The reusable storage tank is a key component of reusable launch vehicles. Long service life, complex stress, and unique configuration are the difficulties in the development of reusable launch vehicles. In order to find a scientific and reasonable development method, the design, manufacturing, and testing of reusable liquid oxygen storage tanks are studied. On the basis of the development of traditional rocket storage tanks, innovative research is carried out, the design idea, design concept and material selection of the tanks is expounded. The front support of the liquid oxygen storage tank, the connection structure between the energy dissipator and the accessories inside the tank are invented. Research on the forming process of the bottom of the tank and the welding method of the tank has shown that the integral spinning forming process is superior to the traditional melon petal welding process, and vacuum electron beam welding can ensure the quality and dimensional accuracy of the box. Innovation in the experiment includes replacing full-scale real environment testing with specimen level front support structure selection testing and ultimate strength testing, conducting out of external energy dissipator testing instead of internal testing, and incorporating fiber optic detection technology into traditional static tank testing.