Abstract:Fluorine rubber is a kind of polymer whose main or side chains contain fluorine atoms.Fluorine rubber
has excellent chemical stability and excellent resistance to high vacuumꎬhigh temperatureꎬacid and so on.Howeverꎬ
because of fluorine atomsꎬits polarity increases and fluorine rubber has disadvantage in low tempertature resistance.
From the molecular structure synthetiseꎬ blend modificationꎬrecipe design and process conditionsꎬ we summarized
low ̄temperature modification methods of fluorine rubber.Among these four kinds methodesꎬwe mainly analysis molecu ̄
lar structure synthetise and blend modification.Molecular structure synthetise means the introduction of flexible groups
to the main chain or side chainꎬsuch as fluoroether rubber and fluorinated silicone rubberꎻrubber blend means we mix
fluoroelastomer and other elastomer which has great low temperature property evenly by some means.At lastꎬwe pro ̄
posed development trends and application of low ̄temperature modification of fluorine rubber.