Abstract:A 3D six鄄layer curved shallow鄄crossing linking lightweight fabric used for armed car interior was pre鄄
pared using glass fiber with the linear density of 2 400 tex as raw material on a 3D loom modeled SGA598. The curved
shallow鄄crossing linking composite applying in armored car interior was successfully prepared by hand composite mod鄄
eling. The curved shallow鄄crossing linking and resin system was composed of epoxy resin and polyether amine in a
mass ratio of 3 颐1,in the mass ratio of 2 颐1,3 颐2,1 颐1,2 颐3 and 1 颐2. Universal material testing machine modeled Instron
3385H was employed to characterize the bending property of the composite and the effect of resin content to the ben鄄
ding property of the composites was studied. Scanning electron microscope was employed to observe the fracture inter鄄
faces of the composite and for further study on bending failure mechanism of the composite. the composite possesses
excellent mechanical. Both of the bending strength and the bending modulus reach the maximum when the mass ratio
of fabrics and resin is 1 颐1. The fragmentation of resin matrix and the extraction and breakage of fiber is the main fail鄄
ure mode of the composite.