Abstract:The effect of thermal behavior on tensile properties of 30% carbon fiber reinforced polyether鄄ether鄄ke鄄
tone (CF/ PEEK) and the damage mechanism at high temperature was investigated. The fracture morphology of ten鄄
sile sample was observed with SEM. Test results show that with the increase of the temperature, the elastic modulus
and the tensile strength decrease dramatically while the elongation at break rises continuously. Fiber鄄matrix debond鄄
ing, even the failure at the fiber鄄matrix interphase and glass transition of the matrix is the main reason of the decrease
in the tensile properties. Finite element method (FEM) was used to analyze the fatigue life of the rudder pedal made
of this material in different environment temperatures. The fatigue life decreases with the increase of temperature.
Based on the equation of Coffin鄄Manson and Manson爷s slopes equation, the relationship between fatigue life and tem鄄
perature was built.