The two cf-zerodur composites mirrors with and without pre-embedded parts are polished by continuous polishing method, and they are under stability experiment after polishing. The surface figures of the cf-zerodur composites mirrors are measured by a Zygo interferometer. The surface errors of the mirror without pre-embedded parts after the stability experiment are as follows:the P-V error is 2. 313λ,the RMS error is 0. 669λ. The surface errors of the mirror with pre-embedded parts after the stability experiment are as follows: the P-V error is 3. 013λ,the RMS error is 0. 276λ(λ =632. 8 nm). The experimental results show that the structure of cf-zerodur composites mirror with pre-embedded parts is better than that of without pre-embedded parts. The paper presents some references for the application of cf-zerodur composites mirrors.