2011, 41(3).
Abstract:Thin slab casting rolling, precision processing, flash welding, no mold forming, hydroforming and
other advanced processing technologies in low carbon economy are introduced, and the developing prospects of advanced materials processing technology are analyzed.
2011, 41(3).
Abstract:The mechanical and physical properties of medium/ low volume鄄fraction aluminum matrix composites
are compared with those of Al and Ti alloys based on the special characteristics of medium/ low volume鄄fraction SiCp /
Al composites, and the property of medium/ low volume鄄fraction SiCp / Al composites in aerospace application is pres鄄
ented. Also, aerospace applications of medium/ low volume鄄fraction SiCp / Al composites and recent progress are re鄄
viewed. The development strategy of medium/ low volume鄄fraction SiCp / Al composites in aerospace applications is
2011, 41(3).
Abstract:This study introduces the kinds and the principle for choosing of basic epoxy resin and its research
progress applied in carbon fiber winding of solid rocket motor in our country.
2011, 41(3).
Abstract:The latest species and characteristic of thermal insulating materials for warship are depicted syntheti
cally in this paper. Especially, the performance of the prospective nano insulation materials is emphasized. Based onreviewing the application of nano insulation materials on warship abroad and domestic research, the future developments of nanoinsulation materials for warship are summarized.
2011, 41(3).
Abstract:The voids formation mechanism, test method,influential factors and the influence of porosity on mechanical properties of the carbon fiber reinforced epoxy laminates are summarized. In general, voids decrease the static strength and cause a greater susceptibility to water penetration and environmental conditions. The experimental results prove that voids facilitate moisture absorption which may reduce mechanical properties. Some recommendations concerning the influence of porosity on composites in the hydrothermal environment are also proposed.
2011, 41(3).
Abstract:Advances in damage analysis for composite laminates are summarized. Emphasis is placed on the residual compressive strength of the damaged composite laminates after low velocity impact in composite engineering structures. The contents of the article are as follows: (1)damage characteristic of laminates compressive failure. (2)laminates compressive experimentation. (3)damage model analysis and failure analysis. (4)perspective for developing new analysis methods.
2011, 41(3).
Abstract:This paper makes sure of processing design projects and processing parameters through computer simulating RTM injection course and optimizing curing curves through autoclave simulation. The results show that simulation technology gives a credible method for composite processing optimization.
2011, 41(3).
Abstract:Automated tape placement in large cylinder structure was studied with domestic T300/605 melting prepared prepreg. The ply angle was optimized to achieve the full scale laying in large cylinder structure,which would avoid the gap oroverlaps. On the basis of the optimization, the process experiment of large cylinder structure with automated tape placement was carried out and the result indicated that the adhesion of the prepreg tape was fit for automated tape placement.The gap or overlap between the tapes were less than 1mm and the error of ply angle was less than 0.2毅. Nondestructive testing of the composite
cylinder and test of mechanical and physical performance was carried out.The result showed that the property of the composite cylinder was eligible,which indicated that automated tape placement satisfied the moulding of the large cylinder structure.
2011, 41(3).
Abstract:By carring out a finite element analysis for a shell structure,a kind of “wide range decision method冶,
was obtained. The analysis result by use of this method was in good accordance with the result of hydraulic pressure
test for the shell. So,this method can be used for investigation of shell reinforcement and stress balance factor and
guide the shell theory analysis in the future.
2011, 41(3).
Abstract:The pull out conditions of M5 inserts in honeycomb sandwich structures were tested. Results were
discussed and the effects of sample dimension, vacuum pressure, amount of foaming resin and honeycomb insert height differences on the pull out strength were analyzed. It was found that the pull out strength were not affected when the honeycomb insert height step was between 0. 15 and 0. 40 mm. In order to avoid the boundary effect, the sample dimension should be at least twice of the aperture of the testing clamp. For J 47D foaming resin, it is helpful to the pull out strength during the pressure loading or the vacuum unloading when the temperature has reached T1.Moreover, optimization of the foaming resin around the inerts can improve the pull out strength. The conclusions canbe used in product design experiments and processing parametric initiation.
2011, 41(3).
Abstract:2D C/ SiC ZrB2 composites were fabricated by combining chemical vapor infiltration, slurry infiltration
and polymer infiltration and pyrolysis (PIP) process. Effects of PIP cycle number and heat treatment on the microstruc ture and mechanical properties of the C/ SiC ZrB2 were investigated. Two densification processes were compared: PIP
combining with CVI and by using CVI alone on porous C/ SiC infiltrated slurry. The results indicated that, at the same
heat treatment temperature, the times of heat treatment had little effect on the open porosity and flexural strength. The
flexural strength increased nonlinearly with increasing PIP cycles. After twice PIP processes, the flexural strength of the
composite increased, and reached its maximum value at the fifth PIP cycle. The open porosity and flexural strength of
the composite fabricated by 5 times PIP are 8. 0% and 423 MPa, respectively. After slurry infiltration, this hybrid
process of PIP and CVI is more suitable to densification of the composite than single CVI process.
2011, 41(3).
Abstract:Silicon carbide particle reinforced aluminum composite SiCP / Al was fabricated by pressureless infil
tration technology. The effects of alloying elements on infiltration process were studied. The influence of SiC volume
fraction on thermo physical properties of composite was investigated as well. It was found that magnesium improved in
terface wettability and silicon depressed the harmful interface reaction. With the increasing of SiC volume fraction, the
values of thermal conductivity and linear expansion coefficient of the composite decreased. When the SiC volume frac tion approached 65 percent, the decrease of thermal conductivity slowed down. When the SiC volume fraction approached 68 percent, linear expansion coefficient rapidly decreased.
2011, 41(3).
Abstract:The infrared emissivity of many adhesives,pigments and their paints with polyurethane adhesives in 8
to 14 滋m waveband were tested. It is found that the Karton resin and aluminium based paint give rise to acceptably low emissivity,and the size and shape of the aluminium have an obvious influence on the emittance of the paint. The indium tin oxide(ITO) thin film has extremely low emissivity,and,the emittance of film is also affected by its thickness and oxygen content.
2011, 41(3).
Abstract:HTV methyl vinyl silicone rubber composite filled with micron sized modified carbonyl iron powder
was prepared. Effects of coupling agent type and coupling agent dosage on the mechanical properties of composite were studied. On this basis,effects of carbonyl iron powder爷s amount on the mechanical properties of composite were inves tigated. The microstructure of vulcanized rubber was analyzed with SEM. The results indicate that modification of carbonyl iron powder by using both coupling agents KH570 and KH151 can increase the tensile strength of composites,but the modification effect of KH151 on carbonyl iron powder is better than that of KH570. The optimum dosage of KH151 is 1% of carbonyl iron powder爷s amount. In a certain range,the tensile strength of composite increases with increasing volume fraction of modified carbonyl iron powder. It is defficult to mix on the mill when the volume traction of modified carbongl iron powder is more than 60%.
2011, 41(3).
Abstract:The aging of carbon fiber/ epoxy resin composite(T300/ BHEP) in thermo oxidative, hygrothermal
and hot water aging conditions are studied,the changes of weight and glass transition temperature(Tg) with aging con ditions are tested and analyzed the aging mechanisms. Results show that the Tg of T300/ BHEP composite increases in
thermo oxidative aging conditions because of post curing and free volume shrinkage, and the plasticization of water
causes decrease of Tg in hygrothermal and hot water aging conditions. In these three aging conditions, Tg is linear with
the weight change ratio. Through contrasting the results of 80益thermal oxidative aging, 80益/ RH75%hygrothermal
aging and 80益hot water aging,the plasticization of water have more impact on Tg than post curing, and Tg decreases
more significantly when the humidity is higher.
2011, 41(3).
Abstract:This article studies the CNC machining methods of square window of T300/ AG80 carbon fiber cylindrical composite, with the high speed drilling and grinding CNC machine tools for carbon fiber reinforced plastics.According to structure and characteristics of the material properties, optimized process parameters and CNC programs for processing the square cylindrical module are obtained with spindle speed of 6 000 to 18 000 r/ min and feed rate of 5 to 25 mm/ min, which makes the realization of the automatic processing of the columnar module window of CFRP.
2011, 41(3).
Abstract:Based on the inhomogeneous and anisotropic nature of three dimensional woven carbon fiber compos ite, the turning surface is classified to four kinds of typical surface. Three dimensional woven carbon fiber composite was machined by ultrasonic assisted turning and common turning with three different cutters. The evaluation method of surface quality was established by investigating the surface roughness variation law of four kinds of typical surface. Cutting force and tool wear in the ultrasonic assisted turning and common turning were studied. The results show that ultrasonic assisted turning can effectively improve surface quality, decrease cutting force and prolong tool life as contrasted with common turning when machining three dimensional woven carbon fiber composite.
2011, 41(3).
Abstract:According to the structure of a shrouded turbine blisk,an electrode designing system for EDMing
shrouded turbine is designed through the secondary development on the UG platform. The system consists of five modules,named electrode initial design,electrode thinning,electrode dividing,electrode base design and electrode feeding path planning. An experiment was conducted to validate the electrode design system. A shrouded turbine blisk sample is successfully EDMed by using the so designed electrode.
2011, 41(3).
Abstract:Oil impregnated self lubricating bronze bearings were prepared by power metallurgy ( PM) method
with the mixed powder of 90wt%Cu and 10wt%Sn, and the bronze powder with 10wt% Sn content respectively. The microstructure and phase of the prepared bearings were investigated. The effects of sintering temperature on the Vick ers micro hardness (HV), radical crushing strength and oil content of the bearings were studied as well. It can be found that HV,radical crushing strength and oil content of the bearings have close connection with the sintering tem perature. Better pore structure and combined properties can be obtained for the bearings prepared with the mixed pow der compared with the bronze powder under the sintering temerature <780益.
2011, 41(3).
Abstract:To improve corrosion inhibition and activation properties of aluminum, effects of additives (propargyl
alcohol) on electrochemical properties of aluminum anode(99. 999%)in 4 mol/ L KOH solution were studied by using electrochemi al methods. The results show that corrosion of aluminum is inhibited, corrosion inhibition ratio is 85郾35% and that Eocp is also improved when 0. 5% propargyl alcohol is added into 4 mol/ L KOH. It not only decrea ses corrosion rate (93. 21% of corrosion inhibition ratio), but also increases activation properties of aluminum and that Eocp, reaches – 2. 011 V when 0. 5% propargyl alcohol is added into “4 mol/ L KOH + saturated Ca (OH)2冶.
2011, 41(3).
Abstract:The necessity of multilayer insulation bankets is introduced. The main factors affecting thermal insula
tion performance of multilayer insulation bankets are elaborated,including the selection of reflective barrier and spac ing layer,layer density,stoma and so on. Application in practical engineering,material selection and production process is highlighted.
2011, 41(3).
Abstract:The damage processes and forms of two different heights of foam core sandwich structure composites
subjected to quasi static indentation were studied. The curves of contact force and displacement as well as the damage morphologies of different displacements were obtained by controlling the displacements. The differences of damage processes between thick foam core materials and thin foam core materials were also compared. The result shows that the damage process consists of foam core collapsing,foam core cracking,skin delaminating and skin core debonding; the damage form is that the cracks are 依45毅in the direction of foam core thickness when the core is thick,and 90毅 when the core is thin.
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