2012, 42(1).
Abstract:The advantages of particulate reinforced aluminum matrix composites are briefly presented in this arti
cle, followed by a review of fabrication, properties, engineering processing and applications of particulate reinforced aluminum matrix composites in the developed countries. Then, development of aluminum matrix composites in China is summarized. Afterward, some new developing strategy upon aluminium matrix composites in aeronautics and aerospace application are also discussed.
2012, 42(1).
Abstract:High strength magnesium alloy parts with big sizes are significant to enhance the large scale applica鄄
tion of magnesium alloys. At present, the research and development on high strength magnesium alloys have received
much attention all over the world,and consequently many researches have been carried out. In this paper, the latest
research and development status of conventional high strength magnesium alloys, especially the research on high
strength magnesium alloys containing RE elements, novel plastic deformation craft and magnesium alloy parts with big
sizes, are reviewed, and the existing problem and research tendency are also analyzed and pointed out respectively.
2012, 42(1).
Abstract:The three development stages of Al-Li alloys and their corresponding property features are briefly re鄄
viewed. The alloying function of main alloying elements Cu and Li and the micro鄄alloying elements Mg, Ag, Zn, Mn,
Sc, Zr, In and rare earth Ce are discussed in detail. The micro鄄alloying elements can modify the size, morphology
and distribution of the precipitates, or stimulate the precipitation of the new strengthening phase in Al-Li alloys, and
in addition, are able to refine the grain structure and control the recrystallization. Meanwhile, the practical applica鄄
tion and future application plans of Al-Li alloys in aerospace industry are summarized.
2012, 42(1).
Abstract:Progress in research of in鄄situ MAX phases reinforced TiAl matrix composites is reviewed in this pa鄄
per. The phase structures and properties of MAX phases, in鄄situ technologies and synthesis mechanism of the compos鄄
ites are introduced. The microstructures, interface structure and mechanical properties of MAX/ TiAl composites are
also summarized. At last, the potential for application of the composites is introduced.
2012, 42(1).
Abstract:The development and trend of high temperature oxidation resistance coatings on orbit or attitude con鄄
trol rocket engine are revieded . Silicide coatings on Nb alloy have been widely used from 1 960 s. Pt/ Rh alloy and Ir
coating on Re are also applied on thruster chamber and Re/ Ir exhibit good performance above 2 000益, which is con鄄
sidered the best potential material.
2012, 42(1).
Abstract:Since the excellent microwave absorption properties and good cost鄄effectiveness, W鄄type barium fer鄄
rite has been extensively studied. This paper introduces the main preparation methods of BaMe2Fe16O27 and summari鄄
zes the current research status of using different elements as Me and rare earth ions doped W鄄type barium ferrite. And
the research direction of W鄄type barium ferrite in the future is described.
2012, 42(1).
Abstract:The position of neutral surface of integrally stiffened panel is important for parameter design and
structural analysis, together with bending process. In engineering, the centriod is treated as the position of integrally
stiffened panel in elastoplastic bending, and there is large error for this method. In this work,a new method for the
calculation of neutral surface position is set up, considering the strain鄄hardening of a material, and the result is com鄄
pared with that of numerical simulation. Result shows: the neutral surface of integrally stiffened panel in elastic ben鄄
ding lies in the centriod, and it moves to skin side as bending radius getting smaller in plastic bending; when the rela鄄
tive bending radius is small (籽/ t逸10), thinning of panel is ignorable, and neutral surface of stress and strain lie at
almost the same position.
2012, 42(1).
Abstract:The application of the ultrasonic phased array technology on T鄄weld shows its obvious advantages.
However, the beam areas of T鄄weld still can not be defined, and can not estimate the position of the echo. According
to the structure of the T鄄weld, the ultrasonic phased array inspection support software is compiled. Artificial sample
tests suggests that the computer鄄aided technology could achieve the beam coverage of T鄄welded and help to distinguish
the echo signal
2012, 42(1).
Abstract:The mechanical properties and microstructure of a new high鄄strength Al-Li alloy is characterized as
functions of the different forging ratio after the forging process. Results show that the radial stretch strength is more
than 500 MPa, and the radial stretch strength is higher than the axial stretch strength. The grain size is increased with
the increase of the forging ratio
2012, 42(1).
Abstract:The prealloyed powder metallurgy (PM) process is studied in this paper to prepare PM Ti-6Al-4V alloy.
And hot isostatic pressing (HIP) technology and the plasma rotating electrode processing (PREP) powders are used in the
prealloyed processing to get full density material. The microstructures are examined by optical microscope, and the forming
mechanism is studied. Room temperature tensile properties and elastic modulus and impact toughness and fracture tough鄄
ness of PM Ti-6Al-4V alloy are tested and discussed. The results show that the typical microstructures of the PM Ti-6Al
-4V alloy are platelet 琢+ fine transformed 茁structure, surrounded by equiaxed 琢on boundaries of the grains. The special
microstructure is formed by the reason of special prealloyed process and has excellent comprehensive properties.
2012, 42(1).
Abstract:The isothermal forming process of gyroscope鄄brackets has been studied by numerical simulation. The
effects of billet shape and forming programme on metal flowing behavior has been analized. Accroding to the simula鄄
tion results the forming programme had beens choosen. After isothermal forming, the product was heat treated at
200益伊63 h. The fracture strength reaches 371 MPa, the yield strength reaches 243 MPa and the elongation reaches
4. 1%.
2012, 42(1).
Abstract:Effect of rare earth element Gd and Y on the corrosion behavior of ZK60 magnesium alloy was inves鄄
tigated in 5 wt% NaCl aqueous solutions with immersion test. The corrosion products and their morphologies formed in
the solution after immersing various time have been analyzed by SEM and XRD. Results indicate that ZK60 magnesi鄄
um alloy exhibits bad corrosion resistant behavior, while the corrosion resistant behavior of ZK60 alloy with the addi鄄
tion of Gd and Y is significantly improved. This phenomenon is ascribed to the fact that addition of Gd and Y can re鄄
duce the corrosion velocity of magnesium matrix. The corrosion morphology of the two kinds of magnesium alloys is
different. The formation rate of the corrosion pit was decreased by the addition of Gd and Y. In addition,the corrosion
product of ZK60 alloy with the addition of rare earth element is more condensed. The corrosion product is Mg(OH)2
for the two kinds of alloy,which is easy to split and the resultant result is the formation of net film. This film can fur鄄
ther grow,split and fall off. At last, the corrosion process is accelerated.
2012, 42(1).
Abstract:The effect of aging treatment on microstructure and mechanical properties of forging heat鄄resisting Mg
alloy was studied by single aging treatment. The aging phase and fracture behavior were analized. Accroding to the ex鄄
periment results the optimized treatment process and intrinsic mechanism were achived. After heat treatment at 200益伊
63 h,the fracture strength reaches 371 MPa, the yield strength reaches 243 MPa and the elongation reaches 4.1%.
2012, 42(1).
Abstract:The effects of Sc on microstructure,recrystallization temperature and mechanical properties of Al-Mg
alloy were studied by optical microscope,hardness measurement,tensile testing and TEM techniques. The results show
that Sc can improve the mechanical properties effectively, prevent the recrystallization of Al-Mg alloy,The dispersed
secondary Al(Sc,Zr) phase precipitated from 琢(Al) is coherent with the matrix after high temperature annealing re鄄
sulting in high recrystallization temperature and tensile properties of 1570 alloy.
2012, 42(1).
Abstract:Because of capability of preparation for Ti-Al based intermetallics with fine and uniformity micro鄄
structures, powder metallurgy processing method has an unique application in preparing Ti-Al based intermetallics.
Using the examples of Ti-23Al-17Nb (at%) and Ti-45Al-2Cr-2Nb-(B, W)(at%) alloy, the paper introduces
the fabrication, shaping and properties of Ti-Al based intermetallic prepared by powder metallurgy processing, and
shows a good prospect of applications in the aerospace areas.
2012, 42(1).
Abstract:Arc welding and multipass friction stir welding ( Multi-FSW) were applied as the repair welding
technique for tunnel defects of FSW joints. Microstructures and mechanical properties of repaired joints were analyzed
and the influences of the repair welding process on joint properties were evaluated. The experimental results indicate
that mechanical properties of Multi-FSW joints will not decrease obviously. Compared with FSW joints, repaired
joints made using TIG + FSW have similar microstructures and show no microstructural deterioration. The repair weld鄄
ing method is proved to be effective and feasible for the repair of the longitude welding tunnel defect of a rocket fuel
2012, 42(1).
Abstract:The self鄄lubricating bearings which were made up of PTFE and a ultrahigh strength steel
30CrMnSiNi2A were investigated by numerical simulation and experiments. The failure mode and influence of friction
surface on the friction properties were analyzed. The wear mechanism was also studied based on the observation of the
worn friction surface. It was found that the failure of self鄄lubricating bearing is attributed to the damage of lubricating
layer,which is improved by excellent friction surface. Owing to the transferred lubricating film made by PTFE fabric,
the friction coefficient reduced eventually.
2012, 42(1).
Abstract:Characters of spherical powders which were manufactured by plasma rotating electrode process (PREP) were investigated. Microstructure and performance of cryogenic titanium alloy which was manufactured by
hot iso鄄static pressing ( HIP) have been analyzed. Researches on powder metallurgy TA7ELI alloy near net鄄shape
process with appropriative mold was made and assembled by mild steel has been developed, and the high performance
and high dependability rotor with large dimension, thin鄄walled,semi鄄closed which was used for cryogenic rocket en鄄
gine have been manufactured by near net鄄shape process technology. Cryogenic titanium alloy powders which were
manufactured by PREP has very well sphericity shape, high tap鄄density, better granularity distribution, and nonmetal鄄
lic impurity is lower than 20 per kilogram. Powder metallurgy titanium alloy has the same level performance with the
forged material, and the microstructure of the powder metallurgy is equiaxial grain. Powder metallurgy cryogenic tita鄄
nium alloy impeller which is used for hydrogen pump has past the engine test.
2012, 42(1).
Abstract:Factors influencing the spinforming of large鄄diameter and thin鄄walled TC4 alloy tube were analysized.
Formation mechanism of spinning defects and corresponding control methods during spinning were studied,based on
which large thin鄄walled tubular workpieces of TC4 alloy with high precision were well formed. The results show that
spinning pass and deformation ratio can obviously affect quality of workpieces,increasing spinning pass and excessive
deformation ratio tend to decrease precision. Spinning defects,such as diameter and wall thickness error,backward ex鄄
trusion,bulge,can be effectively solved.
2012, 42(1).
Abstract:In order to further investigate the influence of UIT on the surface compact stress of Ti alloy welding
beams,the UIT treatment with different working currents and working hammers on the Ti alloy welding sheets of differ鄄
ent thickness were carried out. The results showed that compact stress is related to impact hammer style and working
current, and the stress is linear with the working current. The fitting straight line had a good response to the relation
between the compact stress and working current. According to the experiment results,it is found the UIT can not only
create compact stress on the welding beams and hot鄄affected zone which is good for the welding parts, and different
compact stress values can be obtained by controlling the UIT parameters.
2012, 42(1).
Abstract:The mechanism of prior particle boundary( PPB) and its effects on microstructures and mechanical
properties in powder metallurgy GH4169 are discussed, meanwhile the measures on minimizing PPB precipitation has
been analyzed. The result indicate that MC carbide is the major constituent of previous particle boundary, and the
powder metallurgy GH4169 shows better property with powder pre鄄heat treatment.
2012, 42(1).
Abstract:Pure HIP-Re metal were prepared by powder metallurgy HIP method, and the microstructure and
tensile properties at room temperature and 2 000益of specimens after different heat treatment procedure. It can be
found that different heat treatment procedures affect the resulting tensile properties significantly. The results indicate
HIP-Re specimens heating treatment of 1 800益/1. 5h exhibit the greatest ultimate strength and elongation with 1 196
MPa and 19. 1% at room temperature, the high temperature 2 000益tensile properties of 69 MPa and 17%, respec鄄
tively. The PM Re metal microstructure exhibit fine and equiaxed grains with the size of 2 to 8 滋m, a mixtured of in鄄
tergranular and transgranular fracture is observed for HIP-Re metal fractured at room temperature, and the dominant
fracture mechanism at high temperature in the HIP-Re metal are intergranular fracture and slip during deformation
with a lot of porosity and micocracks occurring.
2012, 42(1).
Abstract:The molybdenum Coatings on the surface of niobium鄄tungsten alloy nozzle and sample was deposited
by the vacuum arc plasma deposition method. And the MoSi2 coating was fabricated by the silicon pack cementation.
Investigation was made into the morphology, structure and element changing of the surface and cross鄄section of the
molybdenum disilicide coating by XRD, SEM, EDS. The oxidation resistance in staticais are at 1 800益and thermal
shock from room temperature to 1 700益are tested. The results show that the oxidation resistance of at 1 800益reach
30 hours, the thermal shock is 1 376 cycles. After engine operates 415 s at 1 450益,and 100 s at 1 610益,the coating
is not broken.
2012, 42(1).
Abstract:A new kind of Nb521 alloys was studied, which include the changes of microstructrue and properties
at room and high temperture. And the application had been analysised in liquid rocket engine. Result show that Nb521
alloys have good processing and high termperture properties,which can meet the requisement of liquid rocket engine.
2012, 42(1).
Abstract:For transonic and supersonic wind tunnel, fiber glass鄄filled or micro鄄perforated silencer, or resonant鄄
cavity silencer is usually installed upstream of the settling chamber to reduce the strength of current noises generated
by the driving force source components such as the main pressure鄄regulating valve,the ejector for the intermittent wind
tunnel and the compressor for the continuous wind tunnel, restraining noise propagation from affecting the flow quality
in the test section. With the development of technology, especially the technology of noise鄄reduction, multi鄄layer Sin鄄
tered鄄wire mesh becomes a kind of new鄄style silencer which may replace the above鄄mentioned silencers. A method is
proposed in this paper for this new technique to test whether or not reduce the strength of current noises for wind tun鄄
nel. Through pilot tests, it is proved that multi鄄layer sinter鄄wire mesh is better than above鄄mentioned silencers in the
aspect of anechoic impact in the 0. 3 m pilot wind tunnel, improving downstream flow quality remarkably and reducing
the turbulence extensively. This technology can be applied to the xx supersonic wind tunnel. Through capability test
in xx supersonic wind tunnel,this method achieve intention,expand the technology of noise鄄reduction for wind tunnel.
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