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目录 contents




    To understand the variation of their thermal conductivity, nano-porous thermal insulating materials loaded with carbon black and silica fiber were synthesized from tetraethylorthosilicate (TEOS) via a sol-gel process followed by supercritical drying, and they were characterized by thermal conductivity tester, nitrogen adsorption-desorption, SEM, laser particle size analyzer. Test results indicate that the thermal conductivity of the materials without carbon black at atmospheric pressure declines linearly and then rises linearly with increasing apparent density, and the lowest value appears at apparent density of 203 kg/m3. The variation rate of thermal conductivity in the rising region is higher than that in the declining region. With the increase of doped carbon black, the thermal conductivity of the resulting materials with the same porosity at atmospheric pressure decreases first and then increases slightly, their thermal conductivity under ultimate vacuum drops, and their gaseous thermal conductivity at atmospheric pressure grows. In semilogarithmic coordinate, the gaseous thermal conductivity reduction of the resulting material as a function of gas pressure can be divided into 3 stages according to decreasing rate, it decreases rapidly by 6 mW/(m·K) from 101.325 to 30 kPa and then decreases slowly by 2 mW/(m·K) from 30 to 0.1 kPa, while the reduction between 0.1 and 0.01 kPa can be neglected. The lowest thermal conductivity of these materials at atmospheric pressure is only 16.62 mW/(m·K) and it can be further reduced to 14.50 mW/(m·K) via doping 5 wt% carbon black into these materials.

  • 0 引言

    纳米隔热材[1,2]作为典型的超级隔热材料,室温热导率可低至17 mW/(m·K)[3],添加遮光剂后可降低至13 mW/(m·K)左[4,5,6,7,8],隔热保温性能较传统材料优势非常明显,因此在航天防隔[9,10]以及建筑保[11,12]等军事和民用领域具有极其广阔的应用前景,是当前隔热材料领域的研究热点之一。如何最大限度地降低这种材料的热导率,是隔热材料研究人员自始至终追求的目标。从科学技术角度来讲,掌握纳米隔热材料的热导率变化规律,认清制约其隔热性能的关键因素,明晰材料的内部传热控制机制,有助于为其隔热性能改善提供指导,同时为其实际工程应用奠定基础。另一方面,有关纳米隔热材料传热特性理论分析的报道较[13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24],并建立了诸多的计算模型,但用于模型验证的热导率实测数据较少且系统性较差,给模型的充分验证带来了一定的局限性。为此,本文对制备的纳米隔热材料进行了隔热性能测试,系统研究了热导率随表观密度、遮光剂含量以及环境气压的变化规律,并为隔热性能的进一步优化和提升提出了思路和建议。

  • 1 实验

  • 1.1 原料

    四乙氧基硅烷(TEOS)、乙醇(EtOH)、盐酸(HCl)和氨水(NH3·H2O)均为分析纯;去离子水(H2O),自制;炭黑,比表面积370 m2 /g;石英纤维,直径4~7 μm,长度6 mm。

  • 1.2 样品制备

    采用酸、碱两步溶胶-凝胶法结合超临界干燥技术制备纳米隔热材料。将TEOS、EtOH、HCl及H2O混合,室温搅拌1 h使TEOS水解。静置24 h待TEOS进一步水解后,加入NH3·H2O、石英纤维和炭黑搅拌一定时间静置凝胶。其中,TEOS、EtOH和H2O的摩尔比[TEOS]∶[EtOH]∶[H2O]以及HCl和NH3·H2O在整个反应体系中的浓度见表1

    表1 纳米隔热材料的制备

    Tab.1 Synthesis condition of nano-porous thermal insulating materials










    将凝胶在EtOH中老化7 d后,采用高压釜(FYX,大连通产高压容器制造有限公司)、以EtOH为超临界介质进行凝胶干燥。高压釜釜内温度和压力分别升至250℃和8 MPa后保持3 h,随后恒温将EtOH恒速放出。石英纤维和炭黑在样品中的含量分别为3 wt%和0~10 wt%。

  • 1.3 性能测试与表征

    采用高分辨场发射扫描电镜(S-4800,Hitachi,Japan)观察材料的细观结构,测试前在样品表面进行喷金处理以提高材料的导电性;采用激光粒度仪(CAMSIZER XT,RetschTechnology,Germany)表征炭黑的粒径;以N2为吸附质,采用比表面积分析仪(Autosorb 1,Quantachrome Instruments,America)在77 K温度下对材料进行孔隙结构表征,进行吸-脱附测试前,将材料在150℃和真空环境下脱气处理10 h,采用氮气吸附量计算材料的孔体积,并利用脱附曲线采用BJH法计算材料的孔径分布;采用热导率测试仪(HC-074-304,EKO,Japan,测试绝对精度为±1%,重复性误差为±0.5%,测试标准为GB/T 10295—2008 《绝热材料稳态热阻及有关特性的测定-热流量计法》)测试材料的热导率,并将常压与真空环境下的热导率差值作为材料的气相热导率;采用游标卡尺和电子天平获得样品的尺寸和质量,由此计算表观密度,尺寸由精度为0.02 mm的游标卡尺测试获得,质量由精度为0.01 g的电子天平获得。

  • 2 结果与讨论

  • 2.1 热导率随表观密度的变化规律

    未添加炭黑的纳米隔热材料热导率与其表观密度之间的关系如图1所示。可以看到,材料热导率受其表观密度的影响较大,以203 kg/m3为分界点可以划分为两个变化阶段,先由110 kg/m3时的19.06 mW/(m·K)逐渐降低至16.62 mW/(m·K),而后逐渐上升至365 kg/m3时的30.45 mW/(m·K)。此外,热导率随表观密度的变化在每个阶段均呈现线性变化,并且由拟合方程可以看出,上升阶段的变化速率约为下降阶段的3.3倍。


    图1 纳米隔热材料热导率与表观密度之间的关系

    Fig.1 Relationship between thermal conductivity and apparent density of nano-porous thermal insulating materials

    多孔隔热材料中的热量传递主要由对流、导热和辐射传热三种方式完成。研究表明,当材料的孔隙直径小于4 mm时,因对流产生的热量传递便可忽略不计[25]。由于纳米隔热材料的孔隙尺度一般在50 nm量级,因此其隔热性能仅由气体热传导、固体热传导和辐射传热所决定。随着纳米隔热材料表观密度的增大(或孔隙率的降低),其内部的孔隙尺度会有所减小,由图2所示的典型样品氮吸附测试获得的孔径分布曲线可以进一步证明,但固体骨架颗粒[26]之间的接触点会有所增多。孔隙尺度的减小和孔隙率的降低有利于气体热传导的降低[27],而固体骨架颗粒之间接触点的增多以及孔隙率的降低会导致固体热传导增大,并且孔隙率的降低对抑制辐射传热有所帮助,尽管辐射传热占有最小的比例[28]。在达到热导率最低值之前,气体热传导和辐射传热的变化较固体热传导变化大,材料热导率随表观密度的增大而降低;在达到热导率最低值之后,固体热传导的增加超过了前两者的变化,材料热导率随表观密度的增大而升高。因此,材料热导率随表观密度的变化整体上呈现先降低后升高的变化。此外,分界点之后热导率变化较分界点之前变化快的测试结果表明,当纳米隔热材料的表观密度高于203 kg/m3时,固相热传导凸显,需要在今后的材料隔热性能优化设计中加以重视。


    图2 纳米隔热材料典型样品的孔径分布曲线

    Fig.2 Pore diameter distribution of typical samples with different apparent densities

  • 2.2 热导率随炭黑含量的变化规律

    2给出的是不同条件下的材料热导率以及气相热导率。为了分析方便,将所有材料的孔隙率均控制在了91%,也就是说所有样件的孔隙率与图1中表观密度203 kg/m3的样品相同。可以看到,随着炭黑含量的增加,常压热导率先降低后稍有增加,在炭黑含量5wt%时达到了14.50 mW/(m·K)的最低值,极限真空热导率逐渐降低,而常压条件下的气相热导率呈现增大的趋势。

    表2 纳米隔热材料的热导率

    Tab.2 Thermal conductivity of nano-porous thermal insulating materials



    极限真空条件下,材料中的气体热传导完全可以忽略不计,此时热导率实际仅是固相热传导和辐射传热综合作用的结果。材料中辐射传热的强弱除了与温度有关外,还与材料的光学性质密切相关。光学测试表明,纳米隔热材料在3~8 μm的波长范围内吸收系数较低,因此对这一波长范围的辐射传热阻挡作用较差,辐射传热主要发生在这一波长范围内[29]。与之不同,炭黑则在这一波长范围内的吸收系数较高。因此,随着炭黑含量的增多,辐射传热逐渐减小,极限真空下的热导率由此降低。不过需要注意的是,炭黑的热导率[4.18 W/(m·K)]约为氧化硅热导率[1.34 W/(m·K)]的3.1倍,因此添加炭黑抑制辐射的同时势必会导致材料固体热传导的增加,并且当固相热传导变化超过辐射传热时,极限真空热导率将会增大,上述测试结果未出现这种情况的原因在于其含量还不是很大,但测试结果已显示出极限真空热导率下降逐渐变缓的趋势。

    炭黑和纳米隔热材料骨架颗粒尺度之间的差异,可能是炭黑导致材料气相热导率增大的根源。图3和图4分别给出的是炭黑的粒径分布曲线和表观密度203 kg/m3纳米隔热材料的SEM照片。可以看到,炭黑的颗粒尺寸基本在1~10 μm之间,而纳米隔热材料固体骨架的颗粒尺寸在纳米量级。这种尺度上的差异可能会使得材料中产生额外的、尺度相对较大的非理想孔隙结构,加之两种颗粒之间物理化学性质的不同,使上述情况进一步恶化。缺陷结构的产生将会消弱材料孔隙结构的纳米尺寸效应,气体热传导由此增强。因此,引入炭黑等异相组分来抑制热辐射的同时,需要设法避免这些异相组分对材料细观结构造成的负面影响,以确保材料实现最优的隔热性能。


    图3 炭黑的粒度分布曲线

    Fig.3 Particle diameter distribution of carbon black


    图4 未添加炭黑的纳米隔热材料SEM照片

    Fig.4 SEM image of nano-porous thermal insulating material without carbon black

  • 2.3 气相热导率随环境气压的变化规律

    尽管纳米隔热材料内部的气体热传导因其孔隙结构的纳米尺寸效应已大幅受限,但由于其较高的孔隙率(一般在80%以上),加之可能还含有一定数量的较大尺度非理想结[2],气体热传导在整个热量传递中仍然占有很大甚至绝对的比例,表2中的测试数据显示,常压环境条件下气相热导率在整个热导率中占比超过了50%。为进一步认识、研究和掌握材料中的气体热传导特性及气相热导率变化规律,通过测试获得了上述材料在不同气压环境条件下的气相热导率,如图5所示。可以看到,气相热导率在半对数坐标系中随环境气压的降低而下降,并且依据下降快慢可以划分为三个阶段,101.325~30 kPa之间下降最快,变化值约为6 mW/(m·K);30~0.1 kPa之间下降较快,变化值约为2 mW/(m·K);0.1~0.01 kPa之间下降最慢,基本可以忽略不计。


    图5 不同环境气压下纳米隔热材料的气相热导率

    Fig.5 Gaseous thermal conductivity of nano-porous thermal insulating material as a function of gas pressure









    由于氮吸附测试本身的局限性,其有效测试范围仅在纳米量级,难以完全、准确探测到材料中所有的孔隙结构,因此较大尺度的孔隙结构往往被遗[30],但采用其测试结果能够间接获得材料中较大尺度孔隙结构的含量。图5中未添加炭黑的样品实际是图1中表观密度203 kg/m3的样品,由氮吸附测试获得的较小尺度孔隙结构如图2所示,并且测试孔体积为4.25 cm3/g,为材料理论孔体积[由公式(4)计算得出]的95%,由此可以确定较大孔隙结构的占比仅为5%。这两种尺度范围孔隙结构含量的较大差别,导致101.325~30 kPa气相热导率的变化较30~0.1 kPa的变化快且大。由于材料中的孔隙结构尺度并非无限大,所有气体热传导在环境气压降低至0.1 kPa时均已被完全抑制,气相热导率接近于零,因此0.1~0.01 kPa之间气相热导率基本无变化。


    式中,Vp为材料的理论孔体积;ρ为材料的表观密度;ρs为材料固体部分的真密度,未添加炭黑时取值为2.20 g/cm3[25,31]



    式中,ε1ε2分别为两个典型尺度孔隙在材料总孔隙率φ中所占有的比例,Kn1Kn2分别是与两种典型尺度孔隙所对应的努森数。将材料中的较大孔隙结构直径赋值为10 μm,气相热导率计算曲线如图5所示。可以看到,计算曲线与测试数据吻合性较好,说明这一孔隙结构参数与材料的实际孔隙结构等效,能够代表材料的孔隙结构特征。此外,添加炭黑样品的测试数据也与计算曲线吻合性较好,说明这些样品的孔隙结构都可以等效为上述孔隙结构,并未反映出前面所提及的炭黑对孔隙结构造成的影响,可能是因为孔隙结构的变化过小,在热导率测试中未能够表现出来,因此各样品同等气压条件下的气相热导率以及变化阶段分界点极为接近。材料中这种微米量级的孔隙结构可能来源于材料制备过程中产生的少量微裂[2]。由此可见,设法减少甚至消除材料中的少量微裂纹,能够进一步降低气相热导率,从而起到优化材料隔热性能的目的。

  • 3 结论

    (1)未添加炭黑时,纳米隔热材料热导率随表观密度的变化以203 kg/m3为分界点呈现两个阶段的不同变化,分界点之前随表观密度的增大线性降低,分界点之后随表观密度的增大线性升高,并且后一阶段较前一阶段变化快。


    (3)在半对数坐标系中,纳米隔热材料的气相热导率随环境气压的降低而下降,并且依据下降速率可以划分为三个阶段,101.325~30 kPa之间下降最快,变化值约为6 mW/(m·K);30~0.1 kPa之间下降较快,变化值约为2 mW/(m·K);0.1~0.01 kPa之间下降最慢,基本可以忽略不计。同时,不管炭黑含量的多少,同等气压条件下的气相热导率以及变化阶段分界点极为接近。

    (4)纳米隔热材料的常压热导率在表观密度203 kg/m3时达到最低值16.62 mW/(m·K),添加5wt%的炭黑后可以进一步降低至14.50 mW/(m·K)。


    (1)当其表观密度高于203 kg/m3时,应设法降低固相热传导;



  • 参考文献

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      BOUQUEREL M, DUFORESTEL T, BAILLIS D, et al.Heat transfer modeling in vacuum insulation panels containing nanoporous silicas-a review [J]. Energy and Buildings, 2012, 54: 320-336.

    • 2

      胡子君,李俊宁,孙陈诚,等. 纳米超级隔热材料及其最新研究进展[J]. 中国材料进展, 2012, 31(8): 25-31.

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      HÜSING N,SCHUBERT U. Aerogels-airy materials: chemistry, structure, and properties [J]. AngewandteChemie International Edition, 1998, 37(1/2): 22-45.

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      LEE D, STEVENS P C, ZENG S Q, et al. Thermal characterization of carbon-opacified silica aerogels [J]. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 1995, 186: 285-290.

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      ZENG S Q, HUNT A, GREIF R. Geometric structure and thermal conductivity of porous medium silica aerogel [J]. Journal of Heat Transfer, 1995, 117: 1055-1058.

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      LU X, WAND P, BÜTTNER D, et al. Thermal transport in opcified monolithic silica aerogels [J]. High Temperatures-High Pressures,1991, 23: 431-436.

    • 7

      FRICKE J, LU X, WAND P, et al. Optimization of monolithic silica aerogel insulants [J]. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 1992, 35 (9): 2305-2309.

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      BARDY E R, MOLLENDORF J C, PENDERGAST D R. Thermal conductivity and compressive strain of aerogel insulation blankets under applied hydrostatic pressure [J]. Journal of Heat Transfer, 2007, 129(2): 232-235.

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      NOVAK K S, PHILLIPS C J, BURIR G C, et al. Development of a thermal control architecture for the Mars Exploration Rovers [C] // EI-GENK M S. Space Technology Applications International Forum. New York: America Institute of Physics, 2003: 194-205.

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      BHEEKHUN N, TALIB A R A, HASSAN M R. Aerogels in aerospace: an overview [J]. Advances in Materials Science and Engineering. 2013: 1-18.

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      CHEN K, NEUGEBAUER A, GOUTIERRE T, et al. Mechanical and thermal performance of aerogel-filled sandwich panels for building insulation [J]. Energy and Buildings, 2014, 76: 336-346.

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      REIM M, KÖRNER W, MANARA J, et al. Silica aerogel granulate material for thermal insulation and daylighting [J]. Solar and Energy. 2005, 79 (2): 131-139.

    • 13

      何雅玲,谢涛. 气凝胶纳米多孔材料传热计算模型研究进展[J]. 科学通报, 2015, 60(2): 137-163.

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      朱传勇,李增耀. 气凝胶中气相贡献热导率的数值求解[J]. 工程热物理学报, 2017, 38(8): 1753-1757.

    • 15

      赵越,唐桂华,陶文铨. 碳黑掺杂SiO2气凝胶热辐射特性的蒙特卡罗计算[J]. 工程热物理学报, 2015, 36(3): 591-595.

    • 16

      陆规,段远源,王晓东. 微米尺度结构特征对纳米材料热导率的影响[J]. 宇航材料工艺,2011,41(1):29-33.

    • 17

      BI C, TANG G H. Effective thermal conductivity of the solid backbone of aerogel [J]. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2013, 64: 452-456.

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      ZHAO Y, TANG G H. Numerical study of radiative properties of nanoporous silica aerogel [J]. International Journal of Thermal Sciences. 2015, 89: 110-120.

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      YU H T, LIU D, DUAN Y Y, et al. Theoretical model of radiative transfer in opacified aerogel based on realistic microstructures [J]. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2014, 70: 478-485.

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      ZHAO J J, DUAN Y Y, WANG X D, et al. Radiative properties and heat transfer characteristics of fiber-loaded silica aerogel composites for thermal insulation [J]. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2012, 55(19-20): 5196-5204.

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      LI Z Y, ZHU C Y, ZHAO X P. A theoretical and numerical study on the gas-contributed thermal conductivity in aerogel [J]. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2017, 108: 1982-1990.

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      XIE T, HE Y L. Heat transfer characteristics of silica aerogel composite materials:structure reconstruction and numerical modeling [J]. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2016, 95: 621-635.

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      YU H, LIU D, DUAN Y Y, et al. Applicability of the effective medium theory for optimizing thermal radiative properties of systems containing wavelength-sized particles [J]. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2015, 87: 303-311.

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      COQUIL T, FANG J, PILON L. Molecular dynamics study of the thermal conductivity of amorphous nanoporous silica [J]. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2011, 54(21-22): 4540-4548.

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      HRUBESH L W, PEKALA R W. Thermal properties of organic and inorganic aerogels [J]. Jornal of Materials Research, 1994, 9(3): 731-738.

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      ZHANG G, DASS A, RAWASHDEH A M, et al. Isocyanate-crosslinked silica aerogel monoliths: preparation and characterization [J]. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 2004, 350: 152-164.

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      KAGANER M G. Thermal insulation in cryogenic engineering [M]. Jerusalem: IPST Press, 1969: 1-200.

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      FRICKE J, TILLOTSON T. Aerogels production, characterization, and applications [J]. Thin Solid Films, 1997, 297(1-2): 212-223.

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      ZENG S Q, HUNT A, GREIF R.Theoretical modeling of carbon content to minimize heat transfer in silica aerogel [J]. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 1995, 186: 271-277.

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      杨海龙,王钦,王晓婷,等. 压汞和气体吸附在纳米超级隔热材料孔隙结构表征中的应用研究[J]. 复合材料学报, 2013, 30(S1): 273-278.

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      VOLLET D R, NUNES L M, DONATTI D A, et al. Structure characters of silica sonogels with different proportions of TEOS and TMOS [J]. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 2008, 354(14): 1467-1474.

    • 32

      REICHENAUER G, HEINEMANN U, EBERT H. Relationship between pore size and the gas pressure dependence of the gaseous thermal conductivity [J]. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 2007, 300(1-2): 204-210.


机 构:航天材料及工艺研究所,先进功能复合材料技术重点实验室,北京 100076

Affiliation:Science and Technology on Advanced Functional Composites Laboratory,Aerospace Research Institute of Materials & Processing Technology,Beijing 100076

角 色:第一作者

Role:First author

邮 箱:yhl20032003@126.com



机 构:航天材料及工艺研究所,先进功能复合材料技术重点实验室,北京 100076

Affiliation:Science and Technology on Advanced Functional Composites Laboratory,Aerospace Research Institute of Materials & Processing Technology,Beijing 100076


机 构:航天材料及工艺研究所,先进功能复合材料技术重点实验室,北京 100076

Affiliation:Science and Technology on Advanced Functional Composites Laboratory,Aerospace Research Institute of Materials & Processing Technology,Beijing 100076


机 构:航天材料及工艺研究所,先进功能复合材料技术重点实验室,北京 100076

Affiliation:Science and Technology on Advanced Functional Composites Laboratory,Aerospace Research Institute of Materials & Processing Technology,Beijing 100076


机 构:航天材料及工艺研究所,先进功能复合材料技术重点实验室,北京 100076

Affiliation:Science and Technology on Advanced Functional Composites Laboratory,Aerospace Research Institute of Materials & Processing Technology,Beijing 100076










表1 纳米隔热材料的制备

Tab.1 Synthesis condition of nano-porous thermal insulating materials

图1 纳米隔热材料热导率与表观密度之间的关系

Fig.1 Relationship between thermal conductivity and apparent density of nano-porous thermal insulating materials

图2 纳米隔热材料典型样品的孔径分布曲线

Fig.2 Pore diameter distribution of typical samples with different apparent densities

表2 纳米隔热材料的热导率

Tab.2 Thermal conductivity of nano-porous thermal insulating materials

图3 炭黑的粒度分布曲线

Fig.3 Particle diameter distribution of carbon black

图4 未添加炭黑的纳米隔热材料SEM照片

Fig.4 SEM image of nano-porous thermal insulating material without carbon black

图5 不同环境气压下纳米隔热材料的气相热导率

Fig.5 Gaseous thermal conductivity of nano-porous thermal insulating material as a function of gas pressure

image /








  • 参考文献

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      BOUQUEREL M, DUFORESTEL T, BAILLIS D, et al.Heat transfer modeling in vacuum insulation panels containing nanoporous silicas-a review [J]. Energy and Buildings, 2012, 54: 320-336.

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      胡子君,李俊宁,孙陈诚,等. 纳米超级隔热材料及其最新研究进展[J]. 中国材料进展, 2012, 31(8): 25-31.

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      HÜSING N,SCHUBERT U. Aerogels-airy materials: chemistry, structure, and properties [J]. AngewandteChemie International Edition, 1998, 37(1/2): 22-45.

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      FRICKE J, LU X, WAND P, et al. Optimization of monolithic silica aerogel insulants [J]. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 1992, 35 (9): 2305-2309.

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      NOVAK K S, PHILLIPS C J, BURIR G C, et al. Development of a thermal control architecture for the Mars Exploration Rovers [C] // EI-GENK M S. Space Technology Applications International Forum. New York: America Institute of Physics, 2003: 194-205.

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      何雅玲,谢涛. 气凝胶纳米多孔材料传热计算模型研究进展[J]. 科学通报, 2015, 60(2): 137-163.

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      赵越,唐桂华,陶文铨. 碳黑掺杂SiO2气凝胶热辐射特性的蒙特卡罗计算[J]. 工程热物理学报, 2015, 36(3): 591-595.

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      陆规,段远源,王晓东. 微米尺度结构特征对纳米材料热导率的影响[J]. 宇航材料工艺,2011,41(1):29-33.

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      ZHAO Y, TANG G H. Numerical study of radiative properties of nanoporous silica aerogel [J]. International Journal of Thermal Sciences. 2015, 89: 110-120.

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      YU H T, LIU D, DUAN Y Y, et al. Theoretical model of radiative transfer in opacified aerogel based on realistic microstructures [J]. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2014, 70: 478-485.

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      ZHAO J J, DUAN Y Y, WANG X D, et al. Radiative properties and heat transfer characteristics of fiber-loaded silica aerogel composites for thermal insulation [J]. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2012, 55(19-20): 5196-5204.

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      LI Z Y, ZHU C Y, ZHAO X P. A theoretical and numerical study on the gas-contributed thermal conductivity in aerogel [J]. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2017, 108: 1982-1990.

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      XIE T, HE Y L. Heat transfer characteristics of silica aerogel composite materials:structure reconstruction and numerical modeling [J]. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2016, 95: 621-635.

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      YU H, LIU D, DUAN Y Y, et al. Applicability of the effective medium theory for optimizing thermal radiative properties of systems containing wavelength-sized particles [J]. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2015, 87: 303-311.

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      COQUIL T, FANG J, PILON L. Molecular dynamics study of the thermal conductivity of amorphous nanoporous silica [J]. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2011, 54(21-22): 4540-4548.

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      HRUBESH L W, PEKALA R W. Thermal properties of organic and inorganic aerogels [J]. Jornal of Materials Research, 1994, 9(3): 731-738.

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      ZHANG G, DASS A, RAWASHDEH A M, et al. Isocyanate-crosslinked silica aerogel monoliths: preparation and characterization [J]. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 2004, 350: 152-164.

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      KAGANER M G. Thermal insulation in cryogenic engineering [M]. Jerusalem: IPST Press, 1969: 1-200.

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      FRICKE J, TILLOTSON T. Aerogels production, characterization, and applications [J]. Thin Solid Films, 1997, 297(1-2): 212-223.

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      ZENG S Q, HUNT A, GREIF R.Theoretical modeling of carbon content to minimize heat transfer in silica aerogel [J]. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 1995, 186: 271-277.

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      杨海龙,王钦,王晓婷,等. 压汞和气体吸附在纳米超级隔热材料孔隙结构表征中的应用研究[J]. 复合材料学报, 2013, 30(S1): 273-278.

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      VOLLET D R, NUNES L M, DONATTI D A, et al. Structure characters of silica sonogels with different proportions of TEOS and TMOS [J]. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 2008, 354(14): 1467-1474.

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      REICHENAUER G, HEINEMANN U, EBERT H. Relationship between pore size and the gas pressure dependence of the gaseous thermal conductivity [J]. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 2007, 300(1-2): 204-210.