Abstract:Polysiloxanes containing Si—H and Si CH詤CH2 were synthesized by cationic ring鄄opening poly鄄
merization of 1,2,3,4鄄tetramethyl鄄1,2,3,4鄄tetravinyl cyclotetrasiloxane and 1,2,3,4鄄tetramethyl cyclotetrasiloxane.
The polysiloxanes were characterized by fourier transfer infrared spectrometer,nuclear magnetic resonance, gel perme鄄
ation chromatography, and hermogravimetric analyses. The results indicated the polymers have designed structure,
their molecular weight, viscosities, and the ratios of Si—H to Si CH詤CH2 could be adjusted by changing the ra鄄
tio of raw materials. The new polysiloxanes have low viscosity and high ceramic yield.