6%. Waterproofing and
      low moisture absorption insulating materials is gained after special process.

    • Fabrication and Properties of Carbon Fiber ReinforcedSiBCN Matrix Composites

      2013, 43(2).

      Abstract (1321) HTML (191) PDF 4.90 M (1631) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Carbon fiber reinforced SiBCN鄄matrix composites were fabricated by polymer infiltration and pyrolysis
      route (PIP) with a lab鄄produced SiBCN precursor (P鄄SiBCN) as a matrix source. Their mechanical properties were
      investigated. The composite obtained from 8 PIP鄄cycles showed its flexure strengths of 334 MPa at room temperature,
      and in鄄situ flexure strength of 367 MPa at 800益in inert gas atmosphere. The composite retained its 60% strengths
      upon bending even at 800益in air.

    • 新型SiOC 陶瓷前驱体的合成及性能

      2013, 43(2).

      Abstract (1557) HTML (262) PDF 1.11 M (2481) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Polysiloxanes containing Si—H and Si CH詤CH2 were synthesized by cationic ring鄄opening poly鄄
      merization of 1,2,3,4鄄tetramethyl鄄1,2,3,4鄄tetravinyl cyclotetrasiloxane and 1,2,3,4鄄tetramethyl cyclotetrasiloxane.
      The polysiloxanes were characterized by fourier transfer infrared spectrometer,nuclear magnetic resonance, gel perme鄄
      ation chromatography, and hermogravimetric analyses. The results indicated the polymers have designed structure,
      their molecular weight, viscosities, and the ratios of Si—H to Si CH詤CH2 could be adjusted by changing the ra鄄
      tio of raw materials. The new polysiloxanes have low viscosity and high ceramic yield.

    • Biomimetic Synthesis of Porous SiC Ceramics

      2013, 43(2).

      Abstract (1403) HTML (222) PDF 4.20 M (1976) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:SiC ceramic materials with a woodlike microstructure had been fabricated by carbothermal reduction
      reactions of silica with wood or carbonized wood. The different microstructures of templates had a significant impact on
      the biomimetic synthesis of porous SiC ceramics. The infiltration efficiency is determined by the apparent porosity,
      pore size and its distribution uniformity. The infiltration efficiency for pine is best,and the weight gain percents for
      wood or carbonized wood template are respectively 66. 5% and 76. 8% after a one鄄shot infiltration. The weight gain
      percent for pine is 156. 8%, and the cumulative amount of SiO2 absorption for pine was much higher than for teak or
      katsura, after 3 cycles of infiltration鄄firing. The microstructures of templates, cycle numbers and fire temperatures in鄄
      fluenced ceramization. The residual carbon ratio for C/ SiC template from pine is only 15wt%, less than one third of
      that from teak or katsura through 3 cycles and under the firing temperature of 1 600益. The residual carbon ratio in
      the biomorphic porous SiC ceramic with the porosity of 71vol% is close to zero and the carbon cell wall is transformed
      to SiC porous ceramic cell wall from pine template through 4 cycles and under the firing temperature of 1 600益.

    • Technology of Thick鄄Wall C/ C Composites Preparedby Zoning Control CVI

      2013, 43(2).

      Abstract (1393) HTML (208) PDF 1.48 M (1663) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Using C3H6 and FA resin as carbon resources,the integral carbon felt reinforced thick鄄wall C/ C com鄄
      posites were prepared by combinational process of zoning control CVI and resin impregnation carbonization(PIC). The
      microstructure was observed by CT machine and PLM and thermodynamics properties are tested. In the mean time,the
      results was compared to thermal gradient CVI. The results indicate that microstructure is SL,pyrocarbon is distributed
      homogeneously in it. The efficiency of densification is increased by 50%,especially at the final densified stage,it
      show obvious goodness. Axial compressional strength are increased by 28. 4%,while radial compression strength in鄄
      creased by 33. 6%. The thermal properties kept unchanged. It can be concluded that zoning control CVI can improve
      efficiency of densification greatly and homogeneous distribution of pyrocarbon,lower cost and better thermal mechani鄄
      cal properties.

    • Preparation and Microstructure of C/ C-SiCComposites by Reactive Melt Infiltration

      2013, 43(2).

      Abstract (1650) HTML (268) PDF 12.79 M (1800) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:A high relative desity C/ C-SiC composites were prepared by pressureless reactive infiltration of mol鄄
      ten Si or Si0. 9Zr0. 1 alloy into the porous C/ C preform at 1 550益. Effects of different carbon matrixes of porous C/ C
      preform including pyrolytic carbon and chemical vapor deposited carbon on the behaviors of melt Si or Si0. 9Zr0. 1 alloy
      infiltration into the porous perform, the degree of reaction, the reaction phases contents and microstructures were in鄄
      vestigated. The results showed that the molten Si or Si0. 9Zr0. 1 alloy was infiltrated into the large pores among adjacent
      carbon fiber bundles and some small pores among carbon fibers. The melts were infiltrated more easily into the porous
      C/ C preform with pyrolytic carbon and reacted completely between pyrolytic carbon and melts. The composite was
      composed of SiC, ZrC, ZrSi2 phases and without free Si. Some carbon fibers reacted partially with melt in the porous
      C/ C preform with pyrolytic carbon, which leaded to potential damage of the carbon fibers. However, the chemical va鄄
      por deposited carbon of outer surface of the carbon fiber only reacts with infiltrating melts to form a thin SiC layer,
      which protected carbon fibers and maintained the improved performances. The microstructural formation mechanism of
      the C/ C-SiC composites prepared by reactive melt infiltration was proposed:the formation of the early stage was con鄄
      trolled by solution鄄precipitation,and the subsequent growth was controlled by diffusion of C through the SiC layer.

    • Influence of Glass Fibre on Curing Characteristics of CYD-128/ GA-327 System

      2013, 43(2).

      Abstract (1293) HTML (198) PDF 1.25 M (2006) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The curing characteristic of the CYD-128(epoxy resin) and GA-327(curing agent) system with or
      without glass fibre was investigated. The results indicated that the apparent activation energy,pre鄄exponential factor,
      reaction order, and reaction rate constant of composites system inlarged in a samll scale after the glass fiber was add鄄
      ed. The exotherm area and the reaction heat decreased markedly, and the falling range increased with the increasing
      fiber weight content. Under the same heating rate, the maximal cure reaction rate of the composites system decreased,
      and the cure start temperature decreased, and the time for achieving the maximal cure reaction rate was retarded, so
      the cure reaction time increased. Under 170益, the catalytic action of glass fiber reacted on the resin system. Howev鄄
      er, over 170益, delayed action of glass fiber reacted on the resin system.

    • Heat Transfer Model of Electron Beam Curing Composites During Manufacturing

      2013, 43(2).

      Abstract (1326) HTML (251) PDF 939.89 K (1778) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In order to understand the heat transfer principle of electron beam curing composites during manufac鄄
      turing, the temperature distributing model during electron beam curing was built according to the electron beam curing
      kinetics of epoxy matrix and traditional heat transfer principle, and the model was confirmed by experiment.

    • Anti鄄Ablative Preformances of CVD-SiC Coated C/ C-SiC Composites

      2013, 43(2).

      Abstract (1465) HTML (203) PDF 5.33 M (1778) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:SiC coatings on the surface of the three dimensional needled carbon/ carbon and silicon carbide (C/ C
      -SiC) composites were prepared by chemical vapor deposition (CVD) at 1 050益. The coatings are prepared by two
      kinds of experimental conditions which the flow ratio of diluting gas to carrier gas are 4 颐1 and 2 颐1. The crystalline
      structure and the surface and cross section micromorphologies of the coatings are analyzed by X-ray diffraction and
      scanning electronic microscopy. The oxidation and ablation performance are compared between uncoated and coated
      C/ C-SiC composites. The results show that the deposited coatings mainly consist of 茁-SiC. The surface of coating
      prepared with reducing the flow of diluting gas is smooth and dense,and also strongly bonded with the substrate. As to
      the coated C/ C-SiC composites, the linear ablation rate is reduced by 34% and 50%, and the mass ablation rate re鄄
      duced by 70% and 75%, compared to that of the uncoated C/ C-SiC composites prepared with two kinds of flow rati鄄
      os, respectively, and the coatings show excellent antioxidation and anti鄄ablative performances.

    • Effect on Coupling Agent Adsorption of Basalt Fiber With Acid Treatment

      2013, 43(2).

      Abstract (1270) HTML (197) PDF 1.93 M (1548) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:We studied the effect of acid etching on basalt fiber surface. We designed three factors (concentra鄄
      tion of hydrochloric acid, etching time of hydrochloric acid and concentration of coupling agent) to finish this work.
      The chemical changes (function groups and chemical elements containing C,O,Si,Zr)on basalt fibers were analysised
      by FTIR and XPS. It is concluded that concentration of hydrochloric acid affected the coupling agent adsorption more
      than etching time and coupling agent concentration. With the increasement of hydrochloric acid concentration, the ad鄄
      sorption quantity on fiber surface increased first and decreased then. And we also found that zircon aluminates cou鄄
      pling agent absorption increased with the hydrochloric acid treatment time and coupling agent concentration. When hy鄄
      drochloric acid treatment time is 1. 5 h and zircon aluminates coupling agents concentration was 3wt%, the values of
      Zr/ Si reached the maximum respectively.

    • Comparison With New Reinforcement Technology ofCarbon/ Epoxy Composite Case

      2013, 43(2).

      Abstract (1364) HTML (219) PDF 1.17 M (1961) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:To decrease the stress concentration on the dome of composite case, and improve the ability of the
      composite case, the key problem is how to reinforce the weakness of case and using which method to reinforce it. The
      椎150 mm case of carbon fiber composites is studied in this paper, on the basis of theoretical analysis and finite ele鄄
      ment analysis, using carbon cloth and filament winding to reinforce dome and around equator of the case. As a result,
      the effect of filament winding reinforcement is better than carbon cloth reinforcement,case characteristic factor reaches
      to 48. 5km, stress equilibrium up to 0. 95, developed fiber strength by 3 378. 1 MPa to 4 058. 4 MPa.

    • >测试分析
    • Measurement and Estimate of Thermophysical Parameters of SiO2 Aerogel

      2013, 43(2).

      Abstract (1368) HTML (200) PDF 974.30 K (2468) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The high鄄temperature thermophysical parameters measurement of SiO2 aerogel were investigated by
      plane source鄄stepwise transient method. The thermal conductivity, thermal diffusivity and thermal capacity of the SiO2
      aerogel at different temperature and pressure were obtained. The results showed that the thermal conductivity of SiO2
      aerogel increase 62% compared with RT. In the same pressure, the thermal capacity has an important effect on ther鄄
      mal conductivity below 600益, but when the temperature is over 600益, the thermal diffusivity has an important
      effect. In the same temperature, the thermal conductivity is affected by thermal diffusivity over 10 kPa.

    • Quantitative Phase Analysis of The ZrB2 -SiCUltrahigh Temperature Ceramics

      2013, 43(2).

      Abstract (1365) HTML (224) PDF 1021.96 K (1928) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The phase composition of ZrB2 -SiC ultrahigh temperature ceramics (UTC)are analyzed by XRD,and
      the quantitative analysis data were obtained from the Rietveld analyses. The results show that the phase compositions
      of UTC are ZrB2,SiC,ZrO2,the quantitative analysis data from this work are close to the real ratio of the samples. The
      Rietveld methord is reliable for the quantitative phase analysis of the ZrB2 -SiC ultrahigh temperature ceramics.

    • Comparison of High Q Cavity Method and Quasi鄄Optical Resonator MethodUsed in Dielectric Properties Testing at Millimeter Wave Band

      2013, 43(2).

      Abstract (1466) HTML (299) PDF 3.85 M (1654) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Theory and physical model of high Q cavity method and quasi鄄optical resonator method used in die鄄
      lectric properties testing at millimeter wave band was introduced and emulation analyzed. Test setups were built. Tests
      of cavum and quartz glass were carried out. Result show that quasi鄄optical resonator method is better than high Q cavi鄄
      ty method at quality factor, distinguish frequency point, sample size and testing precision.

    • >工程实践
    • Temperature Control Experiment of Thermal Conductivity EnhancedPhase Change Materials

      2013, 43(2).

      Abstract (1206) HTML (169) PDF 1.39 M (1690) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In order to satisfy the temperature requirement inside the hypersonic vehicle爷s capsule, the thermal
      control method applying the phase change material (PCM) to the heat short regions of the rudderpost was proposed.
      Through the temperature control experiments of the thermal conductivity enhanced PCM, the temperature curves of the
      rudderpost and the metallic capsule under different schemes were achieved. The experimental results revealed that the
      thermal conductivity enhanced PCM could absorb the heat well and decrease the temperature of the heat short regions
      obviously. By using the PCM devices under the low temperature and middle temperature inside and outside the metal鄄
      lic capsule, the temperature of the capsule around the rudderpost could be controlled within the range of working per鄄
      mission. The results would be helpful to guide the temperature control design for the rudderpost of the vehicle.

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