• Volume 42,Issue 3,2012 Table of Contents
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    • >综述
    • Buckling and Optimization of Composite Lattice Structures

      2012, 42(3).

      Abstract (1318) HTML (263) PDF 2.55 M (2181) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:This paper reviews different approaches used to analyze buckling and optimization of composite lattice
      structures. In the preliminary design, a smeared stiffness approach can be used to calculate global buckling analytical
      results for smeared lattice panels, cylinders and conical shells. However, it is difficult to get the analytical results for
      complicated lattice structures with unbalanced laminate and stretching鄄bending鄄shearing coupling. So FEA (finite ele鄄
      ment analysis) is used to get realistic mechanical response through nonlinear simulation. Simultaneously, the paper
      also introduces other numerical methods (i. e. ,genetic algorithm). Finally, some experimental methods employed to
      investigate fracture mechanisms and post鄄buckling behavior of lattice structure are also introduced

    • The Latest Progress and Trend in High TemperatureElectromagnetic Absorbing Materials

      2012, 42(3).

      Abstract (1336) HTML (182) PDF 1.59 M (2154) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In this paper the latest reported heat鄄resistant electromagenetic absorptive materials were summarized
      for the applications at temperatures >1 000益, and it was mainly focuses on the inorganic heat resistant materials such
      as carbon and ceramic materials. The novel heat resistant electromagnetic absorptive materials developed in the reports
      of nano and electrospinning technologies was outlooked.

    • >计算材料学
    • Design of Circuit Analogy Absorbing Materials Based onSimulated Annealing Genetic Algorithm

      2012, 42(3).

      Abstract (1240) HTML (201) PDF 1.20 M (1871) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Compared to traditional radar absorbing materials, circuit analogy absorbing materials can be better to
      reduce the material thickness, to improve absorbing properties, often the genetic algorithm is used to optimize the re鄄
      sults. For the disadvantages of the conventional genetic algorithm, crossover probability and mutation probability is
      improved, and the idea of “Simulated Annealing Algorithm冶is introduced as the acceptance criteria of the offspring.
      The improved genetic algorithm only needs to evolve 100 generations to obtain the optimal solution, and the average
      reflectance is -15. 0420 and the thickness of the material is only 1. 425mm, which are better than the result of con鄄
      ventional algorithms. The results show that the improved genetic algorithm makes the convergence faster, and easy to
      avoid falling into local optimal solution.

    • Flat Winding Principle About Equal Polar Hole Spherical Pressure Vessel

      2012, 42(3).

      Abstract (1303) HTML (246) PDF 1.53 M (1830) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Based on the theory of space analytic geometry and kinematics,fiber鄄touched point爷s locus equation
      of flat winding about FRP spherical pressure vessel is established. The functions of fiber鄄touched point爷s space loca鄄
      tion,and velocity and acceleration of equal polar hole spherical pressure vessel爷s flat winding at any time are de鄄
      duced. Velocity in various directions and cosine value of angular separation of the fiber鄄touched point were solved by
      the analysis of doff point爷s winding principle. Finally,winding locus is simulated with various initial angles by software
      of Matlab,the effectiveness of the proposed approach is validated by the comparison results of numerical simulation and
      actual fiber winding style.

    • Modeling and Simulation of Heat Transfer in Thermoplastic CompositeTow鄄Placement Process

      2012, 42(3).

      Abstract (1444) HTML (229) PDF 1.56 M (1749) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:A model of two鄄dimensional temperature distribution in thermoplastic tow鄄placement process was es鄄
      tablished and the effect of the speed and temperature of the hot gas on the process was studied. As the speed of the hot
      air increased from 650 m/ s to 800 m/ s, convective heat transfer coefficient increased 150. Simulation for transient
      heat conduction throughout the placement process was made by ANSYS,which studied the distribution and changes
      with time of the composite component in the temperature field throughout the placement process. According to the com鄄
      parison of changes of temperature field with time during placement at the speed of 40 mm/ s and 20 mm/ s,respective鄄
      ly,it is proved that the slower of the speed,the higher of the temperature peak at the nip鄄point. As the speed de鄄
      creased to 20 mm/ s, the temperature peak increased over 355益,which was the composite processing temperature.
      Therefore, the speed at this condition should be lower than 20 mm/ s theoretically. Correctness of the mathematical
      model of the temperature field is proved by comparison

    • >新材料新工艺
    • Technique for Repairing Keyhole Defect for FSW Joint of 2219 Aluminium Alloy

      2012, 42(3).

      Abstract (1290) HTML (215) PDF 4.09 M (1727) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The combined process of solid鄄state filling+friction stir repaired welding has been used to repair the
      keyhole defect in 2219 aluminium alloy friction stir weld,and the microstructure and mechanical properties of the re鄄
      paired joint at the keyhole position have been analyzed. As indicated,the microsturcture of the repaired joint can be
      divided into three distinctive region:nugget zone( NZ), thermomechanical affected zone( TMAZ) and heat affected
      zone( HAZ). The nugget zone consists of refined equiaxed grains, and a greater bending deformation occurs in
      TMAZ. The mechanical properties measurements demonstrate that the tensile strength of the repaired joint can reach
      335 MPa,and the ductility can get by 8. 0%.

    • Preparation and Microwave Absorbing PropertiesNiCo/ NiFe Coated Carbon Fibers

      2012, 42(3).

      Abstract (1298) HTML (176) PDF 6.59 M (1796) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Nickel鄄cobalt/ iron coated carbon fibers with different weight increasing ratio were fabricated by elec鄄
      troless plating method. The metal coated carbon fibers were characterized by scanning electron micrography(SEM),
      TG鄄DTA thermal analysis, FTIR spectra and vector network analyzer. The results show that a continuous layer has al鄄
      ready been formed when the ratio of weight increasing reaches 80%. The nickel鄄cobalt/ iron coated carbon fibers be鄄
      gan to be oxidized from 389. 8益and 392. 9益, respectively. From the DTA image, we can see that the initial and fi鄄
      nal decomposition temperature of the carbon fibers becomes lower after being coated. The infrared extinction perform鄄
      ance and microwave鄄absorbing property of nickel鄄iron coated carbon fibers with the maximum absorption of 8. 25 dB is
      better than that of nickel鄄cobalt coated carbon fibers. The maximum absorption can reach 9. 9 dB after mixing with

    • Modified Bismaleimide Matrix Resin

      2012, 42(3).

      Abstract (1582) HTML (262) PDF 1.69 M (2797) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:A comprehensive performance of the matrix resin was obtained by introducing vinyl benzyl compounds
      (N-DVBA) as a modifier 2,2忆-(1,3-phenyl)bis(4,5-dihydro)oxazoline as the toughening agent. DSC(differential
      scanning calorimetry),DMTA(dynamic mechanical thermal analyses),SEM(scanning electron microscope) were em鄄
      ployed to characterize the structure and performance of the matrix resin. The results indicate that the cured resin had
      excellent thermal and mechanical properties, such as Tg is 279. 1益, its tensile and bending strength is 88. 50 MPa
      and 133. 8 MPa, elongation rate is 3%,dielectric constant(着) is 3. 79,dielectric loss tans(1 MHz) is 0. 010.

    • Bonding Mechanism of Basalt Fiber Reinforced Phenolic Resin

      2012, 42(3).

      Abstract (1215) HTML (214) PDF 3.35 M (1773) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Basalt fiber was treated with concentration of 0. 8wt% and 1. 0wt% of KH550 silane coupling agent
      respectively, and basalt fiber鄄reinforced phenolic resin (basalt fiber reinforced phenolic resin, BFR鄄phenolic) was
      made. After mechanical testing and SEM analysis, we found that the mechanical properties of 0. 8wt% group was
      slightly higher than 1. 0wt% group. also the resin layer of 0. 8wt% group is thick and evenly distributed,the resin atta鄄
      ched to the surface of a single fiber is more than others; FTIR test had determined the formation of the new chemical
      bonds may be C—N—C, C—O—Si; formation of C—N—C bond between phenol and amino on the composite inter鄄
      face,and formation of C—O—Si bond between phenol and silanol. XPS tests confirmed that the 0郾8wt% group
      formed more C—O—Si bonds,which made it better composite interface.

    • Preparation and Properties of Modified Cyanate Ester Resin Adhesive Film

      2012, 42(3).

      Abstract (1310) HTML (194) PDF 906.80 K (1807) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:By using epoxy resin and thermoplastics resin to modify cyanate ester resin,a modified cyanate ester
      resin adhesive film for bonding advanced radomes was developed. Conversion rate of —OCN groups was determined by
      FTIR spectra after curing. The adhesive film is of desirable process adhesion and its shelf life is 20 days at ambient
      temperature. Lap shear strength of the adhesive film at 200益is larger than 15 MPa. Under the frequency of 9郾375
      GHz,dielectric constant of the adhesive film is 3. 09, and dielectric loss tan啄is 0. 014.

    • Effects of Adding a Small Amount of Al on Properties of 2D C/ SiC

      2012, 42(3).

      Abstract (1131) HTML (222) PDF 3.51 M (1620) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Two鄄dimensional(2D) C/ SiC composites were fabricated by chemical vapor infiltration(CVI) com鄄
      bined with polymer impregnation and pyrolysis( PIP) using polyaluminocarbosilane( PACS) as precursor. Properties
      including microstructure,mechanical properties and thermal expansion of the composites were investigated. The abla鄄
      tion properties of C/ SiC composites were investigated by the oxyacetylene torch flame. The results show that adding a
      small amount of Al has little effect on microstructure, coefficient of thermal expansion( CTE),flexural strength and
      toughness of composites. However,the addition of a small amount of Al into C/ SiC composite effectively enhances its
      ablation resistance. SiC reacts with oxygen to form a silica film,which causes Al melt into silica. Al doping can not on鄄
      ly increase the viscosity of silica,but also reduce the activity of silica. Compare with the no addition of Al into C/ SiC
      composites,the linear ablation rate decreased by 26%.

    • Properties of Organic鄄Inorganic Nano鄄SiO2 / Dicyclopentandiene CyanateEster Resin Hybrid Materials

      2012, 42(3).

      Abstract (1156) HTML (242) PDF 1.07 M (1712) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:To resolve the problem of ordinary nano鄄SiO2 easy鄄agglomeration in the dicyclopentandiene cyanate es鄄
      ter(DCPDCE) resin system,DCPDCE,was modified utilizing organic鄄inorganic nano鄄SiO2 prepared by sol鄄gel process.
      This article discussed the properties of organic鄄inorganic nano鄄SiO2 / DCPDCE,such as dielectric properties and mechani鄄
      cal properties. The result showed that,compared with ordinary SiO2,organic鄄inorganic SiO2 can be well鄄dispersed in
      DCPDCE. When the content of organic鄄inorganic nano鄄SiO2 is 3. 0wt%,the total properties of hybrid materials is the

    • Microwave Sintering of MoSi2 and SiC/ MoSi2 Nanocomposite Ceramics

      2012, 42(3).

      Abstract (1154) HTML (189) PDF 3.20 M (1677) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:MoSi2 and SiC/ MoSi2 nanocomposite ceramics were prepared by microwave sintering. Hybrid heating
      using SiC as preheating material and reasonable design of heat preservation system realized the fast elevation of tem鄄
      perature of MoSi2 on the low temperature stage, and enhanced the temperature uniformity of MoSi2. The density and
      mechanical properties tests showed that under the sintering parameters of 1 400益and holding 60 min, the properties
      of pure MoSi2 sample achieved relative density of 93. 4%, fracture toughness 4. 5 MPa·m1/2, Vickers hardness 10. 53
      GPa, and bending strength 186 MPa. All the mechanical properties of 10vol. % SiC鄄MoSi2 were superior to that of
      pure MoSi2, though the relative density decreased to 90. 3%. The temperature of microwave sintering MoSi2and SiC/
      MoSi2 samples decreased 200益lower than hot鄄pressing sintering temperature (1 650益), but the mechanical proper鄄
      ties were actually enhanced greatly, in particular MoSi2 sample. Fracture surfaces indicated that compared to hotpressing
      sintered samples, the microwave sintered samples presented refined grain size, fine and uniform pore. How鄄
      ever the effect of grain refinement of microwave sintering to SiC/ MoSi2 was weaken compared to pure MoSi2 sample.

    • Preparation and Properties of Modified Waste Rubber Powder / Natural Rubber Composites

      2012, 42(3).

      Abstract (1157) HTML (211) PDF 6.07 M (1580) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:AM monomer was grafted on waste rubber powder(WRP) surface by using the method of UV鄄irradia鄄
      tion,and the optimal conditions were investigated. Modified WRP/ NR composites were prepared,and the mechanical
      properties,hot air aging properties and micro morphology were investigated. The results show that the optimal condi鄄
      tion can be obtained when content of AM is 8%,content of BP is 5%,illumination time is 4 min and particle size is
      100 mesh. The tensile strength,shore A hardness and thermal oxidative aging performance of composites can be im鄄
      proved when modified WRP amount is 10%. The micro morphology analysis show that the dispersibility of WRP is in鄄
      creased and the compatibility is improved after modification.

    • Development of Curved Surface Baffle

      2012, 42(3).

      Abstract (1237) HTML (198) PDF 2.07 M (1716) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The manufacture processing for curved surface baffle of honeycomb sandwich structure is introduced
      in this paper. Material selection,technique,die design,technical difficulties and its solutions are discussed mainly
      based on the structure characteristic and requirement of baffle. The results show that secondary curing can resolve the
      forming of curved surface baffle,its performance is able to meet all design requirement.

    • Cryogenic Treatment on the Oil Separator Valve of Aero Engine

      2012, 42(3).

      Abstract (1263) HTML (169) PDF 922.91 K (2086) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The relationship between the mechanical properties and microstructure after cryogenic treatment has
      been explained. Cryogenic treatmen of the Oil separator valve of aero engine effectively helps transforms form retained
      austenite into martensite and finer carbides precipitated,which brings better comprehensive mechanical properties.
      The work鄄life of the Oil separator valve have been increased obviously and thus it has significant use value.

    • >测试分析
    • Thermal Residual Stress in 3D-Cf / Mg

      2012, 42(3).

      Abstract (1463) HTML (187) PDF 2.33 M (1760) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:This paper proposes a nonlinear elastoplastic model and uses the finite element method to study the
      thermal residual stress in 3D-Cf / Mg and its modification after different treatments. Then an experimental investigation
      was realized by XRD, which indicates the influences of different treatments on thermal residual stress. The result
      shows that after a cold-treatment at -196益, the average thermal residual stress can decrease from 169. 06 MPa to
      55. 29 MPa, while the thermal residual stress changes little after a heat鄄treatment. This calculating result agrees well
      with the experimental results and proves that the cold鄄treatment can reduce the thermal residual stress in 3D-Cf / Mg.

    • Experimental on Compressive Behavior of X鄄Cor Sandwich

      2012, 42(3).

      Abstract (1206) HTML (243) PDF 1.59 M (1628) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Comparison tests of compressive properties were carried out on different z鄄pin angle,face skin thick鄄
      ness,with and without foam,which could be acquired the failure modes of X鄄Cor sandwich and the effect of different
      design parameters on compressive properties. Experimental results show that the combination of z鄄pins and foam core
      lead to a synergistic strengthening. Increasing restriction of z鄄pin爷s end and decreasing the angle between z鄄pin and
      face sheet can enhace the compressive properties. But the compressive properties of z鄄pin angle with 0毅are more to
      sensitive to angle deviation error,and it directly affects behavior of perfect mechanicals properties.

    • Axial Compression and Tensile Investigation of Large Load Flimant Winding Tubes

      2012, 42(3).

      Abstract (1238) HTML (177) PDF 4.72 M (1809) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Filament winding process was adopted to fabricate the carbon/ epoxy tubes and the tubes were tested
      by axial compression and tensile experiment. Besides,the mechanical perpoties of the fliamant winding composites was
      also tested. The results show that the tensile and interlaminal shear strengths of composite are outstanding. The compos鄄
      ite tubes provide excellent axial compression and tensile strength,which are more than 400 MPa and 240 MPa respec鄄
      tively. The coneceting form of the tubes and composites laminar shearing strength play important roles in affecting the
      axial compression and tensile strength of the tubes.

    • Shear properties of needled felt carbon/ carbon composites

      2012, 42(3).

      Abstract (1306) HTML (171) PDF 2.54 M (2019) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:A new designed quasi-3D needled felt C/ C composites have been tested to measure both in-plane
      shear and interlaminar shear properties by the Iosipescu shear method. The results of both stresses and moduli have
      shown small scatter,and invalid failure modes were obtained. The interlaminar shear V鄄notch specimen was analyzed
      using the finite element method to find out how the stress and strain fields distribute in the test section. The study
      shows that,the stress concentrations near the notch roots have caused premature failures of the sample. When two
      cracks were introduced, a homogeneous shear stress state was achieved.

    • Bottom Reflection Method for Carbon Epoxy Composite Pipe

      2012, 42(3).

      Abstract (1086) HTML (155) PDF 3.43 M (1563) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Carbon epoxy composite bars were used to the thrust stents of the new launch vehicle. According to
      the filament winding process and characteristics of the tubular parts, this paper presents the method of bottom reflec鄄
      tion to detect composite tubular based on the comparison of the conventional ultrasonic testing method. Using ultra鄄
      sound C scanning system, this paper adopts the method to artificial defects and the actual products detection. The re鄄
      sults show that the detection method can detect the artificial defects accurately, and achieve the product internal defect
      detection effectively.

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