Abstract:A new structural model was built to study impact properties of the three ̄layer three ̄dimensional
curved shallow ̄crossing linking woven composites (3D composites)ꎬ using mapping software Pro/ Engineer. Mechani ̄
cal properties of the 3D compositeꎬunder quasi ̄static impact loads were analyzed using finite element software ANSYS
workbench. The distribution of stress & strain on fibers and resin matrix in 3D compositesꎬ as well as the failure mode
of the 3D compositesꎬwere discussed and predictedꎬ respectively. Results show that under the quasi ̄static impact
loadsꎬ transfixion damage formed in the place where the punch impact on the 3D composite.The fibers undertake more
impact loads and show larger impact stress.The resin matrix show major impact strain.Transfixion damage caused by
deformation of 3D composite is the main impact fracture modeꎬ which includes breakage of fibersꎬ fragmentation of
resin matrix and debond between fibers and resin matrix.