Abstract:The tensile propertiesꎬ surface morphologyꎬ laminate mechanical properties and AGS cylinder axial
compression stability of MT700 carbon fiber have been studied graduallyꎬ compared with T700-A and T700-B carbon
fibers. The tensile strength of MT700 has catch up with T700-A and T700-B. The homogeneous groove on fiber sur ̄
face could effectively improve its interfacial property and tensile ̄compress compatibility. Thereforeꎬ the compressive
strengthꎬ interlaminar shear strength and flexural strength for MT700/603 are superior to T700-A/603 and T700-B/
603. The maximum failure load and axial compression modulus of MT700/603 AGS cylinder are as high as 870 kN
and 108.2 GPaꎬ respectivelyꎬ which have increased by 11.5% and 33.1% compared to T700-B/603. The results
demonstrated that MT700 carbon fiber is suitable for preparing load ̄carrying component in aerospace structural com ̄