Abstract:The influence of hygrothermal environment on compressive property of woven carbon fiber epoxy resin
composite was investigated via compress test under different hygrothermal environment. Moisture absorption, compres-
sive property, failure modes and dynamic mechanical property were analyzed. The results show that the moisture ab-
sorption of woven carbon fiber epoxy resin composite is not high, which is just about 0. 88%. The compressive strength
of the laminates, dominated by the matrix, are reduced by the hygrothermal conditions. The retention rate of compres-
sive strength are about 70% on the condition of 130℃ after moisture absorption. The failure modes of composite lami-
nate with hole were hole failure, the damage occurred in the area of stress concentration, and the fracture was extend
in the direction of the stress concentration of the largest. The side of fracture morphology was mainly shear failure,
and the characteristic of buckling and delaminating. The glass transition temperature(DMA T g ) of composite after
moisture absorption is 125℃, which is 16℃ lower than dry contitions.