• Volume 42,Issue 5,2012 Table of Contents
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    • >综述
    • Development and Aero鄄Heating Tests of Sharp LeadingEdge in Hypersonic Vehicles

      2012, 42(5).

      Abstract (1266) HTML (206) PDF 1.20 M (1998) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Several thermal protective systems of hypersonic vehicles were reviewed. The aero鄄thermal character鄄
      istics of sharp leading edge and the trend of the corresponding thermal protective materials on hypersonic air鄄breathing
      vehicles were analyzed. The research programs including Hytech, X43A and NGLTH which were proposed in recent
      twenty years in USA were introduced. The development of sharp leading edge materials and the correlative aero鄄heat鄄
      ing tests were described in detail.

    • Research and Application of Carbon Nanotubes in Absorbing Materials

      2012, 42(5).

      Abstract (1112) HTML (114) PDF 1.41 M (1728) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Carbon nanotubes are the promising microwave absorbing agents, served as a potential stealth materi鄄
      als, electromagnetic shielding materials or absorbing materials using anechoic chamber. The recent research achieve鄄
      ments and the problems concerning electroless plating modification of carbon nanotubes and polymer blend with carbon
      nanotubes and hybrid carbon nanotubes with ferromagnetic material are reviewed. Finally,some suggestions for the de鄄
      velopment of carbon nanotubes used as a absorbing material are put forward.

    • Recent Progress on Toughening Technology ofDomestic Cyanate Ester Resin

      2012, 42(5).

      Abstract (1369) HTML (250) PDF 879.49 K (1912) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The paper introduces the methods of the toughening modification cyanate ester resin in recent years,
      including the nanoparticles(SiO2,SiC) modification,polyhedral oligomeric silsesquioxane(POSS) modification, ther鄄
      mosetting resin( EP, BMI) modification, thermoplastic resin modification and other modification methods, then the
      toughening mechanism was discussed

    • Research of Jointing Technique in C/ SiC Composites Nozzle

      2012, 42(5).

      Abstract (1528) HTML (200) PDF 0.00 Byte (1495) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Jointing of C/ SiC鄄metal is the key technique of C/ SiC composites nozzle. This paper introduced the
      analysis and research experiments of chemical vapor deposit Nb(CVD Nb) and brazing which are two kind of general
      jointing methods of C/ SiC鄄metal on Shanghai Institute of Space Propulsion. The existing problems, their solutions and
      further developing emphases were also presented. Moreover, this paper discussed non鄄destructive testing(NDT) meth鄄
      od of CT to C/ SiC nozzle weld jointed with metal, and results showed that micro鄄focus CT had more test effect, which
      can provide reliable evidence to jointed C/ SiC nozzle products.

    • >新材料新工艺
    • Manufacturing Processes of K-cor Sandwich Structure

      2012, 42(5).

      Abstract (1353) HTML (271) PDF 5.61 M (1679) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The K-cor sandwich construction is a new kind of foam sandwich structure reinforced by Z-pin tech鄄
      nique. There are seldom studies available at present. The NHZP-1 resin was used as matrix for partial鄄cured Z-pin爷
      s pultrusion processing. 51. 25% of the cure degree is the optimum parameter based on a series of experiments. And
      an impending device was made for insertion and flushing for the protruding pin using the two鄄step method. The param鄄
      eters of flushing and post鄄cure were also explored. On the basis of the completion, static shear and stretching tests
      were conducted under different loads. The pin flattened length is also critical for the configuration. The increased
      bonded area between Z-pin and the two skins can enhance the resistance of stretching test behavior

    • Effect of Needled Preform Structure on Mechanical Properties of C/ C Composite

      2012, 42(5).

      Abstract (1301) HTML (283) PDF 2.54 M (1998) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:A new needled cylindrical preform was designed and fabricated in this paper by means of angle plies
      of continuous wound carbon fibers with a twill fabric and non鄄woven tapes needled preform as basements. The effects
      of needled preform structures on the mechanical properties of C/ C composites were compared and investigated. The
      results show that the orthogonal needled C/ C composite with the non鄄woven tapes has higher interlaminar shear
      strength(ILSS), and a higher axial tensile strength of 157. 0 MPa, being 83. 0% higher than that of the twill fabric
      reinforced. The non鄄woven tapes reinforced cylindrical C/ C composites with different angles have improved ILSS and
      axial tensile properties, the maximum ILSS and axial tensile strength reach 11. 68 MPa and 179. 0 MPa respectively,
      being 22. 6% and 14%,respectively,higher than that of the orthogonal C/ C composite.

    • Effect of Hydrothermal Environment on Flexural and In鄄PlaneCompressive Strength of T700/5429

      2012, 42(5).

      Abstract (1410) HTML (229) PDF 2.10 M (1540) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The hydrothermal properties of unidirectional reinforcement composite laminates T700/5429 are pres鄄
      ented in this paper. T700/5429 laminate are made by autoclave, the specimens were soaked at temperature of 45益
      and 85益in water bath for a period of 90 days. FT-IR, moisture absorption rate, the flexural and in鄄plane compres鄄
      sive strengths were measured and analyzed before and after immersed. The results showed that the new absorption
      peaks of resin matrix did not appear for their FT-IR, the moisture absorption of composite belongs to diffusion behav鄄
      ior and could be described by Fick爷s Law. The relations of the flexural and in鄄plane compressive strength of the com鄄
      posites with immersion time is not linear, that is fractal. The fractal dimension of flexural strength is 1郾10 (45益),
      1. 07(85益), and the fractal dimension of in鄄plane compressive strength is 1. 04(45益), 1. 05(85益). It is showed
      that the changes of flexural and in鄄plane compressive strength of composite between immersion time have some degree
      of complexity.

    • Properties of PMI Foam Sandwich Structure

      2012, 42(5).

      Abstract (1277) HTML (200) PDF 2.26 M (1808) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The flatwise tension, flatwise compression, edgewise compression, flexure and shear properties of
      polymethacrylimide (PMI) foam/ carbon鄄fiber epoxy resin composites sandwich structures have been tested. And the
      failure modes of mechanical testing specimens have also been analysed. Results showed that the flatwise tension,
      flatwise compression and shear properties mainly depended on the properties of PMI foam core. The flexure testing
      specimens could better reflect the shear properties of foam. In addition, the foam sandwich structures had excellent
      edgewise compression and flexure properties. The edgewise compression strength and modulus of carbon鄄fiber epoxy
      panel (1. 05 mm) / foam (30 mm) sandwich structure are respectively 26. 5 MPa and 5. 88 GPa. The flexure stiffness
      and modulus of foam sandwich structure are respectively 3. 05 kN·m2 and 97. 5 GPa.

    • Novel Honeycomb Sandwich Thermal Protection Materials

      2012, 42(5).

      Abstract (1273) HTML (179) PDF 2.23 M (1679) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Several thermal protection methods were proposed according to the thermal environment requirements
      in application. The thermal insulation property of different thermal protection materials and structures was tested by
      the quartz radiation heating method. The effects of thermal protection coating, structure and material on the thermal
      insulation property were investigated. Results show that the thermal protection coating can significantly lower the back
      temperature of the sample. Compared to the general glass fabric reinforced phenolic resin laminate panel, the sand鄄
      wich test panel prepared by glass fabric honeycomb and polyimide composite panel has lighter weight and good thermal
      insulation property. The area weight of honeycomb sandwich was only 50% of the laminate panel. And the area
      weight of sandwich with polyimide composite panel was about 80% of sandwich with phenolic composite panel. The
      back temperature of sandwich with polyimide panel covered by the thermal protection coating was only 246益.

    • Influence of Different Resin Content on Twaron Ballistic Material Properties

      2012, 42(5).

      Abstract (1289) HTML (185) PDF 1.80 M (1899) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The paper studies mechanical properties and ballistic performance of different resin content of Twaron
      fiber no鄄woven cloth, the optimum resin content is determined. The results show that: the resin content is 15% -
      25%, the tensile strength, peeling strength and impact strength of no鄄woven cloth are better, ballistic performance of
      no鄄woven cloth is also better. This can provid useful information for the studies of ballistic material.

    • Properties of Toughened Bismaleimide and Allylated Benzoxazine Blends

      2012, 42(5).

      Abstract (1421) HTML (240) PDF 2.09 M (2506) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:A kind of allylated benzoxazine containing N鄄substituted m鄄methyl benzene ring (BA鄄mt) was synthe鄄
      sized from the Mannich reaction of paraformaldehyde, bisphenol A and m鄄toluidine. The structure of BA鄄mt was con鄄
      firmed by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) and proton nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy (1 H鄄
      NMR). The allylated benzoxazine BA鄄mt was mixed with bis(4鄄maleimidophenyl) methane ( BMI) and diallyl bis鄄
      phenol A (DABPA) in different mass ratio. The curing reaction process of modified BMI/ DABPA/ BA鄄mt resin was
      examined by differential scanning calorimeter ( DSC). Dynamical thermal mechanical analysis ( DMA) and thermo鄄
      gravimetric analysis (TGA) were used to study their thermal properties. The results show that thermal stability of the
      cured BMI/ DABPA resin decreases with addition of BA鄄mt. However, the loss weight temperature at 10wt% of the
      cured resins in N2 is still higher than 400益, and the char yield at 800益increases to 33wt%. The glass transition
      temperature of the cured resin with 10 parts of BA鄄mt in BMI/ DABPA reaches 319益. The bending property of the
      cured BMI/ DABPA resin increases with addition of BA鄄mt in the resin. And the bending strength and modulus of the
      modified BMI/ DABPA resin based on 10 parts by weight of BA鄄mt are 44 MPa and 3. 76 GPa, respectively. The wa鄄
      ter absorption of the cured modified BMI resins decreases with addition of BA鄄mt content.

    • Influence of Superplastic Forming on the Room TemperatureMechanical Properties of TC4 Alloy

      2012, 42(5).

      Abstract (1321) HTML (164) PDF 4.05 M (1719) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Superplastic forming (SPF) of a TC4 alloy cylinder at 880益and strain rate 着· = 9. 8 ´10-4 s-1 were
      conducted. The influences of superplastic deformation on room temperature strength、fatigue strength and metallurgical
      structure of TC4 alloy were investigated. 摇Results show that grain size grows with SPF elongation increasing. Grain
      size increases to about 20 mm from the initial dimension about 8 mm as SPF elongation equals to 55%. At room tem鄄
      perature,yield strength, tensile strength and fatigue strength of TC4 alloy decrease with the increasing of SPF elonga鄄
      tion. After TC4 alloy sheet subjected to a SPF elongation of 55%, the yield strength and tensile strength reduce 7%:
      the fatigue strength reduces 10% at the fatigue life cycle of 106.

    • Heat Treatment and Performance of PM-TiAl Base Alloy

      2012, 42(5).

      Abstract (1108) HTML (159) PDF 6.88 M (1462) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In order to optimize the usability, microstructure and mechanical property of TiAl based alloy after
      hot isostatic pressing and hot treatment was studied. After heat鄄treatment of 1 355益, organization of TiAl based alloy
      transformed to full lamellar microstructure. After heat鄄treatment of 1 335益, organization of TiAl based alloy trans鄄
      formed to double pattern microstructure. Tensile strength of full lamellar TiAl under room temperature is 446 MPa,
      and will increase with temperature; yield strength of full lamellar TiAl under room temperature is 386 MPa, and will
      increase with temperature.

    • Stress Relaxation and Control Method on 5A06-H112 Al Alloy Welding Structure

      2012, 42(5).

      Abstract (1066) HTML (167) PDF 1.46 M (1674) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Aimed at the stress relaxation of giant size welding assembly of 5A06-H112 aluminum alloy cabinet,
      several welding processes were studied. The TIG and MIG welded joint microstructures were examined out. The ulti鄄
      mate strengths, residual stresses and the hardness of the TIG joint were measured in comparison with the MIG weld鄄
      ing. The results showed that the residual stress of the joint in the welding assembly of aluminum alloy relaxes following
      the descending鄄after鄄rising curve. Due to the lower energy input and multi鄄layer welding process, TIG has the differ鄄
      ent ability to reduce the stress relaxation contrasted with MIG. The method which combines TIG with extending 8 to 10
      aging days enables the stress relaxation weakens, and confines the assembly爷s dimension stabilization finally.

    • Thermal Shock Resistance of Carbon/ Silicon CarbideComposite and TC4 Titanium Alloy Joints

      2012, 42(5).

      Abstract (1104) HTML (180) PDF 2.11 M (1506) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:C/ SiC composites and TC4 titanium alloy were joined by brazing technique, using AgCuTi+10vol%
      to 30vol%SiC composite filler metals and the thermal shock behavior of the joints were investigated between 600益
      and room temperature. Interface microstructures and fracture cracks were investigated by scanning electron microscopy (with EDS energy spectrum). The results showed the thermal stress of the joints reduces evidently, with the increase
      of the amount of SiC particle. In the brazing joints, thermal shock cracks can be found in the SiC ceramics near bond鄄
      ing layer or in the fillet. It seems that wide鄄gap brazing samples have better thermal shock resistance, and no cracks
      were obseured for filler metals containing 20vol% to 30vol% SiC particle, after 30 times thermal shock testing.

    • Development of Ablation and Heat鄄Resistant and Heat Insulation Coating

      2012, 42(5).

      Abstract (1167) HTML (169) PDF 1.60 M (1834) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:According to identity of flying task in some solid rocket motor as well as the mechanism study of heat鄄
      resistant and heat insulation of coating,a kind of heat鄄resistant and heat insulation coating was prepared on the basis of
      epoxy resin grafted by silicone, mixed by temperature鄄resistant mixture filling and additive. The optimum parts of po鄄
      ly鄄phosphate ammonium、aluminium hydroxide and boric acid are 4,6,3 respectively, by using L9(33) orthogonal ex鄄
      periment. The results of the coating tests of the final optimum prescription:its line ablation rate is 0. 116 mm/ s,the
      heat conductivity is 0. 28 W/ (m·K)、the density is 1. 28 g/ cm3,the adhesion strength is 11. 84 MPa,all show that
      the coating is of good combination of performances,especially good heat鄄resistant and heat insulation characteristics,
      which can satisfy the need of requirement of outer heat鄄resistant in solid rocket motor

    • >测试分析
    • Ultrasonic Testing of TC4 Titanium Alloy PlatesWith Double Crystal Probe

      2012, 42(5).

      Abstract (1242) HTML (212) PDF 6.82 M (2508) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The paper discusses the reasons and impact of variant wave and grain noise in ultrasonic testing of
      TC4 titanium alloy plates with double crystal probe. The results show that quantitative evaluation of the defect pulse
      wave amplitude is the most accurate by its beginning. The excessive pulse wave after the beginning of defects pulse
      wave should be used to test with different focal lengths double crystal probe, and that the same orientation coarse al鄄
      pha grains is the main reason for clutter signal generated. It is possible to decrease grain noise level by decreasing the
      width of the pulse.

    • Storage Life of Silicone Rubber Sealing Ring Used in Solid Rocket Motor

      2012, 42(5).

      Abstract (1282) HTML (197) PDF 2.22 M (1510) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Based on the ageing behavioral data of a certain silicone rubber sealing ring used in solid rocket mo鄄
      tor,the power-exponent ageing model parameters and the regularity of ageing behaviour have been received using ap鄄
      proximation and fit methods. The result of these tests reveals that storage of such type of silicone rubber for one month
      at the temperature of 100益equals to 15 years storage at 25益. Simultaneously, numerical caculations about stress
      distribution at the state of permanent compression deformation have been processed, and the state of stress distribution
      of silicone rubber sealing ring after ageing is obtained, accordingt to which the view that the maximum strsess of per鄄
      manent deformation with compression is smaller than that without compression is put forward. At the end of this pa鄄
      per, relativity of stress distribution and permanent deformation is established. Taking thirty percent permanent com鄄
      pression deformation as a rule, the storage life of silicone rubber sealing ring is about 12. 4 years.

    • >工程实践
    • Improving Elongation of Epoxy Outside Protective Coating

      2012, 42(5).

      Abstract (1217) HTML (156) PDF 2.32 M (1479) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:To resolve the crack,cracking,fall off and other problems of the epoxy coating,the epoxidized HTPB which
      named EHTPB,was added to the RT-III to improve the elongation of coating. The toughening coating RT-IV not only had a
      good elongation and manufacturability,but also had a good insulation property compared with the RT-III. However,the in鄄
      terfacial property would reduce appropriately. The RT-IV has been verified by the flight experiment. By studying on increas鄄
      ing the elongation of RT-III,it is found that the elongation will be increasing when the EHTPB is added to the coating.

    • Problem and Measure of Degolding in Components Soldering

      2012, 42(5).

      Abstract (1244) HTML (173) PDF 843.44 K (2051) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:This paper analyzes the mechanism and course of “Au鄄brittle冶in the soldering in assemblies and dis鄄
      cusses “degolding冶and reliability influence of Au鄄Sn alloy. Linking with the correlation process requirements for pru鄄
      ducts of spacecraft, some idiographic measure of “degolding冶is put forward and discussed. The reliability of compo鄄
      nents soldering should be increased by degolding, but must carefulness in process.

    • Design and Research of an Ultrasonic Transducer Drilling Device

      2012, 42(5).

      Abstract (1135) HTML (167) PDF 1.04 M (1816) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In order to solve the problem of severe drill wear and bad quality of hole processing during the drilling
      process of carbon fiber composite materials and titanium, an ultrasonic vibration drilling device is designed. The per鄄
      formance of ultrasonic vibration drilling device depends on the quality of sound vibration system. In this paper, the
      design of the structure of the sound vibration system was analyzed theoretically. And then the modal analysis and har鄄
      monious response analysis was carried out using the ANSYS software. In the drilling tests of the carbon fiber composite
      materials and titanium, the ultrasonic vibration drilling axial drilling force decline 48% and 31% than ordinary drill鄄
      ing axial drilling force respectively. It showed that the developed ultrasonic vibration drilling device has a good drilling

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