Abstract:Selecting 1420 aluminum lithium alloy and galvanized steelꎬthe technology of clinching was applied to
join the single lap ̄jointed joints in different sequence.The static mechanical behavior text were carried out to examine
the mechanical behavior of 1420-1420ꎬgalvanized steel-1420 and galvanized steel ̄galvanized steel joints.Scanning e ̄
lectron microscope was used to analyze the tensile fracture of the joints.It can be seen from experiments that the ten ̄
sile ̄shear strength and energy absorption of galvanized steel-1420 joint are the biggest (3 119.3 Nꎬ4.757 J)ꎬ and
much greater than that of 1420-1420 joints(2 243.403 Nꎬ0.598 J).The failure modes of 1420-1420 joints are neck ̄
fractureꎬthe failure modes of galvanized steel ̄galvanized steel joints are mixed failure.Microscopic analysis showed that
the two type of joints both had cleavage and dimple morphological features.The failure modes of galvanized steel-1420
joints are button separationꎬthe fracture of joints are ductile fracture