Abstract:T300 carbon fiber reinforced silicon carbide matrix (Cf / SiC) minicomposites were prepared by pre鄄
cursor infiltration and pyrolysis, using the different thickness of the pyrolysis carbon on the carbon fiber. The proper鄄
ties of Cf / SiC composites were tested and compared. The microscopy structure was characterized by SEM and Raman
sheet. The results show that the composites have crack deflection, and the layer phenomenon on the composites忆inter鄄
face is more obvious after the high temperature treatment. Mechanical test results show that the tensile strength of the
composites increases as the PyC thickness increases initially and decreases afterwards (the thickness of with the pyrol鄄
ysis carbon is between 0 to 150 nm). The maximum tensile strength is 1 385. 7 MPa when the pyrolysised carbon
thickness is 60 nm.