Abstract:The inner flow thermal environment of engine has been simulated by the arc鄄heater double鄄models
rectangle turbulent duct technique in this paper. And the thermal protection performance of the thermal protection ma鄄
terials with high鄄emissivity rear coating has been tested. The improved model installation method, which can provide
open鄄type environment with normal temperature in the material rear, can make sure that the rear coating of material
can radiated energy to the atmosphere or wall with normal temperature. And the heat transfer environment of the mate鄄
rial rear has been simulation by this method. The type鄄K thermocouples and single鄄wavelength infrared thermometer
were used to measure the high鄄emissivity rear coating temperature. According to the rear temperatures measured by
the two kinds of instruments, the spectral emissivity vs. temperature curve can be found. The results show that the
rear temperature of thermal protection materials with high鄄emissivity rear coating is 81. 1 K lower than that without
high鄄emissivity rear coating. The spectral emissivity of high鄄emissivity rear coating 着姿(姿=1. 6 滋m) is 0. 89 to 0. 77
for the temperature range from 1 103 to 1 153 K, and 着姿decreases when the temperature increases.